I just beat Anor Londo, where should I go next? Catacombs, New Londo, or Duke's Archives? Or somewhere else?
Painted World of Ariamis if you haven't already. Then Darkroot Garden/Basin.
I just beat Anor Londo, where should I go next? Catacombs, New Londo, or Duke's Archives? Or somewhere else?
Is it better to farm titanite chunk from the Klin or New Londo?
Finally beat Ornstein with one other guy. That's definitely the most rewarding boss to beat so far.
Regarding helping people fight bosses as a phantom, are you able to be summoned in an area which you've already beaten the boss? Or only if you haven't beaten the boss yourself yet?
Finally beat Ornstein with one other guy. That's definitely the most rewarding boss to beat so far.
Regarding helping people fight bosses as a phantom, are you able to be summoned in an area which you've already beaten the boss? Or only if you haven't beaten the boss yourself yet?
How the hell do I kill the skeletons who walk on all fours?
Their heavy attack takes all of my stamina and one shots me, and due to "lock on" of enemy attacks, they can change their trajectory mid swing and still hit me if I roll to the left or right.
Spells require me to stand still for a second to cast. No fog ring, and it smacked me out of the air mid jump attack out of aggro range.You could try a leaping two-handed attack, depending on what you're wielding. I just made my way through there again and took out all enemies with one shot using this method (black knight's sword +5). They have a low aggro range which helps. Or you could equip the fog ring and run around them. Spells are great as well.
Spells require me to stand still for a second to cast. No fog ring, and it smacked me out of the air mid jump attack out of aggro range.
These things are fucking bullshit.
Can't wait to get back to dark souls!
This is how I feel every time I switch off the PS3!Can't wait to get back to dark souls!
Finally got through that area with a help of a friend.
using the Greatsword of Artorias. My Faith/INT are too low right now, so the scaling for this weapon doesn't really help yet. Really having a hard time playing this character, considering starting over after I beat the game : /![]()
Not sure if the character is just straight up bad, or if Im just bad with it.
What the fuck is that?
My advice for new magic/miracle chars is to pick 2 primary stats: INT or FAI, STR or DEX, and ignore any stat you don't need, resist the temptation to add points to meet minimums for weapons that wont scale with you. And Dex is probably better due to increased cast rate up to 45.
Sounds like fair advice. My two main stats are definitely going to be STR and FAI - not gonna touch INT/DEX. Occasionally I'll be boosting VIT and possibly END when I can. I though END increases cast rate, not DEX. Can someone please confirm this either way?My advice for new magic/miracle chars is to pick 2 primary stats: INT or FAI, STR or DEX, and ignore any stat you don't need, resist the temptation to add points to meet minimums for weapons that wont scale with you. And Dex is probably better due to increased cast rate up to 45.
Or I could be completely wrong..
Sounds like fair advice. My two main stats are definitely going to be STR and FAI - not gonna touch INT/DEX. Occasionally I'll be boosting VIT and possibly END when I can. I though END increases cast rate, not DEX. Can someone please confirm this either way?
How the hell do I kill the skeletons who walk on all fours?
Their heavy attack takes all of my stamina and one shots me, and due to "lock on" of enemy attacks, they can change their trajectory mid swing and still hit me if I roll to the left or right.
Just got my first random "Disasters are gone after the defeat of the Gravelord Servant" message since the patch. Guess that covenant still ain't working quite right. I wasn't even in a invade-able area when it happened.
Just got my first random "Disasters are gone after the defeat of the Gravelord Servant" message since the patch. Guess that covenant still ain't working quite right. I wasn't even in a invade-able area when it happened.
Just got my first random "Disasters are gone after the defeat of the Gravelord Servant" message since the patch. Guess that covenant still ain't working quite right. I wasn't even in a invade-able area when it happened.
Spells require me to stand still for a second to cast. No fog ring, and it smacked me out of the air mid jump attack out of aggro range.
These things are fucking bullshit.
Finally got through that area with a help of a friend.
using the Greatsword of Artorias. My Faith/INT are too low right now, so the scaling for this weapon doesn't really help yet. Really having a hard time playing this character, considering starting over after I beat the game : /![]()
Not sure if the character is just straight up bad, or if Im just bad with it.
