JVIDICAN said:Oh wow. One hit an invader with crystal homing soul mass. I think I pissed him off, I got a "N00b" message a minute later. :x
hteng said:actually you get the Dark Sword AND the Dark Armor set if you rank darkwraith to rank 2.
dark armor looks pretty badass.
JVIDICAN said:What's everyone's equipment set up?
I'm rocking theGreat sword of Artorias+5, Tin Crystallization catalyst, Hollow Soldier Shield +15, Crystal Ring Shield +5 and a half upgraded Black Iron armor set. Using Havels ring, and bellowing dragoncrest ring.
are you looking to one hit almost anything or do you want a decent great shield?GhostRidah said:Which is better crystal ring shield or greatshiell of artorias?
One hit sounds amazingJVIDICAN said:are you looking to one hit almost anything or do you want a decent great shield?![]()
Speevy said:Lightning stick (whatever it's called) +1
Great Axe +10
Full Black Iron Armor set
Eagle shield +5
I need some more twinkling titanite.
Augemitbutter said:yes, but i don't really want to farm humanity for some armor i'm not gonna use. i have so many sets already.
GhostRidah said:Which is better crystal ring shield or greatshiell of artorias?
hteng said:eh, better farm in this game than next game right? or just use the infinite item glitch
crystal ring shield by a mile, it actually does a ton of damage given the right setup oh and it's a range attack.
Greatshield of artorias is the best shield in the game, i can block an Iron Knight's Shield bash/slam with it and it takes only little stamina, but it's quite heavy, weighting at 16, you pretty much have to use it with Havel's ring if you don't want movement penalty.
GhostRidah said:Which is better crystal ring shield or greatshiell of artorias?
Crystal Ring shield is what you want. Upgrade it as much as you can if you have the demon titanite to do so.GhostRidah said:One hit sounds amazing![]()
Kyoufu said:Crystal Ring Shield is used for dealing damage with L2. The problem with Greatshield of Artorias is that it doesn't parry, and honestly if you want a shield that doesn't parry but with high stability you'd want Havel's shield, which also has an awesome L2 defensive ability.
JVIDICAN said:Crystal Ring shield is what you want. Upgrade it as much as you can if you have the demon titanite to do so.
Anyone know the specifics of how a right hand weapon affects the left hand one?
Example: crystal ring shield +5 does around 660 damage with say a scythe in the right hand.
With the Artorias great sword in the right hand the shields damage output jumps to around 1600.![]()
Kyoufu said:Crystal Ring Shield is used for dealing damage with L2. The problem with Greatshield of Artorias is that it doesn't parry, and honestly if you want a shield that doesn't parry but with high stability you'd want Havel's shield, which also has an awesome L2 defensive ability.
Oh nice!1stStrike said:It does double the damage of the weapon in your right hand. So, just put the highest attack weapon you have in your right hand before using the shield's attack.
JVIDICAN said:What's everyone's equipment set up?
I'm rocking theGreat sword of Artorias+5, Tin Crystallization catalyst, Hollow Soldier Shield +15, Crystal Ring Shield +5 and a half upgraded Black Iron armor set. Using Havels ring, and bellowing dragoncrest ring.
1stStrike said:It does double the damage of the weapon in your right hand. So, just put the highest attack weapon you have in your right hand before using the shield's attack.
1stStrike said:GreatShield of Artorias requires far less strength to use, though, and has 88 stability. Well worth it IMO if you're not pumping strength.
Zzoram said:Where can we start farming Blue/Red chunks and slabs?
Insaniac said:are you sure thats how it works precisely? I'm using it with Crystal Catalyst doing about 1000 damage per shot
Kyoufu said:That is true, I didn't consider the strength rating. Either way, a shield that can riposte rules supreme.
1stStrike said:Don't worry about souls, people. Towards the end of the game you can farm a shit ton of souls easily using completely legit means.
Kyoufu said:If you want to see how good DEX is for Pyromancy cast times, look at this video:
om nom nom
IrishNinja said:better than the forest area past the astoria crest door? cause 6k in a minute or two aint bad, just wondering what's better than that.
A quick google search led me hereInsaniac said:i forget how to sign up so i can watch vids![]()
1stStrike said:The eternally respawning skeletons in the tomb of giants.
Insaniac said:i forget how to sign up so i can watch vids![]()
Kyoufu said:If you want to see how good DEX is for Pyromancy cast times, look at this video:
om nom nom
hteng said:a 99 dex pyro is about 1 sec faster than a 24 dex pyro.
Zzoram said:Not really worth getting 99 Dex just to cast 1 second faster.
Zzoram said:Not really worth getting 99 Dex just to cast 1 second faster.
Ill Saint said:Why is it that I'm great at the game solo, but a total retard during co-op? Without fail I will die a ridiculous, embarrassing death within minutes. Got summoned in Anor londo, then promptly backstabbed by a painting guardian, and backstabbed again as I was getting up, then finished off with a final blow.
As for PvP? I might as well just roll off a cliff and save the invader the effort. Sigh.
Dresden said:You'll be using regular soul arrows for a long time. If you've just unlocked Griggs, I'd grab the regular soul arrow, the great soul arrows, and the great heavy soul arrows. The great soul arrows will completely replace your regular soul arrows later on, and the great heavy soul arrows are your boss-killers.
The regular magic shield and such aren't that useful, I think. Never found them useful.
mrklaw said:do soul arrows scale with one of your stats? I'm a wanderer and my heavy soul arrows that I bought do very little damage to many enemies and bosses. add in the crazy long cast time and I hardly use them.
That depends of the catalyst I think.Zzoram said:Sorcery spells scale with INT
deathkiller said:That depends of the catalyst I think.
Kyoufu said:Crystal Ring Shield is used for dealing damage with L2. The problem with Greatshield of Artorias is that it doesn't parry, and honestly if you want a shield that doesn't parry but with high stability you'd want Havel's shield, which also has an awesome L2 defensive ability.
mrklaw said:I don't think I've ever parried, seems the risk is pretty high - is it fairly straightforward? Also never backstabbed, but maybe thats not possible with a spear..
Insaniac said:any catalyst worth your time only scales with int