not known by many, it is a Drift Item (rare enemy) which only appears online.roxya said:So I was summoned to someone's world and some glowing crab thing one-shot me with a spell as I ran past. What the fuck was that?!
not known by many, it is a Drift Item (rare enemy) which only appears online.roxya said:So I was summoned to someone's world and some glowing crab thing one-shot me with a spell as I ran past. What the fuck was that?!
Cloudius12 said:not known by many, it is a Drift Item (rare enemy) which only appears online.
x3r0123 said:lol gwyn is korean....
Cloudius12 said:not known by many, it is a Drift Item (rare enemy) which only appears online.
Cloudius12 said:=D how it should have been in the first place.
Video compilation of some changes of 1.04/1.05.
Description says improved framerate in Blighttown and New Londo.
Air Zombie Meat said:Yeah, that first encounter with the titanite demon next to the blacksmith was really memorable. It looks incredibly creepy and you're wondering what the hell it is. Then you notice all the bloodstains around it as it starts crawling towards you. I chickened out at first after a couple of half hearted attempts but coming back later and putting it down really made me feel like I'd got much stronger.
The Lost Izalith titanite demon is like the daddy titanite demon. Hits harder and has more hp than the normal ones. And you have to fight him on a narrow bridge. He does drop 2 shards every time to make up for it though.
Zzoram said:Because in markets where both versions exist, patching only one of them would be seen as a slight against the other version and might discourage people on 360 from buying future versions?
1.03 is perfectly functional as it stands so they don't need to rush out patches at emergency speed.
I used the one at the bottom of the elevator. Trigger the elevator, run up, rotate, then go up the stairs past the guards and run past the two royal guards in the hall.mrklaw said:I just used the one with the firekeeper leaning on a wall. Straight run down the lift and ahead. I just run past the big knights and usually don't get hit at all.
Cloudius12 said:=D how it should have been in the first place.
Video compilation of some changes of 1.04/1.05.
Description says improved framerate in Blighttown and New Londo.
matmanx1 said:Looks fantastic. This patch cannot come soon enough.
astroturfing said:wtf? what?! a rare and random glowing crab thingy that can one-shot players?
what a crazy wonderful game. i have not seen that in the +100 hours i've been playing.
Zzoram said:Blame MSFT.
They charge publishers if they use more than the 2 free title updates they get.
US/EU got 1.03 as their first patch, and will likely get 1.05 as their second. Japan got every one because it's PS3 only in Japan so they don't have to patch the 360 version in Japan.
Sullichin said:Question, for the knights honor trophy and the ones like collect all miracles, do all items have to be obtained in one save file?
Geek said:Has anyone else run into the "black phantom" version of the Skeleton Beasts in the Tomb of Giants? I just had a run-in with two of them and they seemed super-powered, but I wasn't clear on the conditions under which you run into them, since it's not in the official guide and not in the wiki.
Geek said:Has anyone else run into the "black phantom" version of the Skeleton Beasts in the Tomb of Giants? I just had a run-in with two of them and they seemed super-powered, but I wasn't clear on the conditions under which you run into them, since it's not in the official guide and not in the wiki.
It's not even a fair fight on ng+Dresden said:Gold hemmed is all you need for S&O.
You should be using something else in ng+, I agree, but the thing is armor isn't going to help you in S&O, especially on ng+. Just go naked for all it matters, mobility is king in that fight. Getting the Darkwood Grain ring is probably the biggest boost for the battle.Minamu said:It's not even a fair fight on ng+In 7 tries, I've managed to reach the Orstein part once and then he electro-stabbed me to death. Good times
With the upcoming gold hemmed nerf etc, there must be another set of armor I should upgrade to, right?
