love these guys:
It's Sex Criminals day, all. #BrimpUp
Same. Proven fact that the best Image books are made by creative teams who bicker at each other 24/7.
love these guys:
It's Sex Criminals day, all. #BrimpUp
Give me summary about this month Avengers.
A cat that cleans up his own shit? Sounds like a superhero to me.
Avengers 36 spoilers, obvs:
Sunspot bought AIM and is using their multiverse tech to send a strike team out to combat the supposed "big bad" behind the multiversal collapse. Hyperion's awesome zebra kids are there being awesome and smart, Hickman getting to add some wise children always makes me happy. Unworthy Thor is on the team so he can redeem himself, plus Hyperion (since he came from that same multiverse gate at the start of the run) and a bunch of Ex Nihili (probably my favourite new character, I love how enthusiastic and comically moral he is). Meanwhile, Sunspot is talking about how he's going to fix the Avengers, no idea what he's up to there. And just before the strike team go through the gate the flashbacks reveal that they all know they're going to their deaths beyond. Dun DUN!
Also thought the art was just really really good, Caseli is always good to see when he isn't being wasted on that awful hollow Avengers World nonsense.
Batman was more WOAH this week, but Avengers was just better. To be fair, Avengers is going to be my book of the week all the way up until the end of this run. I'm just too excited by the whole thing. Everyone seems to be sleeping on it, and it's one of the best 'event' style books ever made. It's just super fucking long (70-odd issues and counting with New Avengers and Infinity, will likely be 100 by the time it's all done) and lots of people seemed to lose patience with it.
Batman was insane. So fucking good. That ending is chilling. HOW?
I feel like I've missed something too-maybe because I only read the core Batman title,Why was Bruce in a room with Court of Owls stuff with Julia Remarque? Is this Batman Eternal related?
I've been rereading Hick's stuff from the "beginning" in FF and it's actually really longer than just all the Avengers issues. There's at least 50 integral issues in that initial run.
BTW, I'd totally forgotten about how they resolve the Mad Celestials. Galactus, Herald of Franklin knocked me on my pants once again. I'd totally forgotten, and I was like "OH MY GOD."
Based Hickman.
I got the Hickman FF Omnibus vol 1 last month and can't wait for the next, will definitely start fresh from the beginning once that's out.
I've been rereading Hick's stuff from the "beginning" in FF and it's actually really longer than just all the Avengers issues. There's at least 50 integral issues in that initial run.
BTW, I'd totally forgotten about how they resolve the Mad Celestials. Galactus, Herald of Franklin knocked me on my pants once again. I'd totally forgotten, and I was like "OH MY GOD."
Based Hickman.
Do they mix together FF and Fantastic properly?
The first volume is Dark Reign: Fantastic Four 1-5, Dark Reign: The Cabal, Fantastic Four 570-588 and FF 1-5 in that order. Not sure if the 2nd volume will have the books in the proper order, but I'm assuming so.
Have you read the second half? should we be spoilering our posts for you?
Today is officially Ennis Punisher day for me. Just finished the first 5-issue arc in Ennis/Dillon Punisher (the last few pages are amazing; Frank Castle at his most badass) and now I'm gonna reread the Kitchen Irish arc from Punisher MAX.
It's a good day.
Oh, I also read another issue of Ronin this morning. It keeps getting better. Really great dystopian future stuff.
Same. Proven fact that the best Image books are made by creative teams who bicker at each other 24/7.
Oh, also regarding Punisher, does anyone else really dislike Tim Bradstreet's covers for all of the Ennis Punisher stuff? They just look like pictures that somebody threw into Photoshop and cranked up the contrast on. And they don't fit the tone of the Marvel Knights Punisher stuff at all. At least they sort of fit on Punisher MAX, but I still really dislike the aesthetic.
Kitchen Irish was like the weakest MAX story.
Yeah, I liked them when I was 14, but as I've gotten older, I feel like a lot of the earlier ones haven't aged well. Some of the MAX ones are fantastic though. But I always felt like he traced, though I don't think he did. He did have models though.
A lot of them end up feeling very samey though, so I wished Bradstreet would experiment more and try out new things.
I really like the new Gerads covers, and I loved Dave Johnson's covers post-Ennis.
