UFRA said:Wow, I just went to the dude to clear myself of sins and found out I have to pay 144,000. I'm not sure where that high total came from. I've NEVER invaded anyone, and the only other human players I've killed were people that invaded me. I also never killed an NPC.
Only things I can think of that may have caused it:
-I left Way of White covenant for Warriors of Sunlight
-I used my shield to hit Frampt a few times to wake him up
-I have summoned people to help me and they died
-I have been summoned and I died
I will wait til the patch and then that price will go down, so no biggie.
Also, Darkroot Garden completely finished now. F U invaders of the Forest covenant.
Mephala said:The number of sins doesn't matter I think. The price is based on your level, the higher your level the higher the cost in souls. Joining another Covenant without leaving the covenant via the guy in the bell tower gives you sin.
Edit. I hope that wasn't you I've been invading trying to get the fog ring.![]()
This.Giard said:No one here talks about it though. I think light armor looks a lot better than heavy armor, so I might use it and go for good looks.
What the--?hey_it's_that_dog said:That mimic drops the lightning spear (right?), so he wasn't lying! Just didn't give you all the information you might have wanted.![]()
Did you talk to Alvina? She asks a question about Sif. If you answer no, it counts as a sin. I talked to her on a new character and answered yes. I still sin, wtf.UFRA said:Wow, I just went to the dude to clear myself of sins and found out I have to pay 144,000. I'm not sure where that high total came from. I've NEVER invaded anyone, and the only other human players I've killed were people that invaded me. I also never killed an NPC.
Only things I can think of that may have caused it:
-I left Way of White covenant for Warriors of Sunlight
-I used my shield to hit Frampt a few times to wake him up
-I have summoned people to help me and they died
-I have been summoned and I died
I will wait til the patch and then that price will go down, so no biggie.
Also, Darkroot Garden completely finished now. F U invaders of the Forest covenant.
ChryZ said:Quick question regarding the lordvessel and boss souls:
Do I get the boss souls back once it was filled or are they gone forever? How can I use these souls to forge weapons if they're having this key function?
d'oh, cheersroxya said:Those souls aren't used for weapons.
There are spell called "fall control" or something like that. It allows to land without taking any damage.zerokoolpsx said:Forgot how cheap the encounter with the stray demon is. Into the encounter I have half health on a NG from the fall. His attack can finish you off. Fight isn't fair, not even remotely close. If I heal, I'm dead. Gotta run behind him to heal. I've beaten him before on another character. I just don't remember it being this hard. Taking a break from that fight because I'm am so pissed off right now.
zerokoolpsx said:Forgot how cheap the encounter with the stray demon is. Into the encounter I have half health on a NG from the fall. His attack can finish you off. Fight isn't fair, not even remotely close. If I heal, I'm dead. Gotta run behind him to heal. I've beaten him before on another character. I just don't remember it being this hard. Taking a break from that fight because I'm am so pissed off right now.
worldrevolution said:Lol at the taurus/capra in Demon's..I one shot these guys..
IrishNinja said:how
cmonnnnnnnnn patch
catashtrophe said:I've finally cleared the Demons Ruins and now got to the 1st bonfire in Lost Izalith and oh my god
This area might be the worst area i have ever seen in any game since the NES era. Boring lava area and attacking dragon legs?
WTF and i thought the Demons Ruins was crap but this is a low like i've never seen
worldrevolution said:So..final part of the onion knight quest..in lost Izalith.. jump down to fight the last octo guy..take a swing..and I hit Siegmeier....LOL...krist..there goes that game long quest. I didn't really need the titanite slab but it's like really.... I wonder if I absolved my sin it would have fixed the quest line. I doubt it for some reason. Now what to tell his daughter...ugghhhh my first hit NPC in 80 hours.
scosher said:I had a similar experience last night. On NG++, going for another guaranteed slab (and in NG+, when you're skipping everything, going out of your way to still do Siegmeyer's quest is such a pain in the ass), but then when I get to Lost Izalith, I decide I want to clear all but 1 so as to make sure Siegmeyer doesn't fall below 50% or some other dumb random shit like what happened to you.
Bad mistake. On the way up, the last Chaos Eater falls into the pit trap and Siegmeyer gives me the ring instead and thanks me for clearing it all before he jumps in.
IMO the best armor considering that is the Elite Knight armor fully upgraded except for the gauntlets (you can take the dark gauntlets instead).BigAT said:Is there any sort of consensus on what is the best armor when considering weight:defense ratio? I'm on NG+ and it feels like the armor I've been using just isn't effective anymore. I've been wearing Havel's Ring constantly and staying under 50% while using like 3 pieces of Stone Armor, but I'm thinking of switching to the flip ring and trying to get the effects of being below 25%. I haven't really experimented with upgrading any pieces yet so I'm not sure what gets better.
Septimius said:So it seems this PvP build is teh shit. I also figured that just standing in a dark Anor Londo gives me waaay more PvP action than trying to invade. And now I am able to fend off 3 people at once. I mean, they're really uncoordinated, and if you just scare them a bit, they won't stay focused on attacking you at once.
Best part yesterday was when I beat three people. Two of them spawned at once, and the third when one was dead. The second character used fog ring and TWoP, but even then, it was just an uncoordinated mess of attacks from the others, so I just did a couple of swings, and they died.
It is INSANE how much damage a +15 uchi with CMW (with tin crystallization catalyst) does. I imagine if I make a +15 bandit's, with the Hornet Ring and Parrying Dagger, I will be able to one shot most people.
