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Destiny 2 (PC/XB1/PS4, Sep 8) CG reveal trailer, pre-orders, gameplay debut May 18th

I was giving his post a bit of good-natured ribbing.

Based on his light-hearted response I think he understood my tone a bit better than you.

Welp, as you can see from people that actually agreed to what you posted i wasn't the only one :lol:

My bad, you cant tell on these threads sarcasm or good natured ribbing. Like that guy that said my post made no sense, my first assumption is that he doesn't understand english. There's just too many shitposts.

I actually believed Renzo was being serious but I didn't have time to think of a comeback joke so I just said thank you.

Anyways, yea there have been way too many negative posts as Igor said so it's hard to tell.


I'd rather they stuck to one tone for a trailer. This is just silly.

The Cayde teaser was fine but you can't have your cake and eat it too.


I wish I could be disappointed with the trailer but I loved it and all my disappointment goes with Bungie not letting me pre-order the game yet here...

Okay guys, how about a poll for "Which version are you getting?". I'm curious to see how many people are willing to pay in advance for the expansions.

...also, I need people to tell me why I shouldn't get a collector's edition.
There's dissonance between the subject matter and the behaviour of some of the characters that simply doesn't jive with fans, myself included. It seems to me that the game would benefit from 'mature' storytelling as opposed to this bro shit we have with Cayde. I just hope that what we've seen so far isn't indicative of the direction for D2 and is a ploy to get the bro's on board.

Comedic sarcasm and snarkiness is "bro shit" now? I always thought it was the anti-bro. We got a whole lot of bro's on GAF then judging from like, half the responses to every thread here. lol
The entire recommendation list for the trailer is already comprised of an assortment of shocked faces reacting to said trailer.

What a time to be alive.
I mean, yeah, Destiny has always been a bit "broey", but for shooters it's this or Call of Duty for this style of combat.

And well, that's maximum bro.
I mean. I loved the trailer.

That said, I'm a sucker for firefly so... yeah.

Tone I thought was great.



Not really.

You don't have to like the trailer but whether or not they can "have their cake and eat it too" isn't really arguable. The trailer has received a very positive response, the CE is sold out everywhere that put it up, trending all over the place.

So they did, in fact, do just that. :p

I'd rather this game not go full borderlands and eschew all sense of tragedy or melodrama.

There is no reason to think it's doing that.


There is no reason to think it's doing that.

People were gonna respond positively to a CG trailer no matter what. It's Nathan Fillion hamming it up.

But the overall tone of the series with more snarky dialogue constantly and I'd rather they not fully commit to such a tone.
People were gonna respond positively to a CG trailer no matter what. It's Nathan Fillion hamming it up.

But the overall tone of the series with more snarky dialogue constantly and I'd rather they not fully commit to such a tone.
It's been snarkier since TKK


Just saw the entire trailer on ESPN. Activision marketing machine is on full GO

They showed the teaser trailer last night on ESPN promoting that same trailer that showed today. Just wait until we get close to the gameplay reveal. They'll do the same thing.
People play raids for the exact same reason you played Crucible; to have fun with their friends. People also play Trials of Osiris for loot, and strive for Lighthouse for bragging rights. Potato, potaeto.

I was just about to respond to that part of his quote. That's the real fun in running raids, or really anything in Destiny. The loot's just a nice bonus. My raid team and I have been running our Friday Night Raid Night event almost every week for the last two years. We'll get on chat, run Nightfalls, strikes, crucible, etc etc. and raids. Destiny is way, way better with real genuine friends to play along with, no matter what modes you're into.

It's great that you guys get satisfaction from it, there's a lot of very satisfying things about Destiny.

With me and my circle of friends, who played Halo MP together primarily, it was extremely disappointing when I was enjoying the game for the competitive while they never wanted to play it, solely because it 'didn't reward you'. Needless to say, I stopped playing with my once dedicated group, because I wasn't willing to slog through things that weren't satisfying. And these are personal friends, not friends through the internet either. I simply wasn't willing to spend my Fridays repetitiously running through the same content over and over that, for me, wasn't mechanically/thematically interesting past the first time or so.

