the sad thing is, once you clear Anor Londo and Dukes Archives..the game is incredibly downhill and painful from then on. i finished the game, started NG+< got to Dukes Archives in a couple of hours and then stopped playing. its just not fun anymore doing catacombs, tomb of the giants/crystal caves etc.
Fuck the Four Kings.![]()
The more I progress, the more I miss enemies dealing damage to each other. It made things very tactical in Demon's because you could position yourself so enemies would slice each other.
Feels cheap they don't do that now.
Just rung the first bell and I'm headed to New Londo Ruins. Wrong way? Ghosts are overwhelming me.
Just rung the first bell and I'm headed to New Londo Ruins. Wrong way? Ghosts are overwhelming me.
I might be remembering totally wrong but I think some enemies can hurt other enemies. It doesn't appear to be very common though.
Edit: the wiki says Bounding Demons can hurt each other, for example. I also have a vague and possibly false memory of a big knight hurting some grunts in the Painted World. Oh yeah, and the Hydra in the Basin definitely can kill crystal golems.
Hmm, I've played plenty of Demon's Souls and don't remember that. If you could I'm sure I would have abused the hell out of itEvery enemy hurt each other in Demon's though, unless I'm remembering incorrectly. I miss that![]()
You've made me doubt myself now but I was sure they did when I noticed enemies weren't in this game.
It happened more in Demon's, for sure.
Also, the Asylum Demon still destroys me. Mental boss.
You've made me doubt myself now but I was sure they did when I noticed enemies weren't in this game.
It happened more in Demon's, for sure.
Also, the Asylum Demon still destroys me. Mental boss.
The Asylum Demon? Really? Beat that thing's the same boss. They even reuse it later in the game. Really boring..roll back and circle strafe.
I either get killed quickly after dropping down (since I need to heal and can't find another way down to him) or after he knocks me down. If I get behind him I can get a good rhythm going, but then one of his attacks always gets me and it's game over.
I'm going to go to a few other things then come back to see if I can finally down the fat bastard.
Edit: Yeah, I meant the second fight with him.
So this is my first time playing Dark Souls. If I get the Drake Sword will it ruin the game? I googled how to get past the red dragon on the bridge and found out about the sword. I want to get it, but I don't want to break the game early.
I was thinking about this recently as well: how could they surprise us with new online concepts in the next game? (Boy, I hope there's a next game...)I have a great idea for the next Souls game!
there should be a new way of invading other people. Instead of invading other world with your own character, you will just posses one of the enemies in the level. But there won't be any way to tell for the invaded player about which regular enemy is being controlled by invader.
So invader could trick player by standing idle like other mobs. There is one disadvantage for invader, you will be using what the enemy mob has but then you have a great advantage of disguise. Since the invaded player won't expect a regular enemy to backstab him or use complex tactics in the middle of fight!
There should be some levels or restrictions for it. Maybe a level system etc. For example if the invader has a higher level he can posses a more tough enemy ie. one of those Black Knights.
Oh it would be fucking fun and hilarious.
So this is my first time playing Dark Souls. If I get the Drake Sword will it ruin the game? I googled how to get past the red dragon on the bridge and found out about the sword. I want to get it, but I don't want to break the game early.
I guess I don't pay as much attention. I just try and react when I see the enemies attacking, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. It's more fun like that, I think.More like pretty decent at cheesing the same AI I spent a hundred hours with in Demon's..once you get get it.. and it applies pretty much to everything in the game.
I played for several hours yesterday after grinding in the Darkroot Forest covenant area and I went from level 64-79. I beat Capra Demon (who was ridiculously easy) and the Moonlight Butterfly after my bro told me where it was which was easy too even though I almost died with no flasks left. Oh, and I took out the Hydra which was also surprisingly easy despite falling to my death two times.
I was going to fight Sif but then I read that you need high stamina or the Eagle Shield (which I don't have). I think I should more than strong enough to take him out without the Eagle Shield.
I tried to fight the Stray Demon but he kept kicking my ass but now that I read the strategy here (I'm still using the Drake sword as my main weapon as well and the soul arrows on the side), I don't think he should be that bad.
