Wish I could find more of this series, but no luck. All I have for the moment.
this has been my experience so far. When do I get a badass sword like the Crescent Falchion?
Wish I could find more of this series, but no luck. All I have for the moment.
Get a 100% physical damage reduction shield and the Drake Sword (or something that hits hard at that point in the game). Lock on, circle strafe while shield up, and get in 1-2 strikes when he's open. Focus on killing the first one because once it's gone the second is a piece of cake. Do not try to roll away from their attacks.Man, fuck these bell gargoyle shitheads.
I agree that Nito is pretty boss, but he's also at the end of one of the most hated zones of the game, is a bitch to draw, and his boss battle is lame as hell.
Man, fuck these bell gargoyle shitheads.
OK cool. Remembering that bridge, don't think there is any way I could get over it at the moment, I just get fucked with fire! Do you have to actually kill the dragon?!
Man, fuck these bell gargoyle shitheads.
If you stand in the little alcove across from the staircase behind the wall his flames can't hit you. Eventually he'll get tired of trying to burn you from the tower and fly down and land on the bridge. When he does, run between his legs. He'll throw a bit of a hissy fit and fly away when you get through the door he's guarding. Then you can loot the corpses at your leisure.
If you rescue Lautrec in the church and talk to him at Firelink Shrine you can summon him to help with that fight. He and Solaire can basically win that fight with no assistance from you if you're completely fed up with it.
Woah, really? I can't believe I'm still learning stuff like this. I even have the hardcover guide.
ixix- is it even possible to kill the bridge dragon legitimately? I was extremely overleveled at 125 on a NG+ and got pretty close by doing the hiding trick, then cut off his tail and ran to the little side platforms near the bonfire gate. I threw about 12 lightning/sun spears at him and had him down to about 15%. Then he just went into this infinite knockdown loop that knocked me down but gave me just enough time to drink an estus, but nothing else.
His attack patterns are ridiculous, even with maxed Steel armor, casting flash sweat, wearing the flame resist ring, he was still doing tons of damage to me. I had 40/40 vit/end with a ton of faith for magic defense too. It just doesn't seem possible.
What went wrong when they were designing the Nito fight? I'm not sure why he needs an army of invisible enemies that can stunlock you to death.
I thought the Tomb of the Giants was mostly pretty easy, though (at least after the beginning).
EDIT ^ I like that one. You don't even have to know the language to understand the punchline. Shame most of those comics are untranslated. I found one of the Maiden Astraea/Garl Vinland fight with professional-quality artwork, but the dialogue was all untranslated.
Yeah there's a few of them that don't really need a translation. There's this one that I'd like to see translated. The before last panel is pretty amusing by itself.
All these fanarts and comics are amazing! Definitely time for a wallpaper updateThanks for providing, chaps.
I fell a couple of times to Gwyn last night, and before that had my first Dragoneye duel at the beginning of the Kiln. So awesome.
My question is: Is there anything I should definitely do before attempting to finish and move on to NG+? I'm pretty sure I've beaten every "optional" boss, including. If there's anything I've missed, I wouldn't want to have to trek through a large portion of the game again with it at the back of my mind.Four Kings and Gwyndolin
Any major weapon reinforcements/transcensions I should get done while I can? I still have several boss souls in the cooler, waiting for them to pop up on a +10... There might even be one ember I still haven't given to someone. Will have to confirm later.
Dah! Curse this awesomely expansive content!
Thanks for the suggestion, but ;____; I couldn't do that on my current character. Felt bad enough upon...having to kill Gwindolin
Perhaps if I make a new 'evil' character. Call me crazy, but I like to stick to a certain amount of roleplay even in my single player experinces.
Thanks for the suggestion, but ;____; I couldn't do that on my current character. Felt bad enough upon...having to kill Gwindolin
Perhaps if I make a new 'evil' character. Call me crazy, but I like to stick to a certain amount of roleplay even in my single player experinces.
Also make sure you've done all the weapon upgrades you want to do. You have to collect the embers again in NG+, so if.
Ohhhh piss. I didn't know that. Ugh.
It was kind of an unpleasant surprise for me my first time entering NG+. I was all like "Hey Andre why you holdin' out on me? Your weapon upgrade options seem awfully limite- oh my god where are all the embers I gave you?"
Think I missed that one, too. Your description would make even the hardest knight shudder at the thought of ever touching a Homeward Bone again.And some of those are a bitch to get. I never did pick up the one in the Tomb with the Giant skeleton gangbang.
That's great advice, ixix, thanks a lotI did buy the Master Key eventually (after having unlocked every door in the world.) Looks like upgrading is my best bet. At least having a few +10 weapons handy is a good plan.
Think I missed that one, too. Your description would make even the hardest knight shudder at the thought of ever touching a Homeward Bone again.
Btw, I like your idea for a DEX/FAI Sundudette build. I was thinking about doing the same, but with STR/FAI. Would be nice if we could team up as Sunsiblings at some point.
... then maybe we fall in forbidden love and get married under the waterfall in the basin only to get invaded and you die and even though i avenge you the pain is too great and i become a servant of chaos farming away at weak souls for humanity but even that is not enough to satiate my dark desires and i eventually become a gravelord slave never wanting to defeat my master nito and thus never ending the game so i eternally hide my sign in horrible places while just sitting staring at it waiting for someone to bring me the sweet embrace of death...