But Thor????has two arms
I hope someone got fired for that blunder.
haha yeah me too, I only re-read it a couple of weeks ago (onto Avengers again now which explains the fever pitch of my hype). I forgot just how big that Celestials thing was alltogether, they were so menacing and the artists just slayed with them. Bobillo and Epting especially. The Galactus line had me rolling a tear, gotta say. The flip from despair to elation in that issue was such a rush, and then all the issues afterwards are sweet character pieces. So good. My biggest re-surprise of the run was just how incredible the Dragotta issues were - he gave us this:
Usually for new books and runs, yeah. Creators I follow always talk about how important it is so shops can order more copies. I always thought of pulling as the shops regularly setting aside certain books for you.
oh hey Hawkeye Vol 3 is finally out
trade waiters nationwide are rejoicing
I trade-wait for the OHCs. Luckily I'm a very, very patient man. Haha
Freeza, my store didn't order any copies of Ravine((
Ahaha holy fuck, how did I not notice this before!? Batgirl spoilers!Maybe it's already been mentioned and I either missed it or am LTTP.Is that Sailor Moon in the cafe on page 5? You can see her silhouette.
haha yeah me too, I only re-read it a couple of weeks ago (onto Avengers again now which explains the fever pitch of my hype). I forgot just how big that Celestials thing was alltogether, they were so menacing and the artists just slayed with them. Bobillo and Epting especially. The Galactus line had me rolling a tear, gotta say. The flip from despair to elation in that issue was such a rush, and then all the issues afterwards are sweet character pieces. So good. My biggest re-surprise of the run was just how incredible the Dragotta issues were - he gave us this:
With the Omnibus on the Horizont, I think there will be no OHCs anymore...
I refuse to think Marvel could do this. I would be so mad. First, because I'd have to sell my OHC and then buy the omnibus (which has a ridiculous MSRP and would end up costing way more than just getting a second OHC), and second, because the 12-ish issue OHC is by far the best format for comics. They're so comfortable to read but still contain a good amount of issues.
It wouldn't be the first time they did this. The Fraction / Brubaker Iron Fist series (which was omg amazeballs) got an omnibus containing the first three hardcovers, then that was it. The final two volumes of the series had to be bought seperately. Sometimes Marvel is in such a fucking rush to condense their volumes that they don't think ahead. Granted, Hawkeye may get the second OHC, but given how slowly that book is coming out, you may be waiting until 2017.
Oh man. Issue #6 of the Punisher Marvel Knights run, "Do Not Fall in New York City," is such a great standalone issue.
I also picked up Ragnarok #2 because I am weak.
I refuse to think Marvel could do this. I would be so mad. First, because I'd have to sell my OHC and then buy the omnibus (which has a ridiculous MSRP and would end up costing way more than just getting a second OHC), and second, because the 12-ish issue OHC is by far the best format for comics. They're so comfortable to read but still contain a good amount of issues.
Yeah, love OHCs, too. They arent to expensive and have a good content size.I refuse to think Marvel could do this. I would be so mad. First, because I'd have to sell my OHC and then buy the omnibus (which has a ridiculous MSRP and would end up costing way more than just getting a second OHC), and second, because the 12-ish issue OHC is by far the best format for comics. They're so comfortable to read but still contain a good amount of issues.
But the omnibus contained all the Fraction/Brubaker stuff, right? Just not the following stuff collected in the second complete collection.
Yeah, love OHCs, too. They arent to expensive and have a good content size.
Sometimes with Hickman, what some call "payoff" feels like stockholm syndrome. "I've been buying this for 24 months and stuff happened this week. AMAZING!!!!!"
I dislike his Avengers run because it just has nothing to do with core Avengers and their character growth, substituted for his new pick of blank canvases instead. With New Avengers, its really just a continuation of his FF run with Reed, T'challa, and Namor, and everyone else are cardboard cutouts along for the ride. Dr Strange had a bit of fun development, but even that was slowwww movin'.
AXIS was as fucking dumb as I feared. Didn't buy, gave it a quick flick read (the shame of it). Boy are they proud of that little bit of logo graphic design. Says a lot really. Fantastic fucking asspull xanatos shit there at the end as well. The Remender milk has gone fully bad.
Just a day or two after you were talking about how Ragnarok is just a cash grab.
Shameful. Haha
AXIS was as fucking dumb as I feared. Didn't buy, gave it a quick flick read (the shame of it). Boy are they proud of that little bit of logo graphic design. Says a lot really. Fantastic fucking asspull xanatos shit there at the end as well. The Remender milk has gone fully bad.
My only complaint with AXIS was Kubert. Kinda over that dude.
You got your Fear Itself 2. I hold you personally responsible.