Unknown Soldier
ass shards are so useless
I need 21 of the fucking things and the game keeps trolling me with energy drops
ass shards are so useless
We'd like to start soon. We are doing normal. Add Primatibus. I can't see my friend requests right now.
Galahad E is actually pretty beast, better than my Legendary pulse rifle
Why counts as a spree?
Looking for a sixth on a the on if anyone's free. Ign forgrim
Dat ass tho..ass shards are so useless
Pup, Fami, can you guys get on tonight?
Heroic weekly?
I already did it, I think I might do the raid tonight.
I think you will like Hard Light or Monte Carlo.It's my favorite primary. Don't have any exotics primaries yet tho.
I'm usually #1 overall and now I'm smack dab in the middle. The Titan crucible master is a tease...you don't get the same armorIron Banner is great. I normally run about middle with a .50 kd in normal Crucible, but in IB I have been second with a 1.3 kd every time. However, 100 rep to Level 1 is a tease as the next level is 1500. WTF? C'mon, Bungie.
Can't believe I don't know this by now, but what are the main differences between the nightfall and the weekly heroic on the hardest difficulty?
Pup, Fami, can you guys get on tonight?
Heroic weekly?
I haven't got any, either. My two exotic weapons are from exotic bounties. I have all three exotic helmets for my titan, all three I've gotten from Xur.
My buddy got The Last Word and Icebreaker in the raid. I kri evry tiem
I can see the appeal of want to collect them all eventually, but in favor of filling out a build...Why did you bother buying all three exotic helmets? You could've bought some weapons with those coins.
Buying additional exotic helmets (or any other exotic armor) seems redundant.
I'll do the weekly with you if you like
We could use you!
Anyone doing a 28 Weekly?
ass shards are so useless
We need two people for the last part of the Atheon fight in the Raid on normal (PS4).
Dat ass tho..
How the hell do you have so many? I can never accumulate so much without spending them.
Just sent ya a FR.
I know what I'm buying from the Vanguard Quartermaster when I get home.Shadow Price is a beast, man.
Dr. Nope is an ammo burner that takes ages to kill. Shadow Price's downside is its 25 clip, but it gets the job done MUCH faster and it fires like a dream. I think it does 3x damage over Dr. Nope per bullet, probably more once I've upgraded it at the same level as Nope. Which means those 25 bullets will have caused more destruction than those 70 in the Nope anyway. A Shadow Price with Field Scout is probably lol mode, but I haven't come across it.
Grim Citizen is probably a good bet too, I think its sort of comparable to Shadow Price. Both murder Dr. Nope.
Looking to the daily, weekly, nightfall or even the raid.
PS4 x_Magik_ox Level 27 warlock
Send an invite!
Can't believe I don't know this by now, but what are the main differences between the nightfall and the weekly heroic on the hardest difficulty?
Holy fuck how do people do this...? I mean there's more and stronger adds as well aren't there?
Looking to the daily, weekly, nightfall or even the raid.
PS4 x_Magik_ox Level 27 warlock
Send an invite!
ascendant materials should not drop after boss phases.
leave it in the chests.
drop weapons and gear. if people already have it or don't want it, they can dismantle it and get the shards anyway.
I hate holding the group back cuz Im under leveled![]()
OMG i was about to rage so hard....
So after soloing the nightfall until the boss and then getting it at like 10% hp with 2 other gaffers, destiny servers kick me out....
I joined last minute to give the killing blow and get ass shards.
Another gaffer got hard light and the other a legendary shotty. Gratz!!
Got my second Raid armor piece! Two more left!
Anyone up for a vault of glass run on hard mode? On PS4?
Thanks for the invite! That was my first time doing a nightfall and I was freaking out when you dropped lol.OMG i was about to rage so hard....
So after soloing the nightfall until the boss and then getting it at like 10% hp with 2 other gaffers, destiny servers kick me out....
I joined last minute to give the killing blow and get ass shards.
Another gaffer got hard light and the other a legendary shotty. Gratz!!
What's your psn?