I don't find your in-universe explanation to be very plausible, because it's too flexible. It feels tantamount to saying, "Well, they're fucked up beings, so they will (fill in the blank)". That could be used to justify almost any response to Cayde's speech, including laughing uproariously to every one of his bad jokes. It's also not clear why we then have a contrasting serious and solemn speech, as though Guardians can expect to have a standard human response to these events.
As to your comments above about "offense," if you can't respond to someone's critique of a game trailer without trying to paint them as angry and unreasonable, there's no reason to participate. And I don't plan to respond further if you add on personal attacks.
You don't find it plausible because
you don't want it to be. You had an impression and are choosing what narrative you think is plausible because it fits your initial impression.
You seem to miss the point of my previous post. If you want to look at the trailer as canon story and judge the actions of the characters within the context of the universe... then you can't just pick and choose what elements of that universe you want to consider. It's not as simple as you want to paint it to be because emotions are complex and not required to react to things the way you do or want them to do.
If you don't want to look that deeply, then you should accept that it's a tongue in cheek trailer meant to reflect the two largest sides of the community that love the game. The people who delve deep into the world and lore and love the depth of the Destiny universe... and the people who literally only care about blowing things up to get cool new loot to blow things up in a slightly different, cooler, way.
Trying to play halfway between the two points just enough to try to back up your point is making a disingenuous argument. And it
is an argument, not a critique. It stopped being critique the moment you began the back and forth to justify you stance.
Very few people have an issue with the critique of the trailer. People's justification for that critique though, that seems lacking.