I also tried going into Blighttown but the freakin' toxic effect keeps killing me so it's keeping me from proceeding through the area. My brother told me that you can get a spell that removes Toxic in the New Londo Ruins where the ghosts are. But I ran out of Transient Curses so I'm forced to use the crappy Jagged Ghost Blade to take them out unless I grind for souls to buy some.
I played for several hours yesterday after grinding in the Darkroot Forest covenant area and I went from level 64-79. I beat Capra Demon (who was ridiculously easy) and the Moonlight Butterfly after my bro told me where it was which was easy too even though I almost died with no flasks left. Oh, and I took out the Hydra which was also surprisingly easy despite falling to my death two times.
I was going to fight Sif but then I read that you need high stamina or the Eagle Shield (which I don't have). I think I should more than strong enough to take him out without the Eagle Shield.
I tried to fight the Stray Demon but he kept kicking my ass but now that I read the strategy here (I'm still using the Drake sword as my main weapon as well and the soul arrows on the side), I don't think he should be that bad.
I also tried going into Blighttown but the freakin' toxic effect keeps killing me so it's keeping me from proceeding through the area. My brother told me that you can get a spell that removes Toxic in the New Londo Ruins where the ghosts are. But I ran out of Transient Curses so I'm forced to use the crappy Jagged Ghost Blade to take them out unless I grind for souls to buy some.
I don't believe there is any spell that cures toxin.
Go to the forest and farm the tree enemies for moss. One of the moss types will cure toxin (the "blooming" / white one). You shouldn't need too many. The enemies that cause toxin won't respawn after you kill them, which should make it easier to progress.
Seriously..I fell for the whole let's go to Londo ruins thing too. Who knew it's completely pointless to go there till extremely late in the game (I mean the actual inner ruins, not the shortcuts)..
I was invaded by Havel the Rock last week. As in, his gametag was Havel the Rock and he had Havel's full set, Dragon Tooth included. He kicked my ass, but it was hilarious.
No it's not. Going there early is integral as it lets you be a darkwraith the second you start the game
No it's not. Going there early is integral as it lets you be a darkwraith the second you start the game
So..early in your first went down past all the ghosts and up the elevator.. killed the npc..unlocked the boss fight..killed the kings..and joined the darkwraiths..
Did you bow to the npc before you killed him at least?
Remedy sounds like it does, but I've never used it so I don't know for sure. In any case, if that's the spell he's talking about, it's not in New Londo Ruins, it's in Blighttown (according to wiki).
I was going to say, you can't even get to that boss without the ring can you? Or the Lordvessel for that matter.
For the love of god, can anyone give me an easier strategy for The Four Kings? I've tried equipping heavy armor, two-handing, and casting Steel Flesh, but I'm still finding it to be fucking impossible. Now I'm just going back in with varying degrees of heavy armor (I generally travel light) to no avail. This last time I killed one, and then the second king did that magic burst three times in a row.
I'm definitely not under-leveled.
What weapon are you using? Perhaps try equipping the grass crest shield on your back and taking some green grass for added stamina regen. This combo with Lightning Iato +5, Havel's armor + antiquated skirt made the fight a breeze. Too easy actually.
I'm using a +2 Black Knight Sword. By Antiquated Skirt, do you mean the Gold-Hemmed Black Skirt? Because I have that, and Havel's armor. Lightning Iato = Lightning Spear?
I'm using a +2 Black Knight Sword and Havel's Armor. Lightning Iato = Lightning Spear?
+2 Black Knight sword is weaker than just about any weapon upgraded to elemental damage (unless you have massive strength stats?). A lightning Claymore at +2 does twice that much damage (split between physical and elemental).
You need to invest in a better weapon.
The Iaito is a katana and the antiquated skirt is different from the gold hemmed skirt.
As invading kept failing, and because my build is fucking awful for PvP, I decided to just get my souvenirs from the crows in the painted world.
Anyone have a link to that page which explain the ending & lore etc.?
I just finished it, but didn't really get an ending to speak of. It just.. ended. WTF?
There's two endings..just like Demon's. Either you take over as the new end boss of the game, or you don't. They're exactly the same. In essence, the end of both games is "the world continues just as it was, except now you're not so weak". Doesn't really need to be a giant cutscene or gobs of text to let you know in the end you haven't really done a thing to affect the world. Look out at the vistas from the castles in both games..endless, desolate, nothing. Flowers and shit don't sprout up all of a sudden just cause you won.