What time is it?
But sure, let's listen to the guy that was part of making one good game years ago.

But sure, let's listen to the guy that was part of making one good game years ago.
Maybe that is how they get rich?It's not hard to be good at acquisitions when you're a billion dollar company looking to offload cash.
The hands on approach was not working , now the hands off approach is not working, don't know what else can they can, i think they need a need to find a middle ground, and properly need another 15 studios,
Yes, Phil is a sociopath, there is no therapy for this.If anyone needs therapy it's Jaffe
3 of those games dont count. 1 is pc exclusive, the other is consoles timed exclusive for PS, and flight sim is port for console.Highest average ever.
Don’t you remember the infamous meltdowns threads and posts? What you think that was about?I feel bad for the person that tied a brand directly to their personal well being. LOL
Especially in the video game space, strong opinions on all sides exist on boards like these. If you had that view you simply couldn't/wouldn't post, cutting you off from any community that you thought you might find. A catch 22.
Its all halo infinite 2020 and cyberpunk 2077 delay fiasco all over again.Don’t you remember the infamous meltdowns threads and posts? What you think that was about?
People take sides! Other exaggerate their opinions, others simple choose not to post.
And it’s not the first time I saw people around here really unhappy with how their own fanbase/community behaves.
Anyway I’m just here to have fun and talk about video games!
Why are we counting fight sim twice. I get that they ported it to consoles this year but if we start counting ports, it gets messy real fast. What happens when deathloop gets ported to Xbox this year, does it count again?3 of those games dont count. 1 is pc exclusive, the other is consoles timed exclusive for PS, and flight sim is port for console.
So its Psychonauts 2, FH5, and halo infinite.
3 of those games dont count. 1 is pc exclusive, the other is consoles timed exclusive for PS, and flight sim is port for console.
So its Psychonauts 2, FH5, and halo infinite.
this thread is about phil spencer, the head of the microsoft publisher, so of course they count
and even if we only count the 3 games, it gives them an even higher score, even though the current score is the highest average ever.
Yet XBox got flak before for being too hands on, interfering with 'creative' studios. So they can't seem to win.davidjaffe opinion aside, the Metacritic wont do anything for gamers.
My main concern with Xbox/MS was always their hands off approach. This policy is harming xbox, because those studios can do whatever they want to do.
There is a reason why Sony studios behave. Sony wont take a crap from them.
Unless they get rid of that policy, MS/Xbox would always have these issues.
343i is clear example of that. And what is worst is that mojang is refusing rtx for XSeries systems. No way a 1st party studio should act like that.
You wouldn't be on this thread talking about xbox without him.Jaffe is right (ignore the clickbait thread title and actually *listen* to what he says in the clip) and beyond that he's contributed more to the gaming industry than Phil Spencer ever will, big facts.
To put it in Joe Biden era speak, Phil Spencer, Flim-Flam ManThe weird cult like worship of him online, including forums like gaf is embarrassing at this point.
His motto of the games are coming has been his MO since what 2015? And they still aren't arriving.
At one point he played down single player games because MS couldn't get any out of the door and Sony could, so said they were going to focus on GaaS.. because thats what the player base wants right Phil?
Then it was backcompat because again they couldn't get games out the door. It's great don't get me wrong but the only reason they did this was because they couldn't compete with exclusives not because they're the good guys .
Then it was gamepass. After throwing enough shit at the walls finally finding something that sticks.
Now they've spent 10 billion soon to be total 90 billion dollars on nearly every 3rd party they can find because they kept failing on producing first party games and all this does is stop gamers from playing games to nurse Phil's own failures.
Might as well have just bought Sony or at least their PS division, would have been easier.
So yeah the guys a clown but somehow always gets away with it.
He is actually probably one of the best PR guys out there because no matter what he says or lies about people still foam at the mouth for him and want him to impregnated their wives.
He is the ultimate fluffer.
At least Jim Ryan doesn't pretend to be a good guy, the guy is a cunt and a proud one.
I like Jaffe but that's one helluva statement.Jaffe is right (ignore the clickbait thread title and actually *listen* to what he says in the clip) and beyond that he's contributed more to the gaming industry than Phil Spencer ever will, big facts.
Yep. I don't believe its a convenient excuse or 'let's miss a month, adjust and back to normal cuz we can code at home kind of situation'.People are arguing about their feelings here.
They seem to forget about these 2 years. Like we didn't get locked in our own house for majority of 2020. And social distance for 2021.
For game developers, that is bad news. They work as a group. So every decision gets delayed, and most work cant be done on time.
I like Jaffe but that's one helluva statement.
They are both used car salesmen. Both lie, mislead and obfuscate. Like you said, Phil has been saying games are coming for almost a decade now and all hes produced in the last two years is yet another halo and forza. Last gen ones at that. He had to buy Zenimax just to fill in 2022 and tbh, i dont even think that game should count. it's a game that was always coming to xbox consoles. All he did was take it off of playstation.He is the ultimate fluffer.
At least Jim Ryan doesn't pretend to be a good guy, the guy is a cunt and a proud one.
Yeah, i dont get Phil fanclub and lifetime awards. Perfectly well shipping studios reduced to incompetency and delays after Phil acquires them.
