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Destiny 2 (PC/XB1/PS4, Sep 8) CG reveal trailer, pre-orders, gameplay debut May 18th

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Will say now that it looks like that initial leak might have been real I need that Spear Hunter reeeeal bad.

The more i think about it the more I agree with the posters talking about this being pretty on tone for the guardians in the game. legit cannon immortal warriors whose only push to get things done is better gear. Talking shit with their friends while they slaughter aliens in the thousands.

I'm ok with the calling Cayde's crowd darkly humorious good ol boys ready to kill already. Like they didn't need motivation - it's just this hunter everyone knows started doing a speech and everyone stops to see whats up.


No. Not at all. The draw was the gameplay. The alerts you're describing are still there and ate going to be fleshed out in the story. Perhaps the mystery and awe you're selling is better experienced in the game this time. No telling. The trailer does confirm loot. That's what people love, loot.

That's what Destiny diehard fans want. They'll buy it regardless. This was their initial shot to grab people that left early or weren't interested from a lack of a campaign or a competent story.
A game having comedic relief doesn't make it a comedic game to me; a game which focuses on said comedic relief in its only two trailers implies, to me, that it will end up being a comedic game. Halo had tons of comedic moments yet because it wasn't about comedy those weren't what Bungie decided to focus on when debuting each game to the world. The first trailer of your game generally sets up the "tone" of said game, and what I see is a comedic Borderlands-style sarcastic romp focusing on loot.

That description just made me 10 times more excited to play! Shit all the LE preorders are sold out. Do you think they will run off another batch?
That's what Destiny diehard fans want. They'll buy it regardless. This was their initial shot to grab people that left early or weren't interested from a lack of a campaign or a competent story.
The gameplay reveal will be for the people you're referring to. A CG trailer was always gonna be for the fans.
I only played vanilla Destiny and the story was... Practically non-existant. Any added flavour is for the best. Besides, Halo story went down the drain as soon as Halo 2 started and the aliens turned into english speaking soap opera religious nuts.

Bold One

You don't find it plausible because you don't want it to be. You had an impression and are choosing what narrative you think is plausible because it fits your initial impression.

You seem to miss the point of my previous post. If you want to look at the trailer as canon story and judge the actions of the characters within the context of the universe... then you can't just pick and choose what elements of that universe you want to consider. It's not as simple as you want to paint it to be because emotions are complex and not required to react to things the way you do or want them to do.

If you don't want to look that deeply, then you should accept that it's a tongue in cheek trailer meant to reflect the two largest sides of the community that love the game. The people who delve deep into the world and lore and love the depth of the Destiny universe... and the people who literally only care about blowing things up to get cool new loot to blow things up in a slightly different, cooler, way.

Trying to play halfway between the two points just enough to try to back up your point is making a disingenuous argument. And it is an argument, not a critique. It stopped being critique the moment you began the back and forth to justify you stance.

Very few people have an issue with the critique of the trailer. People's justification for that critique though, that seems lacking.
I only played vanilla Destiny and the story was... Practically non-existant. Any added flavour is for the best. Besides, Halo story went down the drain as soon as Halo 2 started and the aliens turned into english speaking soap opera religious nuts.
Nah, it made Halo better.

And yeah, Vanilla had basically nothing in terms of plot. House of Wolves and especially The Taken King are much better in this regard.


As someone who generally enjoyed the cheesy "be a hero legend" vibe of Destiny, that trailer was bad. The criticism that Destiny was too self-serious in its tone was perfectly valid, but (for my taste) this trailer went too far in the other direction. I still want to feel like I'm a badass space cowboy ninja fighting epic enemies for the sake of the future, not a pre-teen at a birthday party with a clown trying to get everyone excited about candy.

Edit: To be clear, I kind of liked the serious nature of the Destiny narrative that most other people disliked, so I'm probably just not the target audience here.


And it seems to be working. People are hyped for this. This is following the tone the game has been for a couple of years now.

It works, definitely, but there's also a lot of people not hyped for this such as me. I just don't like this whole "the comedy makes sense in context, therefore you're wrong to dislike it and/or feel skeptical," rhetoric. I've also yet to see evidence that the games are this focused on comedy enough that their debut trailer seems to be more akin to Borderlands than Halo, light hearted =/= comedy to me.

Taken King had one as well, and combined it was literally 100% of the game's TV marketing, which is what the vast majority of people actually see, not the full length YouTube uploads and E3 broadcasts.

And like I said before, it's a change in marketing approach from the Halo days. But that's just it. A marketing approach. Not some grand reveal of Bungie's new Deadpool game. It's a CG trailer cooked up by marketing. Chillax.

TV Marketing and the Debut Trailers are entirely different beasts. If the first trailer for your game revealing its tone and direction is more akin to a comedy-driven TV spot than a debut for a massive sci-fi opera then people will see it as such. These kinds of trailers are what you see near the end of a marketing cycle, not the literal start of it; there's a reason CoD always starts with a story trailer before looking at multiplayer and zombies.

I'm just not seeing any good reason for why people can't think that the game might be comedic and focused loot (and dislike it because of that) when the only trailers available are comedic and focused on loot.