It's weird, I think that the Halo 1-3 campaigns are far more replayable than the 'designed to be replayed' content of Destiny.

Probably because after awhile, at least for me, you kind of start seeing the obvious tropes of the content and how they are gating things to keep players continually wanting.

When that happens, all of the fun basically gets drained imo. Like one day, I was redeeming a bunch of bounties and I straight up was just like "Why am I doing this?". Turned it off and didn't return, it's kind of crazy how I just dropped it so suddenly, cold turkey.

Only way I'm personally playing this, is if they keep the PvE and PvP entirely separated.

100% not happening though. If it's a good compromise, I may consider, just out of the desire to see how it feels.

Here's one of the last Crucible matches I recorded. I do miss the game in some ways, but like I've said, if the loot is the primary hook they are going with, then I'm already jaded.

Taken King - Phantom/Reign of Terror
Does it go both ways; did you withhold support for games like Rise of the Tomb Raider, Mass Effect 2, and Bioshock as well, which were one year exclusives for the XB platforms?

Never played Rise, played ME2 like 3 years after release, Bioshock is my 2nd favorite game of all time but I don't remember when I played it. I always figured Bioshock was ported to PS3 later because PS3 launched a year later, never knew there was a deal.

The problem with this deal is the length, and in the case of the first game, the lack of compelling content really made the missing content stick out more. Plus even in paid DLC you have timed exclusive DLC. I mean, that's just disgusting. As phenomenal as the gunplay in the game is, I'll wait for a massive sale or buy used as I did with the original. And I understand any tears Activisiin may shed over my lost sale they'll wipe away with handfuls of hundred dollar bills from one of the many crates of cash they'll make with the game and that's fine. And this will be my last post on the subject, don't want to come across as a Debbie downer or anything. It's just a shame to see. There will be plenty of other great games to play instead though.


Pre-ordered the LE and now have my little Cayde-6 thing sitting next to the Ghost on my desk.

Looking forward to it. I hope this one is a little more story-driven and they actually put some effort into the campaign.
It is immensely satisfying going into Destiny 2 knowing that I didn't pay a single dime to Activision/Bungie for any silver/Eververse/cosmetic garbage that will be completely useless and ignored once Destiny 2 hits.

You hear me, Activision? You hear me, Bungie? NOT. A. DIME.

You'll never break my will.
Not really.

I'd rather this game not go full borderlands and eschew all sense of tragedy or melodrama.

I think there was suble signs of not going full serious and going more "bro culture" since the start

There was any sense of seriousness since the new voice actor for your ghost and cayde being capable of threatening the shipmaster just for the player to fly into the dreadnought obvious signs of Bungie is going that route.

This trailer was kind of awful, its the last city standing of humanity yet Bungie managed to turn tragedy and pain into fun and laughs


This jokey tone that started with TKK is their response to fucking up the serious lore of the game so badly to the point of nobody caring. And now they're doubling down, because writing shtick comedy is a hell of a lot easier than writing interesting, mysterious, serious lore. I'm pretty disappointed by the trailer, and the shtick, as someone who's played a hell of a lot of Destiny.


I think there was suble signs of not going full serious and going more "bro culture" since the start

I know it's been there. They weren't exactly subtle. It's just that they usually weren't in the middle of the really really important story points (any time you dealt with Oryx).

But like you said, this is the potential death of the Last City and yet HAHA GET YO LOOT


This jokey tone that started with TKK is their response to fucking up the serious lore of the game so badly to the point of nobody caring. And now they're doubling down, because writing shtick comedy is a hell of a lot easier than writing interesting, mysterious, serious lore. I'm pretty disappointed by the trailer, and the shtick, as someone who's played a hell of a lot of Destiny.

