elty said:I just killed Kirk but then got killed by those carpa demons in that stupid demon's ruin. Am I screwed with his drop?
Demon Ruins is heaven compared to what's after it.elty said:Demon's Ruin sucks
elty said:Demon's Ruin sucks
tokkun said:If this was your 2nd time fighting him, you missed out on the barbed sword. Kill him again in Lost Izalith and you should be able to get his armor.
That sucks man, I wish it wouldn't take you back to the main menu if you disconnected from PSN for any reason.AllenShrz said:FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
So after playing this game for over 40hrs, having a lvl 70, I'm about to fight the last boos for the first time. So I go to the serpent to be transported by it and end this game.
At the time he eats me I got DC from PSN and then I got kick out the title screen, no big deal, just load again and thats it right? NO! When I try to load the save file Im stuck in nowheres land! its just gray, I cant use any items and after 5 sec the PS3 just freeze and I have to reset the console.
Fuck this shit!
I could be more angry if not because later that day I was with a super hot girl for hours and hours. But still!! I could have the beautiful girl and finish this fucking game!
Did you try using the Dark Sign from within the inventory menu or it simply wouldn't let you access the menu?AllenShrz said:FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
So after playing this game for over 40hrs, having a lvl 70, I'm about to fight the last boos for the first time. So I go to the serpent to be transported by it and end this game.
At the time he eats me I got DC from PSN and then I got kick out the title screen, no big deal, just load again and thats it right? NO! When I try to load the save file Im stuck in nowheres land! its just gray, I cant use any items and after 5 sec the PS3 just freeze and I have to reset the console.
Fuck this shit!
I could be more angry if not because later that day I was with a super hot girl for hours and hours. But still!! I could have the beautiful girl and finish this fucking game!
toasty_T said:twice? I killed him in Demon Ruins and was hollow for all of LI
I want that thorny armor ;_;
bone_and_sinew said:Did you try using the Dark Sign from within the inventory menu or it simply wouldn't let you access the menu?
Outside the elevator or by the bonfire in the cathedral are your best bets.worldrevolution said:Any tips on where to drop my summon sign for O&S? This is the first boss I'm not gettin any summons with..was gettin them crazy in Painted World. Should I drop it all the way back by the first Anor Londo fire by the elevator? Or just in front of the fog? Not sure where people are coming from, the bonfire inside the castle or out.
Mortrialus said:Platinum Get!
Actually, I'd try the bonfire where SunBro was chilling near, right after the achers. Believe it or not the run from there to the fog wall is very short once you open up a short cut (the room with the dragon heads mounted on the wall).worldrevolution said:Any tips on where to drop my summon sign for O&S? This is the first boss I'm not gettin any summons with..was gettin them crazy in Painted World. Should I drop it all the way back by the first Anor Londo fire by the elevator? Or just in front of the fog? Not sure where people are coming from, the bonfire inside the castle or out.
worldrevolution said:Nice. How many runthroughs for you? Even though it's about the same as Demon's (3.5) to plat..I've seen a lot of numbers rangin from 3-5. Personally the trophies feel a bit easier in this one since there's only a few "multiuse" souls and the online covenants can technically be done offline.
tokkun said:You have to kill him 3 times for the armor.
1. The Depths
2. Demon Ruins
3. Lost Izalith
deim0s said:Never met him in Demon Ruins, but flattened him in Izalith. Where would I find his armour?
IrishNinja said:crap, i thought i'd made the greatsword of astoria, but this one requires intel and hurts ghosts...coulda sworn i made it from a broken sword or hilt or something at +10. how do you make the right one? i really dont wanna fuck this up and have to finish the game a 3rd time.
if it unlocks, i think it's back by the spider covenant.
ps congrats Mortrialus! halfway through play 2, can't wait to get mine.
Mortrialus said:This is the second game I've ever cared about getting platinum, and the first time I've achieved it. The previous game was Demon's Souls, but you know, Pure Blade Stone.
worldrevolution said:If you're around SL200 I can drop the Pure Blade Stone for you anytime. =P
I LOVED the first part of Anor Londo. The style and the feeling of it getting smaller and smaller as you unlocked the shortcuts. I wrote before, didn't get the fuss over the archers. Killed them on my second try.
Even if you have ranged attacks, Ornstein can close the gap between you and him very easily. Make sure you kill Ornstein first, use pillars as blockades when you need them. Just get your best melee weapon and go to town. (and by go to town I mean plan your attacks very carefully)Nose Master said:Smough/Ornstein are the worst.. I have no ranged attacks.
Nose Master said:Smough/Ornstein are the worst.. I have no ranged attacks.
Dark Phoenix said:Even if you have ranged attacks, Ornstein can close the gap between you and him very easily. Make sure you kill Ornstein first, use pillars as blockades when you need them. Just get your best melee weapon and go to town. (and by go to town I mean plan your attacks very carefully)
worldrevolution said:Any tips on where to drop my summon sign for O&S? This is the first boss I'm not gettin any summons with..was gettin them crazy in Painted World. Should I drop it all the way back by the first Anor Londo fire by the elevator? Or just in front of the fog? Not sure where people are coming from, the bonfire inside the castle or out.
Quote said:Actually, I'd try the bonfire where SunBro was chilling near, right after the achers. Believe it or not the run from there to the fog wall is very short once you open up a short cut (the room with the dragon heads mounted on the wall).
