Blade got me.. I saw it few hours ago and I was like "Oh shittttt".There's only been one Blade. And there's ever going to one Blade.
Has to the best cameo ever.
I think Affleck was the only one. They tried to get him for Doctor Strange also.I would LOVE to know who they asked but couldn't get. I can think of a dozen or more cameos that would have fit right in had they been able to get the actors.
Too bad. I would have liked a Baymax cameo as well, if we are talking disneyfied marvel properties. A bit of the Rocketeer would have been funny as well.I think Affleck was the only one. They tried to get him for Doctor Strange also.
Laughing at the people who thought this was going to flop. I think this being the only marvel coming out this year did them a favor. Think genuine marvel fans are hungry for and looking for this to be a good movie.
Yeah, I feel like this was as sure fire a hit as it can be, the question is whether or not this signals an enduring audience for capeshit or just a last gasp salute to the films that have come before. The ENTIRE fox/new line film legacy was capstoned here (and FUCK ME I never remembered that Faverau was in Daredevil!) and that's a trick you can only pull out every now and then.i Don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody speculate this movie was going to flop, much less a substantive number of people
Also, for those who know the comics even more than me, was the Logan who was crucified on a giant X surrounded by a sea of skulls from a specific comic? That was some striking imagery.
It's social media... there's about a 99.99% chance it's looking for fame than any actual real reaction from the common person![]()
So corpse desecration , smashterbaiting, and pegging was fine. Marvel Jesus crossed the line.'s a Deadpool movie.There was too much humor, too much breaking the 4th wall, too many references, and not enough focus on the plot and characters.
The look in his dead eyes says "This Is ALL her fellas, see what I gotta put up with?"![]()
So corpse desecration , smashterbaiting, and pegging was fine. Marvel Jesus crossed the line.
There are pornos, and then there are videos of 50 guys with horse-sized dicks gangbanging a 5'1's a Deadpool movie.
That's like saying there's too much fucking in a porno.
There are pornos, and then there are videos of 50 guys with horse-sized dicks gangbanging a 5'1 cheerleader.
The movie is going to easily pass $1B. Grifters gotta grift.
Blah...who cares....![]()
So corpse desecration , smashterbaiting, and pegging was fine. Marvel Jesus crossed the line.
Between the Ancient One and Cassandra Nova I think Marvel has given me a fetish for bald girls.
Between the Ancient One and Cassandra Nova I think Marvel has given me a fetish for bald girls.
Man I hope this is the end of multiverse stuff.
Check out Jonathan Hickman's Secret Wars (and his Avengers run that builds up to that) for a taste of what's probably coming in 2027. It'll either be amazing or a convoluted mess. Hickman nailed it, but I'm not sure how well it'll translate to film.
Wait, I just realized, Ryan Reynolds was in Blade Trinity. Did they collectively forget or did they delibarately not make a joke about that in the movie, cause it completely fits the continuity / fourth wall breaking stuff.
The MCU's success is due to the fact that Feige has been building it based on Hickman from the start.
SHIELD being Hydra in Winter Soldier is from his SHIELD series. Then the Thanos storyline melds the 1991 Infinity Gauntlet with Hickman's more recent Infinity (he created the Black Order). Now they're doing Time Runs out with the Incursions. They just introduced the Anchor concept that Hickman came up with (in the comics it's a piece of Molecule Man in each universe, in the MCU it's a specific character in each universe) to build to his Secret Wars. It's not going to be the 80s Beyonder that was made to sell toys, it's the Hickman GOD EMPEROR DOOM as the villain in Secret Wars.
Far too many people didn't read comics. Those who did knew EXACTLY what the Multiverse Saga was building to and it's amazing.
So corpse desecration , smashterbaiting, and pegging was fine. Marvel Jesus crossed the line.
Its a good movie, but its kinda funny to me. If you hadn't liked what MCU has been doing post endgame I don't see how this is going to change your mind, it ahs all the same hallmarks and quipped dialogue and cgi explosion ending and over the top fight scenes, they just wink at you when doing it.It was funny and Hugh was great as always. The story though .. Typical marvel. Faceless army in the third act (although with a twist) and some kind of “Sky beam machine” at the end. Something even nostalgia can’t cover. I’ll be very happy when the multiverse saga comes to an end ..
No. Not even close.
Secret Wars in 2027 will be the multiverse on steroids.
Check out Jonathan Hickman's Secret Wars (and his Avengers run that builds up to that) for a taste of what's probably coming in 2027. It'll either be amazing or a convoluted mess. Hickman nailed it, but I'm not sure how well it'll translate to film.
I just want to see a live action version of this scene.
That's why I want more than one movie of Secret Wars
I'm a huge fan of the 2016 event and relegating it to one movie is lame in my opinion. I'm still taking a wait and see attitude to it though
That's why I want more than one movie of Secret Wars
I'm a huge fan of the 2016 event and relegating it to one movie is lame in my opinion. I'm still taking a wait and see attitude to it though
There are pornos, and then there are videos of 50 guys with horse-sized dicks gangbanging a 5'1 cheerleader.
Between the Ancient One and Cassandra Nova I think Marvel has given me a fetish for bald girls.