I'm not a huge fan of it either but watch Angry Joe's reaction to the trailer. He doesn't even like Destiny but he was definitely cheering for Cayde.


Not really.

I'd rather this game not go full borderlands and eschew all sense of tragedy or melodrama.
I really don't get the Borderlands comparisons. Have yall played Borderlands recently? It's wayyyyyy worse than this. I thought the Cayde bits were pretty funny, and I'm usually turned off by irreverent bro humor. The switching between tones was the best part of the trailer. Like, the switching in itself WAS the main joke, and it was well done.



Finally had a chance to watch the trailer; I liked it... feel like people are way over-reacting. Cayde is humorous in the original game too.


I think there was suble signs of not going full serious and going more "bro culture" since the start

There was any sense of seriousness since the new voice actor for your ghost and cayde being capable of threatening the shipmaster just for the player to fly into the dreadnought obvious signs of Bungie is going that route.

This trailer was kind of awful, its the last city standing of humanity yet Bungie managed to turn tragedy and pain into fun and laughs
But that's not the start, that's very far from the start. That's the third (first major) expansion where they scrambled to salvage the game's reception.

Cayde was a very low-key goofball in vanilla Destiny (he was a lonely robot who really wanted to go adventuring with you), then they suddenly went "Okay, guys, everyone is saying that our game is a soulless, joyless slog. How do we fix this? We already have the Firefly guy, could we make him act like a Firefly guy? Yeah? Okay, cool. That was easy."
Say what you will about the original Destiny, but at least it had its own tone. This just sounds like every popculture thing these days.


The teaser was ok for what it was, I thought. For me, the biggest take away was that Bungie have scaled back, if not outright abandoned, the ambitious vision and lofty goal set for their franchise: no one's putting this type of thing on the shelf next to Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, and its evident Bungie, having this as their foot forward, have stopped trying.

That's actually a big disappointment to me, if I'm being honest. I actually appreciated the serious tone vanilla went with, and the attempt to create something worth remembering was admirable. Bungie lowering its sights for "generic quippy action adventure" because its sarcastic mass appeal is easily achievable, well, just kinda sucks, given how unique Destiny's tone and lore was in the AAA space.

I'm sure the gameplay will be tight, but yeah, tone leaves me feeling cold.


And have felt nothing after checking out after The Taken King. So much squandered potential and I'm leery of dipping in again. The game will have to sing.


Maybe leveraging Nathan Fillion's charisma and making the reveal a goofy humor piece is a bit much, but can anyone really blame them for wanting to frontload the marketing with character? The first game rightfully got shit for being so dry, grandiose and lacking in personality, so I think we should cut them some slack for trying to lighten the mood.


I thought the trailer was great until the final scene. I'm used to and cool with Cayde, but the loot line removed me from the rally the troops speeches.

All in all it's great, I just hope they don't break the 3rd wall (is that what it's called?) during story missions.

I'd be ok with some immersion breaking jokes in hubs on occasion, similar to how I'm ok with character emotes.

Edit: literally cut that line and leave the trailer with the dichotomy of Zavala's vs Cayde's inspirational speeches (and the crowd responses), and it's a fantastic trailer.


I'd rather they stuck to one tone for a trailer. This is just silly.

The Cayde teaser was fine but you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I stopped playing Destiny a while back, so don't even know who Cayde is, but to me, it came across like a poor mans Deadpool and it felt very forced that they were trying to make him come across like a smart ass like Deadpool. Again, have not played Destiny in a while and don't know how this character is.


People saying the tone is off or not right have definitely not played the game after the TTK expansion.
One of the reason the game got better is thanks to that change in tone, if they keep the same mix of serious/fun, this will be a great, great game.

I'm ready to die for you over and over again Cayde!


I stopped playing Destiny a while back, so don't even know who Cayde is, but to me, it came across like a poor mans Deadpool and it felt very forced that they were trying to make him come across like a smart ass like Deadpool. Again, have not played Destiny in a while and don't know how this character is.

