need one more person for the Raid possibly. post your PSN
So how does it feel? Fun? Tough? Confusing? Cheap? Any cool drops yet?First part of the raid DONE!
So how does it feel? Fun? Tough? Confusing? Cheap? Any cool drops yet?
Arbitrary shit screwing you over, bugs wiping the party, unknown mechanics fucking you over when you thought you were doing what you were supposed to be doing (although that kinda ties in with "confusing"), invisible melee enemies OHKOing you, crazy short enrage timers, bullshit enrage spewing constant flow of knights and wizards, etc.Cheap? Not sure what you mean by that
Arbitrary shit screwing you over, bugs wiping the party, unknown mechanics fucking you over when you thought you were doing what you were supposed to be doing (although that kinda ties in with "confusing"), invisible melee enemies OHKOing you, crazy short enrage timers, bullshit enrage spewing constant flow of knights and wizards, etc.
Edit: kind of a spoilerish thing, but can you revive? (Feel free to PM if too spoilery)
We are at theFirst part of the raid DONE!
Need 2 guys for the Krotas end raid
1. Fantasticmrtrout lvl30
2. Rajala lvl 30
3. Arassuil
4. Erik
Level 30 hunter psn biggy70686
Yeah, we are having trouble, too. And we just lost our sixth to power. Anyone wanna join us? On the second part of the raid.Man, the second part is such a pain.
so is there a new jump passage again? I hope so or at least something equally interesting.
so is there a new jump passage again? I hope so or at least something equally interesting.
Beat second part finally jesus christ
Beat second part finally jesus christ
Is there more or the second part is the end?
Stop trying to spoil yourself! Lol
lolz. I only want to know (1) how many loot drops and (2) how many sections until the end. People saying they are giving up until they buy and max 331 attack weapons already... lol.
How do I get a crucible commendation?
We got to the final boss of the raid. Trying to figure it out now.
But I was told pre-DLC gear would be fine for all the content in the expansion!?! (lol)Wait... so at level 30 with maxed 300 attack arc and solar weapons you can only tickle the raid boss?
Wrong thread, this one is strictly about the new raid.
IS there a thread specific to Dark Below discussion, or would that just be the usual Destiny OT? I hadn't seen anything bumped but this and the "complain about DLC" thread.
Second part of the raid DONE!
Have fun with part three
heh heh heh
Sorry for the late response. I crashed hard yesterday after the raid. Here's how our group was able to beatTired so our group is calling it at that third section (how'd you guys do it?) We just werent dpsing fast enough before the liturgy shit hit us. Gonna go do story and level these boots i got.
Sure. We'll post a video soon. Here's a small description though:
Sword user needs to be 31, preferably a hunter with stealth.
Everyone needs to go to the spot where you first enter the room. It's out in the open, but you won't get swarmed by thralls much. The swordbearer comes to you quicker too. Don't stay at the Deathsinger corridors, that's what everyone is doing, but it sucks.
The best thing about the new spot is that the ogres come you quick as well and you can kill them both with with weapons of light. A striker grenade that blinds them also really helps.
After the swordbearer goes down the Hunter should pick it right away and move up to the boxes at the center near Crota. From the boxes he can jump up there with the bladedancer high jump. The guys hitting Crota need to call out health percentages to get the timing right. R1R1R2R2. You can start hitting as soon as he begins to start kneeling. Don't get greedy though. You need to get out on time.
Blade user goes back to the boxes where he first jumped from and crouches to stealth. The other guys shoot Crota again to make him kneel twice. This second time is crucial and he needs to go down faster. Use Gjallarhorns this time. The blade user can right up to Crota without worrying about timing because he should be in stealth mode.
When Crota kneels 2 guys should already be standing on top of the pillars near the starting spot (there are 4 of such pillars). These guys need to take care of the Knights shooting grenades from the two towers in the back. Those knights kill the sword user, that's why.
Hopefully this will be useful. We got Crota way before the enraged sign even showed up.