Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
That's what I was worried about.
Everyone made fun of Bungie for having no personality in the first game and now they've overcompensated to the other side.
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
That's what I was worried about.
Everyone made fun of Bungie for having no personality in the first game and now they've overcompensated to the other side.
Seems like some people in here didn't play TKK and RoI and are wondering where this tone came from. That shift happened a while ago, after House of Wolves.
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
Depends. There was a good balance between Cayde's tomfoolery and the serious dark Eris Morn shenanigans.
They need to strike a balance here. If they go too far with Cayde then it'll be painful for when you do those missions again and again...
Fire Sword Warlock
Looks like i'm rolling Warlock this time.
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
Just watched it... what happened to Destiny? They had such lofty aspirations. Explore, regain your place in the galaxy.
Now what's left? They leveled the mythology and removed any sense of gravitas. Yeah, they destroyed your last beacon of hope. Let's fight for loot.
Such a dudebro tonal shift....
Destiny's |OT| is on 44, that's why.
Because then you don't have to worry about paying for anything for the next year?Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
There is only one character more serious than Zavala (Lance Reddick) and that is ErisWait, was Eris a serious character? I thought she was a joke like Reaper in Overwatch.
Cayde statue + beta code + want the LE + I love Destiny?Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
I know nothing of Overwatch but her gag is being overly serious. So the seriousness is sort of a joke in itself, complete with deliberate overacting. The other two Vanguards though are just serious serious.Wait, was Eris a serious character? I thought she was a joke like Reaper in Overwatch.
Is it confirmed anywhere that PC is 60fps and console is 30fps?
Looks like i'm rolling Warlock this time.
Looks like i'm rolling Warlock this time.
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
this game is really good the only issue i had was no one to raid with and don't want to look on forums to find people to play with on all sorts of assorted different times, just let people who want to hook up with randoms in a raid do it.
but yeah getting this on pc for sure.
Is it confirmed anywhere that PC is 60fps and console is 30fps?
I mean, again, it's a fun teaser to get the fans pumped and shill pre-orders, that likely wasn't even touched by the actual writers anyway, and we're here debating the tone as if this is some sort of hard canon or something.
This like getting up in arms about the Sgt. Johnson Firefight trailer. He's more exaggerated! Mah tone! He says he wants you to get the pre-order DLC of himself - FOURTH WALL!
its the best multiplayer game I have ever played? 2000+ hours and countless friendships forged? Destiny Gaf community is THE best! real life friends all play?
what's not to love?
I don't get why you care? I loved Destiny from the start. Many others did too.
Wait, was Eris a serious character? I thought she was a joke like Reaper in Overwatch.
They've "overcompensated" with too much personality?
Is that what we're at now?
These are the same characters that were already in Destiny, acting just as they always have. Bungie realized they actually had some good NPCs and started focusing on them more with The Taken King.
This isn't new. This is what Destiny is.
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
The comparison's not good at all seeing as that isn't the debut trailer for ODST, this was. If Halo 3: ODST (or Halo 3: Recon as it was called then) had revealed itself with Sgt. Johnson being goofy I'm sure the reaction would have been the same. What the trailer tells me, as someone whose never played Destiny and only has a slight knowledge of what it entails, is that the game's going to focus on comedy and that I should get excited for the promise of "loot."
You havent played much other shooters? Because there was and is plenty of better stuff out there.
There is a lot not to love.
I cant wait for the complains a week or so after release. Its going to happen.
I know nothing of Overwatch but her gag is being overly serious. So the seriousness is sort of a joke in itself, complete with deliberate overacting. The other two Vanguards though are just serious serious.
That's actually pretty accurate. I still imagine they'll deliver some excellent gunplay but the tone of that trailer really does not help alleviate fears about the story for the sequel. When you get raked over the coals for that abomination of a story the first go...the first impression for the sequel is important. That trailer was not a good move.Weird trailer. Feels like one of those cringy Gamestop ads. I'll probably still buy it.
I cant wait for the complains a week or so after release. Its going to happen.
If the was the case made much more sense.enjoying playing through blizzards app lol. no way this is coming to steam, activision wants to make most money with no profits for anyone else
I mean anyone who can think critically knows that the trailer is literally meant to speak directly to the consumer and nobody else. "Hey here's the brief rundown of the story and also let's get some cool fucking loot"I think the thing is guys like...cayde can be what he normally is/was in the taken king. Just like the Titan chief guy can continue to be serious.
The problem is when cayde starts doing stuff like COME ON GUYS LETS GO GET DAT LOOT AMIRITE.
That's what at least I'm referring to when I have issues with the tone of the stuff.
Dont get why a lot of people here flocking out and preordering the game... why?
In before the "destiny OT is just LFG" commentsDestiny's |OT| is on 44, that's why.
lol, its a CG trailer calm down jesus.