Nose Master said:Spoilers. I want Ornies spear, though :'(. I have pretty shit weapons, too. Lightning Spear +3 or whatever it is, is my best. And that does about 50 HP a pop. I thought it was lightning resistance, but, Drake does about 35 a hit.
toasty_T said:I tried to take out super Ornstein with pure melee but I couldn't figure out how to not get hit. Much easier as a pyromancer
I finally beat these jerks last night. It took me a while but I finally got the right amount of defense, offense and mobility using Stone armor, a +10 Halberd and Havel's ring. The Halberd was key for me as it did good damage, was fairly quick in recovery, and against Smough, its reach allowed me to keep a distance, bait out an attack, then move in quickly for a strike.Cloudius12 said:Watching some pure melee videos on S&O, he made that fight look so easy :/
IrishNinja said:i notice when i die in PVP and it asks if i want to indite the guy, i select "yes" before the time runs out, but still have the same # of those items after doing so. am i doing shit wrong, how are you supposed to go about this?
Nose Master said:Smough/Ornstein are the worst.. I have no ranged attacks.
Nose Master said:Spoilers. I want Ornies spear, though :'(. I have pretty shit weapons, too. Lightning Spear +3 or whatever it is, is my best. And that does about 50 HP a pop. I thought it was lightning resistance, but, Drake does about 35 a hit.
SchleimanTank said:Block, block, block. Only lower the shield to regen stamina.
You can block EVERYTHING except the lightning impale move (and the buttstomp lightning maybe, but that's less of a problem).
Once you have the defense down, it's just about learning when it's safe to attack.
I dont get why people complain about the fog ring. I dont personally use it (because I DO hate the idea of it) but I can see why someone would.NeoCross said:I really can't wait until 1.05 hits, or any patch as long as the fix the fucking fog ring. Almost everyone I invaded in Anor Londo wore the Fog Ring, except for this one dude who actually bowed and then we proceeded to fight like gentelmen.
I even invaded this one guy who was about to go inside Beavis and Butthead's room, and had two white phantoms with him. The two whites immediately turned around and went after me, the host hid behind a pillar and equipped his fog ring, lol. Managed to kill the to whites though, then I got stabbed in the back![]()
There's one inscy said:It's a trend, I'm sorry.
Anyway, on the subject of Estus Flasks, you should be able to do a +7 Estus in one playthrough:. Well, I guess not really since you're lacking a Fire Keeper this way but, hey, you can have all the souls for it!Undead Parish, Blighttown, New Londo, Duke's Archives, Firelink Shrine Soul, Anor Lando Soul, Chaos Covenant Soul
Akuun said:There's one in? I don't remember getting one there, but I'm onDuke's Archiveson my first playthrough without killing any fire keepers, so I guess I found it.+4 Estus
Ohhhh yeah, that's where I found it.TommyT said:It's where you free the person trapped in a cell....Big Hat Logan
.GqueB. said:I dont get why people complain about the fog ring. I dont personally use it (because I DO hate the idea of it) but I can see why someone would.
You're invading my game. Im trying to get through a level and you're walking in to my game to interrupt that. I may have souls. I may have humanity. I may have spent a lot of time getting to where I am so I really dont wanna deal with you. Now I have to turn around, wait for your ass and equip whatever PvP setup I have going. I typically fight the good fight but I do often have the urge to put on that ring. I dont want to fight you, I want to continue playing so I can get to the next shortcut and not have to deal with (for example) those fucking archers in Andor Londo again. So naturally, people are going to do all they can to stay alive and that ring obviously helps.
I only invade as part of the Forrest Covenant because I know, typically, people are there to be invaded as its just a glorified PvP arena. And even if they arent waiting, I know there's very little risk to the player as they probably lit the bonfire and can easily go back to get their souls.
But there are those who use the ring in the forrest and THAT I cannot defend. Id rather just fight straight up whether I be the invader or the invaded.
.GqueB. said:I dont get why people complain about the fog ring. I dont personally use it (because I DO hate the idea of it) but I can see why someone would.
You're invading my game. Im trying to get through a level and you're walking in to my game to interrupt that. I may have souls. I may have humanity. I may have spent a lot of time getting to where I am so I really dont wanna deal with you. Now I have to turn around, wait for your ass and equip whatever PvP setup I have going. I typically fight the good fight but I do often have the urge to put on that ring. I dont want to fight you, I want to continue playing so I can get to the next shortcut and not have to deal with (for example) those fucking archers in Andor Londo again. So naturally, people are going to do all they can to stay alive and that ring obviously helps.
I only invade as part of the Forrest Covenant because I know, typically, people are there to be invaded as its just a glorified PvP arena. And even if they arent waiting, I know there's very little risk to the player as they probably lit the bonfire and can easily go back to get their souls.
But there are those who use the ring in the forrest and THAT I cannot defend. Id rather just fight straight up whether I be the invader or the invaded.
bone_and_sinew said:I know crossposting is frowned upon this forum but I have to post this here too in case some of you don't get to see it in the patch thread:
Some people are getting this email in response to inquiries about the patches:
Thank you for contacting Namco Bandai's Customer Support Department.
The upcoming update for Dark Souls for both platforms is currently going through the localization process at this time. We're working to include all of the fixes and changes from the updates. Unfortunately, we do not have a determined date for the release of the Dark Souls update for the North American region at this time. Please continue checking the official website and the Facebook page for Dark Souls periodically for any details once they become available: http://www.preparetodie.com or http://www.facebook.com/darksouls
Namco Bandai Games America Customer Support
sources: http://www.preparetodie.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=17916
http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/message/view/home/45799432#45803570 (slighty different but still showing that they're working on it)
http://forums.xbox.com/xbox_forums/xbox_360_games/a_d/f/2134/t/122023.aspx (slighty different but still showing that they're working on it)
bone_and_sinew said:I know crossposting is frowned upon this forum but I have to post this here too in case some of you don't get to see it in the patch thread:
Some people are getting this email in response to inquiries about the patches: