Sexy shit I got:
Bungie armor designers are doing a nice job.
Sexy shit I got:
This is the last time I'll broadcast this (i'm also about to go away for the weekend- save some Raiding for next week please!)....
For the duration of Xur's visit, if you have not used your third character slot, you can obtain infinite Strange Coins. It is confirmed working.
I do not endorse this kind of thing. The process is also boring as hell. However, I have been told that some people actually like it and/or will put themselves through anything to gear up as quickly as possible. You can also be extra prepared for his next visit.
If you haven't figured out how to do it, reply to this post. Just keep in mind that this was not intended, and while I doubt there'd be bannings (it's rather innocuous given that there's no trade economy), I do expect it to be patched somehow.
If you haven't figured out how to do it, reply to this post. .
Motes of Light are earned by simply earning XP. Bounties, beacons, PvP, killing stuffs, everything. At every point you'd have leveled prior to 20, a mote will be generated and pop right into your inventory. Additional random chances for Motes of Light come from completing Crucible matches, completing Vanguard Strikes, in loot chests, or in any type of engram.
So infinite strange coins by just buying them over and over and vaulting them with alt characters confirmed?
Is there anyway to see how much more XP I need to 'rank up' and get my next mote?
Bungie armor designers are doing a nice job.
Can someone tell me the stats and perks for the Sunbreakers? I'd greatly appreciate it.
This is the Defender helm you need:
Me and two friends tried the Heroic weekly strike last night and got destroyed (mostly by the bosses' minions -- those damn Knights!). Any tips to beating that boss? We're usually too caught up fighting the smaller guys to do real damage to him.
Tomorrow is finally the day I will be playing Destiny again after three days of absence.
Me and two friends tried the Heroic weekly strike last night and got destroyed (mostly by the bosses' minions -- those damn Knights!). Any tips to beating that boss? We're usually too caught up fighting the smaller guys to do real damage to him.
Is there anyway to see how much more XP I need to 'rank up' and get my next mote?
254/329 defense
light +21
Intellect +90
Increases duration of solar grenade
Increases reload speed with special weapons
Melee hits replenish grenade energy
God damnThis is the Defender helm you need:
What else were you holding onto it for?
No, because apparently Bungie outright removed the ability to buy strange coins.
Good job people
Open your character profile, and hover the cursor over your level. It will display a popup with the XP bar towards the next Mote.
So infinite strange coins by just buying them over and over and vaulting them with alt characters confirmed?
Sucks people missed the "free" coin, but fuck people for abusing it. Good example of ass hats ruining it for everyone.
So they patched this already?This is the last time I'll broadcast this (i'm also about to go away for the weekend- save some Raiding for next week please!)....
For the duration of Xur's visit, if you have not used your third character slot, you can obtain infinite Strange Coins. It is confirmed working.
I do not endorse this kind of thing. The process is also boring as hell. However, I have been told that some people actually like it and/or will put themselves through anything to gear up as quickly as possible. You can also be extra prepared for his next visit.
If you haven't figured out how to do it, reply to this post. Just keep in mind that this was not intended, and while I doubt there'd be bannings (it's rather innocuous given that there's no trade economy), I do expect it to be patched somehow.
So they patched this already?
No, because apparently Bungie outright removed the ability to buy strange coins.
Good job people![]()
For me the Death From Above seemed buggy when I used it in PvE or PvP. So many times I was primed to Superman down but instead it switched to the regular Fist of Havoc and even worse shot me straight down and not forward like usual.
Maybe it was something I was doing wrong?
Does Death From Above require a certain height of time in the air to work?
Yeah this sucks can't just change the game and change the rules like thisSo Bungie actually removed it for everyone, even if you have never made the trade on your account? Thanks a fucking bunch, Bungie. Let's reward people sitting at home on a Friday morning and fuck over people who are at work. GG
No Idea why this pisses me off so much. It's a fucking game...
Fix this shit Bungie. I expect the deal to be back up by tomorrow. Just make it a one time thing per week per account.
This is perfect. This gear is perfect. You are perfect, Sullichin.
deconfirmed. Bungie found out hot patched.
I need to do the weekly strike tonight EST, I'll repost tonight to get a couple folks.
It sucks so bad there isn't an in game clan thing so we have to resort to using a forum.
Damn I woke up today and ran straight to where Xur was supposed to be. Santa never came![]()
Damn I woke up today and ran straight to where Xur was supposed to be. Santa never came![]()
OMG OMG OMG... so nervous... I can't do this... someone hold me...
I am pretty sure I'll be able to hit 27 without needing any more ascendant shards too.
OMG OMG OMG... so nervous... I can't do this... someone hold me...
Please share. And thank you. And is there any way to delete my third character?This is the last time I'll broadcast this (i'm also about to go away for the weekend- save some Raiding for next week please!)....
For the duration of Xur's visit, if you have not used your third character slot, you can obtain infinite Strange Coins. It is confirmed working.
I do not endorse this kind of thing. The process is also boring as hell. However, I have been told that some people actually like it and/or will put themselves through anything to gear up as quickly as possible. You can also be extra prepared for his next visit.
If you haven't figured out how to do it, reply to this post. Just keep in mind that this was not intended, and while I doubt there'd be bannings (it's rather innocuous given that there's no trade economy), I do expect it to be patched somehow.
OMG OMG OMG... so nervous... I can't do this... someone hold me...
Cryptarch is controlled by the reapers or something*
*better story then anything else so far