I don't know about concensus, but an upgraded Steel Armor set's defense stats are pretty high (I'd post the numbers for my +9 set if I was home). 60 Poise and pretty easy to get under %50 for the flip ring with 40 endurance, depending on weapons/shields of course.BigAT said:Is there any sort of consensus on what is the best armor when considering weight:defense ratio? I'm on NG+ and it feels like the armor I've been using just isn't effective anymore. I've been wearing Havel's Ring constantly and staying under 50% while using like 3 pieces of Stone Armor, but I'm thinking of switching to the flip ring and trying to get the effects of being below 25%. I haven't really experimented with upgrading any pieces yet so I'm not sure what gets better.
BigAT said:Is there any sort of consensus on what is the best armor when considering weight:defense ratio? I'm on NG+ and it feels like the armor I've been using just isn't effective anymore. I've been wearing Havel's Ring constantly and staying under 50% while using like 3 pieces of Stone Armor, but I'm thinking of switching to the flip ring and trying to get the effects of being below 25%. I haven't really experimented with upgrading any pieces yet so I'm not sure what gets better.
I had to look him up just now, and wasn't surprised to see he did the soundtrack for Shadow of the Colossus. I thought the same thing when I first heard it.140.85 said:Listening to the soundtrack at work. Gaping Dragon is so Kow Otani.
sotodefonk said:Im using in NG+:
- the mask of father (the one that increase your equip load)
- paladin chest +5
- elite knight gloves +9 (I need a slab)
- antiquated skirt+5 (or +10? dont remember)
Pretty good defense and resistances, definetly the antiquated skirt its the best leg armor you can get for lower equip burden... fully upgraded gives you 62, which is more than smough legs armor. Also the mask of the father is because my BK axe wieghts a lot and I use the flip ring, so its needed for now.
Didnt have mayor problems in NG+ with this setup and a great shield (I think it was the lighter one, one made of wood).
You pretty much got it. Sinning = attacking a non-aggressive talk prompt NPC, or getting placed on the list through invading and receiving an indictment. I had patches go aggro n me in Catacombs even though I was trying to save him form stupid skellies that delay followed me from the cave. I promptly went to carim, (after killing everyone just pruior to NG+) and had to pay like 278,000 which I did with glitched souls. When I returned, patches cut in with the exact line he was talking about beoifre I hit him...and all was well for the humanity drop there.hey_it's_that_dog said:I believe you incur sin by attacking/killing NPCs and also by being indicted after killing other players. I also sinned by saying no to joining Alvina's covenent, but I don't know if that's true of all covenants. Leaving a covenant by joining another is not a sin (I'm pretty sure).
Oswald of Carim, the guy in the undead parish belltower, will forgive your sins, which resets aggro'd NPCs (but won't bring dead ones back). He'll tell you if you have sins by offering to absolve them.
I'm not sure what the various costs of having sin are, besides having NPCs be mad at you or not being able to join Alvina's forest hunters. I think that people with sin are subject to invasion by certain covenants? Someone else surely knows more about this than me.
tokkun said:So I invade this guy in The Depths. I run into him as he's reaching the hallway to the bonfire. He starts approaching me all slowly, I bow, and immediately a slime falls on his head. I stand next to him and do the wave animation while he is getting eaten. This takes off about 70% of his HP, so I stand still while he retreats and Estus's back to full.
When he runs back out, I bow to him again, and he attacks me mid-bow. Chivalry is dead.
zerokoolpsx said:Forgot how cheap the encounter with the stray demon is. Into the encounter I have half health on a NG from the fall. His attack can finish you off. Fight isn't fair, not even remotely close. If I heal, I'm dead. Gotta run behind him to heal. I've beaten him before on another character. I just don't remember it being this hard. Taking a break from that fight because I'm am so pissed off right now.
B-Genius said:What the--?
Should I try "the mimic" again?
Akuun said:I'm at a bit of a crossroads with where to put my stats.
Right now my important stats are something like 30 vit, 35 endurance and 40 dex. STR, INT, and FAI are all near minimal levels, and I'm wondering what stat I should pump. Obviously I've been fighting mostly physically and with pyromancy, but I'm not sure whether I want to go with sorcery or miracles more.
Giard said:IMO the Catarina armor is pretty good for its weight. But it's fugly.
YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW.Giard said:IMO the Catarina armor is pretty good for its weight. But it's fugly.
Zzoram said:Fugly? It looks great, but I don't wear heavy armors because of the stamina penalty.
I think the helmet and the gauntlets look awesome, but the chest should be renamed "Plated Love Handles".Quote said:YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW.
hey_it's_that_dog said:They are surprisingly strong, but if you just stay out of range and attack while they recover from their attacks, you'll get 'em. They have a grab that can be a one-hit kill, and their flying jumpkick is pretty strong too.
140.85 said:I find their fighting style hilarious. How do these chests know kung fu?
SovanJedi said:Okay, so I've been eyeing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls for a while based on positive word of mouth. My question is, should I start with Demon's Souls first or is it fine to jump on in with Dark Souls? I wouldn't mind knowing plot details, unless there is no true connection between the two games, but if Dark Souls is truly the better game then I have no qualms in skipping the first game.
There's no point in me asking if starting on Demon's Souls first would make the experience easier; I know the reputation these games have.![]()
SovanJedi said:Okay, so I've been eyeing Demon's Souls and Dark Souls for a while based on positive word of mouth. My question is, should I start with Demon's Souls first or is it fine to jump on in with Dark Souls? I wouldn't mind knowing plot details, unless there is no true connection between the two games, but if Dark Souls is truly the better game then I have no qualms in skipping the first game.
There's no point in me asking if starting on Demon's Souls first would make the experience easier; I know the reputation these games have.![]()