Or, you know. Something like that, maybe
If you stand in the little alcove across from the staircase behind the wall his flames can't hit you. Eventually he'll get tired of trying to burn you from the tower and fly down and land on the bridge. When he does, run between his legs. He'll throw a bit of a hissy fit and fly away when you get through the door he's guarding. Then you can loot the corpses at your leisure.
That's great advice, ixix, thanks a lotI did buy the Master Key eventually (after having unlocked every door in the world.) Looks like upgrading is my best bet. At least having a few +10 weapons handy is a good plan.
As long as I'm on the subject, if you haven't joined the Forest Hunters and murdered Shiva and his bodyguard for their delicious items, do it before NG+. If it makes you feel any better about it, he's kind of a dick.
He never flew away for me... he just kept breathing fire over and over again into the room![]()
I was doing Smough and Ornstein on NG+ and they either have tons of health, or my fury sword just doesn't cut it anymore, or possibly my build is shit (level 86, pure melee, high end.) The fight takes so long that my left thumb is going numb while I slowly chip Ornsteins health off tiny bit by tiny bit.
I finally get him, and while I fail to avoid super Smough's butt stomp four times out of five, I have him down to a third of his health and I still have a couple of flasks left. The fight was going my way. But then the controller battery dies and since the game never pauses for any reason, I die a few seconds later.
I have a question. I've tried to bring Solaire to the fight, but he engages the guards in the room outside S&O and never joins me in the boss room. Is there any way I can get him to follow me without removing all enemies on the way to the boss door? Also, is it true that bosses will have more health if you bring help, and would that be true even if the help doesn't actually arrive to help you in the fight? I figured I'd summon help on this playthrough just for some variety, but I'll skip this if it helps.
Any tip on how to make this a five minute fight instead of a 20 minute fight would be most welcome.
Oh dear. I've never had that happen to me, but now I kind of want it to happen. I've always thought he gives up a little too easy once you get under him. With that sort of defeatist attitude it's no wonder he doesn't count as a real dragon.
They do have a lot of health in NG+. Summon some human players instead of Solaire.
I was doing Smough and Ornstein on NG+ and they either have tons of health, or my fury sword just doesn't cut it anymore, or possibly my build is shit (level 86, pure melee, high end.) The fight takes so long that my left thumb is going numb while I slowly chip Ornsteins health off tiny bit by tiny bit.
I finally get him, and while I fail to avoid super Smough's butt stomp four times out of five, I have him down to a third of his health and I still have a couple of flasks left. The fight was going my way. But then the controller battery dies and since the game never pauses for any reason, I die a few seconds later.
I have a question. I've tried to bring Solaire to the fight, but he engages the guards in the room outside S&O and never joins me in the boss room. Is there any way I can get him to follow me without removing all enemies on the way to the boss door? Also, is it true that bosses will have more health if you bring help, and would that be true even if the help doesn't actually arrive to help you in the fight? I figured I'd summon help on this playthrough just for some variety, but I'll skip this if it helps.
Any tip on how to make this a five minute fight instead of a 20 minute fight would be most welcome.
I really do not look forward to S&O.
Ornstein needed to get off his lazy ass and kill that drake. Dude's probably out of practice doing nothing but sitting around Anor Londo for a thousand years. Smough could use the exercise, too.
Question for some of the more experienced players. I chose to go into Human Form. I then died. When I went and recovered my souls and humanity I didn't return to Human Form. Is that not how it works? If not, what becomes the advantage of becoming Human?
Question for some of the more experienced players. I chose to go into Human Form. I then died. When I went and recovered my souls and humanity I didn't return to Human Form. Is that not how it works? If not, what becomes the advantage of becoming Human?
You have to be human to be summoned I believe. Also it helps you get a better drop rate from enemies. I'm sure the other guys will give you a better answer.
Well his title is Ornstein the Dragon Slayer. While they may be closely related, technically a drake is not a dragon, and is therefore outside of Ornstein's jurisdiction. The Undead Burg's on its own on this one.
Another question (I love how quickly the thread moves, lol): I have a Short Bow; how many arrows (and what type) should I buy to get the Drake Sword off the Wyvern? I'm currently using wooden arrows, should I get some Heavy Arrows?
Question for some of the more experienced players. I chose to go into Human Form. I then died. When I went and recovered my souls and humanity I didn't return to Human Form. Is that not how it works? If not, what becomes the advantage of becoming Human?
ixix, good point about using a weapon with better reach. What really takes so long is kiting them until you can safely get close enough that you can get a swipe or two in. I doubt I have anything, but I could always wait a bit with S&O and upgrade a few more weapons while I do other things. Or maybe for the first time attempt resins.
And about boss health being increased if you summon help, is this something I imagined that someone said or is it real?
*looks at his trophy room of nothin' but drake*
If not, what becomes the advantage of becoming Human?
1. Ability to summon other players for co-op.
2. Increased item drop rate.
3. Increased defense.
4. Increased resistance to curse.
5. Ability to kindle bonfires.
6. Increased damage with chaos-based weapons and spells.
7. Ability to invade other players as a Darkwraith.
8. Ability to summon players for dragon scale duels.
9. Ability to use Eye of Death to curse people as a Gravelord.