Can I grab that?![]()
What's a good boss fight/area to help people out on at level 26?
paul robertson tribute to souls
Did you hang on to the Halberd? That's another devastating weapon when upgraded, and probably an overall better weapon for PvE than the Claymore or Zweihander due to its combination of forward range and ability to be used in narrow spaces.
The main weakness of the Halberd is that it is not effective against players who move in close and circle you since it has no arc unless you use the R2, which is likely to get you backstabbed.
Tales of PvP: Last night I'm finishing up Duke's Archives and I get invaded. After wandering around for a good five minutes, I go to the bonfire I want to checkpoint at, near the crystal caves. I wait there a while and the guy still hasn't found me. He sends me a message that says "wtf" but I don't respond because I don't want to be messaging when he finds me.
I put on the fog ring, because as the one being invaded I have no qualms about using whatever will work, and wait another 5 minutes. The guy finally finds me, and casts TWoP while I hit him with my lightning claymore. Then he casts poison mist and gets me with it. I have no idea what he's going for at this point (because I have almost no PvP experience) and he isn't attacking me with his sword, which looks pretty big (gravelord, maybe).
So I'm TWoP'd and poisoned but not in any immediate danger. I keep moving towards him, and hit him a couple more times and he dies.
If this was a boring story, it's because it was a boring fight. Any thoughts on what this guy's strategy was supposed to be? I'm at SL 66 so I have to assume he was near that as well. Or does level matching only apply to jolly cooperation situations?
Is it possible to drop weapons so someone else can get trophies like you could on Demons Souls?
If so has anyone here got the "Knights Honour" All rare weapons trophy and could help me out?
Im on souls level 89 and need about 15 or so weapons?
Can this work in Dark Souls?
Most people who use TWoP suffer from tunnel vision. Most players aren't good enough to cast magic without lockon and you take away thier ability to lock on they act like headless chickens. I've got a few kills on people who use TWoP like that. lol
I feel that dark souls is most dangerous when you give your opponents the chance to attack...
Best shield ever, it's so good. I was able to block so many more attacks because of this shield.
Ok so I just beat the Moonlight Butterfly, and I already rang the bell on top of the church. Where should I go to next?
Capra Demon and then The Depths.
Fuuu I have been trying to beat the Capra Demon for an hour now. Those damn dogs.
paul robertson tribute to souls
here's the original res pic so you don't have to scale
12 casts of Wrath of the Gods + Tranquil Walk of Peace owns pretty well everyone that i've come across.
Let me be one in a long line of people tell you: You are an ass-hat. Simple as that.
Depends. Is he invading and doing that, or is he being invaded?
If he's being invaded then there's no issue, no mercy and no rules for invading griefer douchebags. Now if he's invading people and doing that then yes, he's an asshat. XD
Let me be one in a long line of people tell you: You are an ass-hat. Simple as that.
Washing pole, got one because I thought it looked badass, how is it? Worth upgrading? I already have queelags fury sword +5 and lightning spear +5 for context. I would need to pump another 2 points into strength to one hand it.
paul robertson tribute to souls
Remember, if you don't follow the strict code of conduct for Dark Souls PVP (as proclaimed here on GAF), you are either a) cheap, b) terrible, or c) cheap, terrible, and an asshole. Don't forget to always /bow at your target (even if they're running at you full speed and mid-swing, showing them respect will let them know you are the better man), don't forget to unequip your Ring of Fog (because PVP gear is not allowed in PVP), and don't forget you only need one attunement slot - to cast CMW on +15 Uchigatana (anything else is downright dirty).
Above all else, have fun! (cough)
You know....that whole discussion was ages ago. People expressed opinions, tensions were high, drama happened. But it's over.
Seems like you can't let it go and have to keep making little jabs every chance you get. Just drop it don't like bowing, we get it.
Remember, if you don't follow the strict code of conduct for Dark Souls PVP (as proclaimed here on GAF), you are either a) cheap, b) terrible, or c) cheap, terrible, and an asshole. Don't forget to always /bow at your target (even if they're running at you full speed and mid-swing, showing them respect will let them know you are the better man), don't forget to unequip your Ring of Fog (because PVP gear is not allowed in PVP), and don't forget you only need one attunement slot - to cast CMW on +15 Uchigatana (anything else is downright dirty).
Above all else, have fun! (cough)
It has nothing to do about bowing or me liking it or not. It has to do with users on here calling other users here names like "asshat, cheap c*nt, ring of f_g (it ain't an o) user" because they don't play the game the way they want them to.. How about people get over THAT. Do you get that?
Let me be one in a long line of people tell you: You are an ass-hat. Simple as that.
nah, i only do it to people invading my game. ;P
i especially love owning 2 people at the same time. they get all careless and think its gonna be a cakewalk ...then BOOM! and they're like 'WTF was that?'. lol.
Mangs. Can anyone point me in the direction of some good footage showcasing just what Dark Souls is all about in terms of combat depth and whatnot?
As long as this is to fend off people you are scared can topple your single player progress, then this is a-ok. You're waiting for people to invade you, you're still an ass-hat. Really, I hold nothing against you, personally, even if you made a habit out of invading everyone and doing this, it's completely your choice, but I think the latter is on par with pushing old people and then laughing.
If it's one thing that's detrimental to all discussions, it's taking all arguments of the opposing side and reductio ad absurdum (reducing it to the absurd). I just can't but stop and think "what do these people find fun with using TWoP and Fireball or whatever magic that means I can't ever survive?" - so yeah, if that floats your boat, you can kill me. I really, really don't care. Just get out of my world.
Again, seriously? If you don't consider someone that has made a PvP build consisting of using TWoP and a ranged magic an ass-hat, is that really because you think they don't play the game like we want them to? Again, I don't give two shits that someone is such a coward or so weak that that's the only viable option to them. Sometimes I will log out, because I don't care enough to stay, other times I'll just stand there and look at you as you think you're a great player for using that tactic. Most of the time, I'll be standing above your dead body, shaking my head.
Also, no one here calls anyone anything outside of asshat, so please stop reductio ad absurdum.
Lol..I'm not reducing anything. The examples I used were names I was called when I commented that I use Ring of Fog in PVP a week or so back. If you want I can go back and quote those posts. No, I don't care about being called names on the internet - but your argument makes zero sense.
The developers put those skills, weapons, gear in the game to use. If they feel it's imbalanced, they will fix it (which they did with the patch), but because players use tools given to them by the creators of the game, they are IN YOUR WORDS "cowards" and "weak". Then you say you really don't care, but admit you log out sometimes because of it. I'm not trying to start some grand argument over this, I just don't see how you get angry, annoyed, or if neither of those, why you say people are "weak" for using abilities in a game that are not cheating or hacked or exploits.
It's like people playing Street Fighter and calling their opponent cheap because they throw a lot. Because throws are, you know, bad or something. Aren't you the weak one for getting thrown?
I'll leave it at that.
I feel that dark souls is most dangerous when you give your opponents the chance to attack...
Best shield ever, it's so good. I was able to block so many more attacks because of this shield.