Persona7 said:No patch yet?
They said "later this month".
Persona7 said:No patch yet?
ah alright.Hawkian said:I'm not using havel's ring and I never will.
I'm using the ninja ring and swapping out the other depending on my needs. My equip load is less than 50%, which is all you need for full mobility with the ninja ring.
If I wear the helm, it puts me over the top and I can only flop roll. See the image above to see what I look like as a result.
oh yeahOoccoo said:I've played like 3 hours and I'm still at the beginning at least that's my feeling.
bj00rn_ said:I'm starting to get the game now - After 15 hours of pain.. Opening up areas, learning the combat, leveling up. I'm now in the "just a few minutes more"-zone (Only 3 hours of sleep before work (on my way there now) today.. *yawn*)
Still have the same opinion though; The complete lack of info, and the harshness of the game in the beginning, the sometimes complete unforgiving and cheap moments, not good at all. I don't agree with the developers in some of their choices. I get that they were trying to elevate the feeling of accomplishment, and many in the game it actually does make sense. But the sometimes extreme ways it's done is simply not necessary. The grinding is too slow in the beginning. For that reason alone there should be a difficulty option.. There is a lack of information about everything, maybe not everything should be explained, but at least a little more.. Oh, and the camera... oh man..It's like the guy in charge of the camera and the guy in charge of the level design never spoke to eachother during the development..
With that said, the level design in this game is amazing, hats off, the way everything connects, the amazing verticality (Is that even a word..?) of the place. Overall, I love the way the game looks. Also love the "atmosphere". Like I said; I'm in the zone now, and can't wait to play it again. I'm afraid though that the cheap moments are far from done, and because of that I will never get to experience some large chunks of the game, plus the ending.. ...Should probably buy a strategy guide.. Actually, I think the game should come with a strategy guide....!
Hawkian said:Can anybody give me a quick synopsis onthe lordvessel, why I would or wouldn't want to give it to Frampt, and what I should be doing first?
I think most lay signs on the wooden bridge at the beginning.Pumpkins said:Can you summon people at the start of New Londo Ruins?...
That's it? Can you still do everything else besides join that if you give it to him as soon as you can?Cloudius12 said:If you want to join the Darkwraith Covenant, you have to defeat the Four Kings before you place the Lordvessel
Is it more cheesy then Stonesword and fireball/magic spear from long range?rdelaney said:Oh this "tranquil walk of peace" in combination with the fog ring is just too good in PvP. I can walk up all slow like a boss and slaughter them like a pig.
Also up to SL 97, anybody else up around there? I've got a good handful of areas still to do, and would like to try some co-op with a little more organization than usual.
Maffis said:So I got a titanite chunk, and I just defeated the second boss(es). Should I save it for later (don't think I can use it without a Large Ember) for another weapon or armor? Because I got the drake sword right now (friend helped me get it).
Could've24FrameDaVinci said:Okay so I solo'd the Bell Gargoyles and they didnt drop shit for me save for a few that normal?
I'm a sorc, combined 6 or 7 shotted both of em with Heavy Soul Arow. SL 27.54-46! said:Could've.cut the tail for an axe
24FrameDaVinci said:I'm a sorc, combined 6 or 7 shotted both of em with Heavy Soul Arow. SL 27.
Bernbaum said:Ok, I'll take your word for it. What's the framerate situation? Is it just the one area of the game or is it throughout?
You sound like a complete idiot.GodlyPerfection said:ROFL!!!! So I just executed one of the best invasions ever in anor londo.
You guys know where the two silver knights with the DragonSlayer bows are? Well from that ledge there are 5 windows that look INTO the bonfire room. Well sometimes when you invade someone they just wait at the bonfire. So I was watching this guy through the windows... he was too afraid to leave. So I sent him an XBL txt message that said "I'm watching you". He stopped to send me response of "orly". And then I told him that he had "nice havel armor + spear...." and then another message that said "nice stamina ring... it's awesome". After that I dropped down onto the balcony to confront him... tossed a lloyd's talisman and then backstabbed him and stabbed him again as he was writing a reply to my msgs. lol...
