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Platforms: PS4, Xb1, PC (Epic)
Release date: August 27, 2019
MSRP: $59.99
Metacritic: 81 Based on 43 Reviews
Open Critic: 84 Based on 111 Reviews
Review Quotes:
Easy Allies 9/10
Game Revolution 9/10
IGN 8.8/10
Game Informer 8.8/10
Gamespot 8/10
Digital Trends 7/10
Push Square 7/10
Video Reviews:
Easy Allies:

Platforms: PS4, Xb1, PC (Epic)
Release date: August 27, 2019
MSRP: $59.99
Metacritic: 81 Based on 43 Reviews
Open Critic: 84 Based on 111 Reviews

Review Quotes:
Easy Allies 9/10
Control is an incredible marriage of storytelling, world building, exploration, and combat. The obsessive attention to detail is bolstered by a superb ensemble cast and likable lead protagonist. The Oldest House is an astonishing place to explore, rife with unexpected turns and exciting battles that continually escalate in thoughtful ways. The performance has some room for improvement, but even now Control is a must-play.
Game Revolution 9/10
From its narrative to its world to its puzzles and combat, Control intrigues its players and invites them to think and rewards them handily for doing so; a true remedy for overly linear and coddling game design.
IGN 8.8/10
Control is set in an engrossingly weird paranormal world that I couldn’t help but explore. Jesse’s versatile psychic skills and main weapon make for thrilling ranged combat. And thanks to a strong supporting cast, a well-written script, and plenty of intriguing breadcrumb trails, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my adventure through the shifting rooms of Oldest House. Jesse’s personal story feels like an afterthought next to that, but there’s enough to Control’s world that I remain invested in uncovering every secret, even though the story’s over.
Game Informer 8.8/10
Control's intense firefights are fun, but they don't evolve much in the second half. Fortunately, its unsettling mood and explosive moments more than balance the scales
Gamespot 8/10
It's not often that a game invades my thoughts the way Control has. I'm at the point where I want to consume every last thing it has to offer. And if I'm honest, it also makes me want to go back and replay Remedy's past games, too. Sure, it's a faulty metroidvania in some respects, but there are so many exceptional qualities afoot that Control handily deflects any momentary ire. I can't wait to take part in discussions about the game, to see what others have figured out, and to better understand where it all fits into Jesse's story.
Digital Trends 7/10
Control feels like the first step in a bigger project for Remedy Entertainment. While it doesn’t reach its full potential in storytelling and there isn’t enough variation in the combat, the powers that are there are great and the creepy atmosphere complement the action well. Traditional single-player games that aren’t bogged down in level-gating or unnecessary role-playing mechanics are a rarity these days, and that alone makes Control worth paying full price for.
Push Square 7/10
There’s no doubting that Control is a good experience, but it’s not one that’ll go down in the history books. Its explorative and combat-focused gameplay is a major highlight thanks to abilities that give you the chance to get creative, but the unreliable framerate that goes with it puts a stop to the enjoyment far too frequently. This is most definitely worth playing, but that’s about as far as any substantial praise can go.
Video Reviews:
Easy Allies:
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