I'm trying to reach chaos covenant lvl 2 at the moment so that'll have to wait, I think. I might've been rushing to beat them, and that killed me, though. Will try again with some more hp later on ^^ But alas, some new armor and something other than a fire gargoyle axe+10 would be nice.Dresden said:You should be using something else in ng+, I agree, but the thing is armor isn't going to help you in S&O, especially on ng+. Just go naked for all it matters, mobility is king in that fight. Getting the Darkwood Grain ring is probably the biggest boost for the battle.
Minamu said:It's not even a fair fight on ng+In 7 tries, I've managed to reach the Orstein part once and then he electro-stabbed me to death. Good times
With the upcoming gold hemmed nerf etc, there must be another set of armor I should upgrade to, right?
Ooooh... That's totally it. I was 160 hours into the game before I'd ever seen that happen so I was VERY confused.rance said:Maybe a freak accident allowed a gravelord servant to "infect" your world. It's normally buggy, but it sounds like someone managed to make it work. You will have to find a summon sign or somesuch in your area to invade and kill the person messing with you.
Geek said:Ooooh... That's totally it. I was 160 hours into the game before I'd ever seen that happen so I was VERY confused.
No need to. I took out those BP skeleton beasts and killed Nito, never to return to Tomb of the Giants again.corrosivefrost said:Good luck with that; the one time I had it happen was in the catacombs and i couldn't find the sign ANYWHERE.
Agreed!Speevy said:I'll be so glad when they nerf the strong magic shield. That's just plain unfair.
man o man ...4 kings on new game +++ (3 or 4 pluses, i kinda lost count) are friggin tough.
huge damage they do. on 4 tries so far, i only beat one of them. dunno if i'll be able to do it ...not on my own anyway.
roxya said:For the Chaos Servant covenant, the wiki says 10 humanity = level 1, 30 = level 2. Is that total or per level? i.e. do I need to give 30 or 40 to get level 2?
Cloudius12 said:not known by many, it is a Drift Item (rare enemy) which only appears online.
Speevy said:Has anyone created a video of what the several new game plusses looks like?
I would be interested in seeing how much damage the enemies do, because characters certainly aren't able to be leveled up to account for it.
corrosivefrost said:I ran into two of these in my 140 hours. Both in the back half of the archives.
The first one obliterated me during an invasion -- I thought I just got nailed by the archers. Then I went back and was trying to clear stuff out... and I saw it shooting spines at me on the floor... I murdered the little bastard, but the loot was weak.
Quote said:Which bonfire do people put there summon signs down at for S&O? That video makes it seem like the one after the Archers with SunBro?
Air Zombie Meat said:The biggest jump is supposed to be the one into ng+, every cycle after that isn't such a big change. But yeah, I do wonder how hard you're eventually able to make it. Must be some kind of cap somewhere surely.
Air Zombie Meat said:The biggest jump is supposed to be the one into ng+, every cycle after that isn't such a big change.
Speevy said:Well my NG+ character is level 220 with over 2,100 HP full armor, and the enemies still hurt me plenty when I make a mistake.
tokkun said:Yeah, that's true, but sometimes the small increases can make a difference. For example, when you go to NG++ you can no longer kill a skeleton dog with a Great Fireball.
Quote said:Which bonfire do people put there summon signs down at for S&O? That video makes it seem like the one after the Archers with SunBro?
It caps at +7 according to the guide.Air Zombie Meat said:I'm at over 200 hours played (some of that is idling though) and I'm only just properly getting into the pvp covenants\invading. Stopped levelling at sl90 and have just been working on equipment throughout ng+. Think I'm going to start levelling again to 110/120 soon. Just opened up the kiln but I'm going to wait for the patch before I go into ng++.
The biggest jump is supposed to be the one into ng+, every cycle after that isn't such a big change. But yeah, I do wonder how hard you're eventually able to make it. Must be some kind of cap somewhere surely.
They're talking about the new game + cap...Zzoram said:I can confirm Estus Flask +7 is the cap.
TommyT said:They're talking about the new game + cap...
But yes, your statement is true.
Air Zombie Meat said:We weren't talking about estus though, just how many times the difficulty will increase with each new game cycle.