People play raids for the exact same reason you played Crucible; to have fun with their friends. People also play Trials of Osiris for loot, and strive for Lighthouse for bragging rights. Potato, potaeto.
I was just about to respond to that part of his quote. That's the real fun in running raids, or really anything in Destiny. The loot's just a nice bonus. My raid team and I have been running our Friday Night Raid Night event almost every week for the last two years. We'll get on chat, run Nightfalls, strikes, crucible, etc etc. and raids. Destiny is way, way better with real genuine friends to play along with, no matter what modes you're into.
It's great that you guys get satisfaction from it, there's a lot of very satisfying things about Destiny.
With me and my circle of friends, who played Halo MP together primarily, it was extremely disappointing when I was enjoying the game for the competitive while they never wanted to play it, solely because it 'didn't reward you'. Needless to say, I stopped playing with my once dedicated group, because I wasn't willing to slog through things that weren't satisfying. And these are personal friends, not friends through the internet either. I simply wasn't willing to spend my Fridays repetitiously running through the same content over and over that, for me, wasn't mechanically/thematically interesting past the first time or so.
It's weird, I think that the Halo 1-3 campaigns are far more replayable than the 'designed to be replayed' content of Destiny.
Probably because after awhile, at least for me, you kind of start seeing the obvious tropes of the content and how they are gating things to keep players continually wanting.
When that happens, all of the fun basically gets drained imo. Like one day, I was redeeming a bunch of bounties and I straight up was just like "Why am I doing this?". Turned it off and didn't return, it's kind of crazy how I just dropped it so suddenly, cold turkey.
Only way I'm personally playing this, is if they keep the PvE and PvP entirely separated.
100% not happening though. If it's a good compromise, I may consider, just out of the desire to see how it
Here's one of the last Crucible matches I recorded. I do miss the game in some ways, but like I've said, if the loot is the primary hook they are going with, then I'm already jaded.
Taken King - Phantom/Reign of Terror