I can't believe I baited him into messaging me. rofl... and I didn't even get indicted. I'm a terrible terrible person.
More like a completely awesome person. Why the fuck would you write to the dude that invaded you LOLPhat Michael said:You sound like a complete idiot.
-1 makes a message disappear.sotodefonk said:What happens if someone down vote your messages?
Hawkian said:1. You spend 1 humanity to kindle a bonfire raising it to 10. Then that bonfire will always give 10.
2. For now, you'll unlock shortcuts that make things simpler- later you do get fast travel between bonfires.
3. These are just left by players. Lots of them are nonsense. If you see a good one, rate it (you must buy the orange soapstone from Solaire).
4. Humanity is both a commodity (an item) and a stat you keep on you. You spend one of what you have as you humanity stat to become human versus Hollow. If you die it goes to 0- but you can get it back with your souls if you recover. You keep the items when you die of course- using the item raises your humanity by 1.
hteng said:if there's a firekeeper at a bonfire, it is automatically kindled once, making them 10 flask at start. other bonfires get 5 flask at start.
Dash Kappei said:4. Ok. But why should I want to turn human? I mean, in Demon's for example you had more HP while alive, but if you died it turned the world's tendency more neutral/black/etc for example. What are the pro/cons here? Should I be super careful at how I use it? It can only be found as an item and there's a finite number in the world or it can also be bought or acquired from other means?
Oh. I thought Firekeeper's bonfire was the name of "hub" the place?I do remember seeing the "ghost" of a player resting there at Firekeeper's bonfire just before me, is that why I got the 10 flasks? If players use a bonfire while I'm connected it'll get kindled? Not sure I caught what you mean there, damn.
rance said:Man, none of that has to be spoiler tagged at all.
pedr0theli0n said:So for you guys wearing the huge crazy heavy armor... Do you have insane carryload or do you take the hit in agility? I'm trying to stay at <50% because every time I go above that I just feel so slow and clunky. Guess its just a preference?
Dash Kappei said:Oh. I thought Firekeeper's bonfire was the name of "hub" the place?I do remember seeing the "ghost" of a player resting there at Firekeeper's bonfire just before me, is that why I got the 10 flasks? If players use a bonfire while I'm connected it'll get kindled? Not sure I caught what you mean there, damn.
is that the dude that gives you the ring? If so, yes, and it's helped considerably. But I'm still wondering if people play the game at >50% carryload (or whatever the term is).mujun said:Have you kicked Havel's ass yet?
pedr0theli0n said:is that the dude that gives you the ring? If so, yes, and it's helped considerably. But I'm still wondering if people play the game at >50% carryload (or whatever the term is).
50% or less equip load or bust. I can't stand the slow row.pedr0theli0n said:is that the dude that gives you the ring? If so, yes, and it's helped considerably. But I'm still wondering if people play the game at >50% carryload (or whatever the term is).
pedr0theli0n said:So for you guys wearing the huge crazy heavy armor... Do you have insane carryload or do you take the hit in agility? I'm trying to stay at <50% because every time I go above that I just feel so slow and clunky. Guess its just a preference?
Dash Kappei said:Thanks a buch Hawkian.
Last thing: kinda bummed I chose the Ring that slowly repleneshes your HP as my starting item... I equipped it but my health never seem to regenerate?? Can't remember its name, will check that.
Off to play now, only good thing about being sick is that I don't have to go to work![]()
tetrisgrammaton said:Ah, so this thread pops up just as I get to blighttown....
Seriously, this game should not have shipped like this.
If you think it's unplayable you are just using it for an excuse. I've RAN through the zone, and I've done the zone the normal way. Take your time and just go slow til you learn the lay out.tetrisgrammaton said:Ah, so this thread pops up just as I get to blighttown....
Seriously, this game should not have shipped like this.
Why are people sad they killed sif, did i miss something? I was glad i finally killed that fucking wolf, hardest boss so far.Gr1mLock said:I killed sif =(......
Naeblish said:Why are people sad they killed sif, did i miss something? I was glad i finally killed that fucking wolf, hardest boss so far.