Really? The 360 was xbox's best gen by far both in sales and in new game releases, I'm sorry but game pass is just Spencer trying to do something in gaming that's already been done in music and movies he's no visionary he's a copy cat with a nearly unlimited checkbook because Xbox gets to spend a ton of money brought in by other divisions in MS.WtF are you saying dude?
The guy built foundation for xbox, and took them to next level. Something Sony have yet to do it.
While he hasn't released new games, he opened xbox to a new platform, and made xbox accessible to people.
That is not a salesman.
Salesman is someone like EA, who would literally dry you of your money.
Your hatred and obsession with Phil is weird man.
Sounds like you are confused on the meaning of passive aggressive.He’s not wrong. Phil’s a passive aggressive confused man
Have you seen the UndeadLabs turnover lately.How is Undead Labs any more of a mess than the rest of the studios? They're still supporting SOD2 with updates too, and way behind on developing their next game. Seems like par for the course with all those studios tbh
Look at 1st party studios.Really? The 360 was xbox's best gen by far both in sales and in new game releases, I'm sorry but game pass is just Spencer trying to do something in gaming that's already been done in music and movies he's no visionary he's a copy cat with a nearly unlimited checkbook because Xbox gets to spend a ton of money brought in by other divisions in MS.
You act like buying a company the size of Bethesda is like getting a can of beans at the grocery store.He doesn’t deserve credit or blame for either game’s development.
But he does take the blame for purchasing a publisher without games ready for his consumers. They should’ve purchased elsewhere, if possible.
He bought Bethesda knowing what the progress was on Deathloop (PS5 exclusive) GhostWire Tokyo (PS5 exclusive), Starfield, Redfall, all of them lol…
Edit: So tell me… Why buy them at the time knowing this? Why not make an offer to another publisher/studio and wait until ZeniMax had a steady flow into next-gen?
No lolSounds like you are confused on the meaning of passive aggressive.
Calls him out for his comments on the delay. Compares his own struggles producing a game and says Phil simply might not be good at producing games. That this isnt a one off. See more below:
Harsh words, but I get it. This isn't something new with Xbox studios. It's not just about the delays, it's about the constant BS PR that accompanies any bad news but things never really truly improve. He took over from Don Matrick as CEO in June of 2013. 9 years and $85 billion later, and it's the same song and dance when it comes to missed first party expectations. Not to mention, he had been head of Xbox game studios since 2008. Maybe he's good at acquisitions but not actually managing these studios? Despite a good year last year, Xbox is set to end the first two years of next gen without any next gen games so Jaffe calling him out on this 'We get it' PR is completely understandable. It's like 'Do you really?', 'Do you really get it?'
Link to full stream here:
The problem is that having no games at console launch didn't matter, having Halo launch incomplete and prolonged didn't matter.Bonnie, Matt Booty, Spencer all have to go. Jaffe is right. They continue to talk the good talk time and time again. Like when do we say enough is enough? I mean how are you going to launch Halo as a 10 year service game and have nothing lined up for months? What was the plan here? Now we are delaying seasons? Seasons? Why does she still have a job?
Matt booty has been head of XGS since what 2013 when Phil took over Don's job? How do you get to keep your job after launching with zero games? cross gen or otherwise and then punting the first two years? He was saved by Phil when they bought Bethesda and got two free exclusives for 2022, but the man had nothing lined up from ANY of his 16 studios. 16. and no next gen games for two years. now 24 including bethesda and nothing for the first two years.
Phil has been fine with acquisitions. Minecraft, Zenimax, Activision, Ninja Theory, Playground Games, Obsidian, the man knows how to spend money, but he cant keep stringing us along year after year. At some point, someone has to go.
Get Shawn Layden. He was done dirty by Sony and Jim Ryan. The man knows how to run productive studios. He will go up against Jimbo with extra motivation and just kill it. I am sure of it. Stay away from talky used car salesmen types like Phil Harrison, Reggie, Jack Tretton and Herman Hurst. Go for guys who dont like to talk and just know how to get shit done. I am tired of excuses and being talked down to.
Be 50 years old and respond to fanboys
Xbox gamers wanted studios? Some wierd xbox gamers then. Normal xbox gamers want games. which is why some are upset now, MS didn't deliver them.Xbox gamers wanted studios and Phil got the studios.
Different systems. That is why it counts.Why are we counting fight sim twice. I get that they ported it to consoles this year but if we start counting ports, it gets messy real fast. What happens when deathloop gets ported to Xbox this year, does it count again?
That is the downside for this policy. If Xbox gets hands on the project, they will be blamed. If they left them alone, they will get blamed.Yet XBox got flak before for being too hands on, interfering with 'creative' studios. So they can't seem to win.
Game studios make games. Before the acquisition spree MS had few studios.Xbox gamers wanted studios? Some wierd xbox gamers then. Normal xbox gamers want games. which is why some are upset now, MS didn't deliver them.
???Xbox gamers wanted studios? Some wierd xbox gamers then. Normal xbox gamers want games. which is why some are upset now, MS didn't deliver them.
Guy walks into a bakery because he wants cake. The store says they don't have cake because they haven't baked any. Guy gets angry.Game studios make games. Before the acquisition spree MS had few studios.