I made a new character, but I'm staying away from the lightning weapon easy mode.The Greatsword of Artorias is garbage and your stats are too spread out. That's about it.
Making a lightning weapon will go a long way towards making your dark souls life easier.
I made a new character, but I'm staying away from the lightning weapon easy mode.
Also, are there any boss weapons in this game that aren't garbage?
I made a new character, but I'm staying away from the lightning weapon easy mode.
Also, are there any boss weapons in this game that aren't garbage?
Oh, you made a new character? Then you can go str, dex, int, faith, anything other than the jack of trades you were going for.
As for non-garbage boss weapons, dunno. Maybe the moonlight greatsword.
Also, are there any boss weapons in this game that aren't garbage?
I have gotten 10+ of those and have never been able to find the summon sign. I have also never gotten the "Gravelord was defeated" message.
I kind of wonder if the first message might appear as part of a bug, like how you get the "Rite of Kindling" message when you invade someone and they challenge the boss before you spawn. I often get the Gravelord message when returning from an invasion, so I don't know if it's a bug or if it's possible to be cursed while in another world.
The interesting part of Gravelord is that it can affect players who are Hollow, so the Gravelord is the only way to "invade" hollow players, more or less forcing them to come attack you.
Female Undead Merchant is aggro (gee I wonder why I hit her, could it have been she looks like a fucking enemy?). I guess I'm boned, right?
I've gotten the notification that I was being cursed before, but absolutely nothing changed. There weren't any new enemies and I looked around for the Gravelord's sign but never found anything. An actual Gravelord invasion is one of the only things in the game I've never experienced at this point, so I'd be pretty jazzed if I could get it to actually happen.
This is good to know. I wonder if I can just chill somewhere in Hollow form and leave the game running in hopes of getting Gravelorded. I'd be able to wait for ages doing nothing without a regular invasion drawing my attention. Apparently it can work, because this dude managed to get a Gravelord invasion to happen, and he's hollow when he goes through the sign.
I might try that at some point.
The problem is that the Gravelord sign will disappear if the Gravelorder signs off, quits etc. So you need a Gravelorder to be playing that long, for the players invaded to realize they have been 'cursed', for them to find the sign - there's too many links in that chain to make it a frequent occurrence. I didn't get a Gravelord invasion message, only the 'defeated' one, so yeah there are issues.
I've read that the gravelord enemies don't just automatically appear in your world, you have to spawn them by using a bonfire or leaving and re-entering the area.
I made a new character, but I'm staying away from the lightning weapon easy mode.
Also, are there any boss weapons in this game that aren't garbage?
Yeah, I would record these. Gotta share the love!
I clocked in around 80 hours, with Soul Level of around 81 or so. I managed to get in a few or all of the optional areas; revisit the asylum, painted world, Valley of Drakes, and Gwyndolin. Never fought the tutorial boss again though.
Hopefully without pyromancy. Primarily melee is the heart and soul of those kinds of challenge runs for meI just hope there aren't required falls that a SL 1 would die from, for example, such as into the pinwheel chamber, for example. But even if so, there may be work stooges.
Part of me feels they tailored the game somewhat for low level runs. The one ring that boosts your equip burden, stamina, etc, but breaks if ever removed seems only really useful for a SL 1 type playthrough, where you would just dedicate a ring slot for that one for the whole game.... Even the Darksign feels geared specifically for speedruns.
Yep. I've heard that the Gravelord signs appear where invaders usually spawn in. Easy to find in Anor Londo, near impossible to stumble upon in a place like Sen's Fortress.So you get cursed, and then you carry the curse with you between zones? That's wonderfully devious.
So then if I get the message that the servant has been defeated, does that mean that, theoretically, if I had rested at a bonfire and gone out and fought enemies before that message appeared there would have been the Gravelord-spawned enemies? I might start resting at a bonfire then doing a circuit of Anor Londo after throwing down my summoning sign if that's the case.
So you get cursed, and then you carry the curse with you between zones? That's wonderfully devious.
So then if I get the message that the servant has been defeated, does that mean that, theoretically, if I had rested at a bonfire and gone out and fought enemies before that message appeared there would have been the Gravelord-spawned enemies? I might start resting at a bonfire then doing a circuit of Anor Londo after throwing down my summoning sign if that's the case.