Hazardous Metal
This is the same Cayde from TTK but in a different environment where he is naturally going to act a bit more excited. You are incorrect on this.
I play Destiny literally every day so I don't need to go back and watch his cutscenes. I remember them well. I also remember the things he says in Tower and during strikes that absolutely fit with his attitude.
Like when he does an over-the-top whisper, begging the player to take him along.
Or this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjVcS4NpHNY
That's been the game for a year and a half.
How in the world do you consider that markedly different?
At least in this example, the environment is way more fitting for this kind of humor. I think a big issue me and others have is not only how much more obnoxious the humor has become, but the scenario in which the humor takes place. Even then, your example is pretty tame and also more of an easter egg (hours can pass and you'll not hear this voice line in the Tower). I'd be much more receptive of his humor if it was done in a way like that instead of "LOL SHITS ASPLODING PEW PEW WHEEEE" as Guardians wage war for their lives around him.