As someone who played Destiny a lot, all the way up through the first few weeks of the Taken King, I have to say this CG trailer was super disappointing for one key reason.
"And there will be lots of loot!" *riotous applause*
I was someone who played D1 almost exclusively for the Crucible/PvP, as it was the best place to truly grow player skill with the mechanicals. The mechanical/feel aspect of the game is basically solely why I played, and the 'loot' aspect was a pretty huge turnoff for the most part.
When they started to lean more and more on the arbitrary grinds, materials, items, etc. and those philosophies really started to creep into the PvP, I was done.
I could tolerate some level of imbalance within the Crucible, but when it became clear that I was going to have to essentially treat the game as a job just to eek out enjoyment in the competitive, it was over. When they really skewed Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris towards the Raid players, it was essentially a slap in my face and I never looked back.
So needless to say, when I hear Cayde-6 deliver their mission statement, I pretty much checked out.
I'll keep my eye on it of course, but as someone who gained the most enjoyment from the game when it was most pure (Crucible in the months before Dark Below), I don't have much enthusiasm for D2.