Character had this tone and humor since Taken King. A little before that, but Taken King gave him a lot of this humor.

So he beat the current obsession of Dead Pool before it hit, but those comics have been around forever.

So... Deadpool > Cayde > Deadpool ?

Either way, the trailer was great, but I was hoping for more setting up of what is to come. Though they did a much better job with setting up how bad ass and evil Oryx was, and probably didnt want to retread that. Plus, it is really hard to top Oryx with Gary.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
I stopped playing Destiny a while back, so don't even know who Cayde is, but to me, it came across like a poor mans Deadpool and it felt very forced that they were trying to make him come across like a smart ass like Deadpool. Again, have not played Destiny in a while and don't know how this character is.

I'm with you. I don't know the history or character. Thought of forced Deadpool.
Even in the pantheon of weird Destiny trailers, this was was really weird.

This isn't the first goofy trailer we've seen for this game. I'd imagine some of us remember those live action trailers with the guardians goofing off and making quips, which clashed even harder since everything else we knew of Destiny at the time was incredibly somber and reverent.

What makes this one really fucking weird however, is that as far as I'm aware, this is the first piece of Destiny marketing to refute its own somber tone. Most Destiny advertising material is either serious or goofy, but they tended to be tonally consistent. This is the first to just say, "hey, who cares about that dull, serious shit!?"

Ultimately, I guess it doesn't matter. Destiny 2's only trailer could be a phone recording of Luke Smith running around the Bungie offices naked, and the game would still sell tens of millions.

Still, I wonder if this signals a shift in tone of the game and fiction itself?


Even in the pantheon of weird Destiny trailers, this was was really weird.

This isn't the first goofy trailer we've seen for this game. I'd imagine some of us remember those live action trailers with the guardians goofing off and making quips, which clashed even harder since everything else we knew of Destiny at the time was incredibly somber and reverent.

What makes this one really fucking weird however, is that as far as I'm aware, this is the first piece of Destiny marketing to refute its own somber tone. Most Destiny advertising material is either serious or goofy, but they tended to be tonally consistent. This is the first to just say, "hey, who cares about that dull, serious shit!?"

Ultimately, I guess it doesn't matter. Destiny 2's only trailer could be a phone recording of Luke Smith running around the Bungie offices naked, and the game would still sell tens of millions.

Still, I wonder if this signals a shift in tone of the game and fiction itself?

You guys are reading way too into this trailer as if the entire lore is going out the window.

Do you know how much grimoire there is to read? Damn near too much. The calcified fragments are some of THE best lore in any game franchise. To dismiss all that and throw it out seems idiotic beyond belief.

There is no way they are going to ditch the lore, especially since THE best content and marketing they had was when The Taken King launched. TTK was 80% serious, and 20% funny, and that was Cayde.
Nah, it made Halo better.

And yeah, Vanilla had basically nothing in terms of plot. House of Wolves and especially The Taken King are much better in this regard.

Nah man, I was super disappointed with the direction they went in with Halo. It was just such a standard way to go with things.

The first game didn't have an amazing story or anything, but it set up a really interesting universe. The stuff with the Forerunners was cool, and the concepts with the flood were nice and effective... but the Covenant were just re-skinned humans, the Chief started getting real cheesy, and the tone in general was nowhere near as mysterious post Halo 1. The story just never hooked me as something I should actually care about (in fairness very few game stories really do it for me)


People saying the tone is off or not right have definitely not played the game after the TTK expansion.
One of the reason the game got better is thanks to that change in tone, if they keep the same mix of serious/fun, this will be a great, great game.

I'm ready to die for you over and over again Cayde!

Nah, I played The Taken King and still think the tone of this trailer was off. Sure, Cayde had the occasional one liner here and there, and that was great, but he was a little much in this trailer, to the point of being a parody of his former self. Again though, it's hard to judge an entire game based on one measly trailer, but it's all we have to go on at this time.
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