That's what Destiny diehard fans want. They'll buy it regardless. This was their initial shot to grab people that left early or weren't interested from a lack of a campaign or a competent story.

People will jump in for the gameplay. People fell off Destiny pretty much for it's lack of content. They need to keep users engaged with a steady flow of content before the big expansions hit.

That said. Destiny is still huge. Tons of people still play it. Destiny diehards want the lore and loot. The more casual users want something that's engaging, but is also easy enough to jump in with your friends.

Purely anecdotal, but I went to GS to preorder the LE. When I walked in 6 people were already there to preorder the game. I was there for about 5 minutes. As I was walking out. Another guy saw me with my Cayde figure and said "You had the same idea as me. Saw the trailer in class and had to preorder".

Again purely anecdotal, but I already see this game being huge. It's going to get a ton of preorders now, a ton after the gameplay reveal, and even more once we hit beta.

Destiny 2 and RDR are going to be the biggest games launched this year and it aint even close.


The gameplay reveal will be for the people you're referring to. A CG trailer was always gonna be for the fans.
Hopefully they deliver in April then. As someone that appreciates a story and loot, that trailer did not but disappoint. Especially with the cavalier "Yeah your shit is gone." Don't get me wrong I have 0 problem completely starting over but at least put some effort into the reasoning behind it if you're going to mention it. It's all coming off way too fast and loose to the point of being minimal effort which in turn makes me worried about the story.


The bulk of us accepted it and moved on.

Moved the fuck on because Destiny was fun to play.

I get that some people here are skeptical. You have every right to be, but don't be shocked when this game is huge right out the gate. It's about to be big just like Destiny 1. It'll be the big new MP game and everyone will want in on it.


I cant wait for this game! 2000+ hours with literally EVERYTHING in Destiny 1. Just have to earn the new stuff from Age of Triumph

I love both the PvE and PvP elements even though I originally bought it because I liked Halo PvP. Never thought I would do the PvE content, but the numerous raid clears and lighthouse visits have been great.

Can't wait to see the improvements after Bungie has been able to digest everything that happened with Destiny 1. All the data collection has to lead to something positive.

People like to bicker and argue over the finer points of an AMAZING game. If you really dislike it that much stop playing and allow the rest of us to enjoy the content. You don't need to show up in every thread and discuss how much you dislike the game. This is typically only based on a short-lived year 1 play of the game.

Bungie has bent over backwards to modify the game in many ways based on community feedback. They will undoubtedly continue that trend with Destiny 2.
I give up. Yup, this CGI trailer that wears its purpose on its sleeve is actually an absolute guarantee of Deadpool 2: Looty Destiny Edition.

Any rumors if D2 will have a Switch version?
No, but it literally won't happen. Guaranteed. They literally couldn't get the last D1 DLC running on PS3/360 and are deliberately aiming to take full advantage of PS4/X1 this time around. At best Switch would be a terrible downport.


If people are really having a hard time understanding why people are less than hype about this trailer, and skeptical about whether Destiny 2 will end up being good, just remember that Bungie blatantly lied about the kind of game Destiny 1 would be.


Totally understandable, but so far, Bungie hasn't promised a single thing, except the gameplay premiere in May, so let's hold our horses until then. There's still a lot to see and hear including actual story scenes from the game which will determine what kind of tone they've actually set.


The bulk of us accepted it and moved on.

Doesn't change the fact that Bungie/Activision released an unfinished and disappointing game after hyping it up with false advertising, and has been trying to play catch up ever since.

Of course people are going to view Destiny 2's trailers with skepticism after that debacle. You have to remember that people payed real money for this game only to realize that the promises of an open world, a story, etc., weren't true.

Totally understandable, but so far, Bungie hasn't promised a single thing, except the gameplay premiere in May, so let's hold our horses until then. There's still a lot to see and hear including actual story scenes from the game which will determine what kind of tone they've actually set.

That's totally fair. I'm going to withhold judgment until I see gameplay and learn more details. I just think a lot of people were hoping that this trailer would be the video that would address those issues.


just noticed that during zavala's recount of the attack cayde was sent flying by a cabal phalanx but in cayde's recount he "was magnificent" lmao


Fully expect this game's timeline to be similar to the first game's.

After the crap that was pulled with Destiny, I have no faith in Bungie anymore.

I'll play other games. If they prove me wrong then I'll look into buying Destiny 2.


Moved the fuck on because Destiny was fun to play.

I get that some people here are skeptical. You have every right to be, but don't be shocked when this game is huge right out the gate. It's about to be big just like Destiny 1. It'll be the big new MP game and everyone will want in on it.

They should give you you a t-shirt for this volunteer marketing work 😂
I was ready for it after the teaser, but the shift in tone is...interesting. I see what they're going for here though. Zavala is talking to the characters (which is what we expect), while Cayde is talking to us, the players. I'm curious to see how much of this if any ends up in the game though. I'm not totally against it but it will take some adjusting.


But the community is huge. Many people moved on and just enjoyed the game. It's not like he's lying. TTK was a huge success as well. Why are people acting like these things didn't happen

It is still the only game I play currently.

The only other game I have played significantly since Destiny 1 launched was RE7 in VR
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