Just started the Templar fight.Nice. How far are y'all, or done already?
Just started the Templar fight.Nice. How far are y'all, or done already?
Anyone up for a vault of glass run on hard mode? On PS4?
Anyone up for a vault of glass run on hard mode? On PS4?
Just started the Templar fight.
What's your psn?
I am. PSN: Afrodeeziyak
I am. PSN Daraman
Ok cool, just finishing up this iron banner round then I'll start inviting.
Need one more for Atheon on normal.
Thanks for the excellent team work - that was fast - and the void AR I just picked up will make the weekly strike a cake walk.
I'm a little pissed off that all of these events are only for high-leveled players. As a level 25, I can't compete in the Iron Banner without getting my butt handed to me.
To make things worse, I'll play Strikes, story missions, and the Crucible, but 90% of the drops I see are Uncommon. I would have thought that by this point I would be seeing Rares way more often. The only pieces of Legendary gear I have came from the Queen's Event, which hardly even counts.
I have 22 shards and only two energies. If only it was possible to trade....I need 21 of the fucking things and the game keeps trolling me with energy drops
You...Don't understand why bungie didn't make a raid vendor. Should have made it so doing the raid earns your raid marks which in returns let's you buy different raid sets. Better sets could have been more marks. And just have shards/energy drop in the raid except when you beat the bosses which would stay how it is now.
so how's Iron Banner looking so far peeps? Has it been terribly unbalanced or about the same as before?
Is it all suros/ARs for mains and shotgun/fusion for secondary or are people experimenting more?
I'm a little pissed off that all of these events are only for high-leveled players. As a level 25, I can't compete in the Iron Banner without getting my butt handed to me.
To make things worse, I'll play Strikes, story missions, and the Crucible, but 90% of the drops I see are Uncommon. I would have thought that by this point I would be seeing Rares way more often. The only pieces of Legendary gear I have came from the Queen's Event, which hardly even counts.
I really hope bungie will look into something like this. It would make a lot of people happier with the whole getting random stuff you don't want in the raid. And like you said you would always be making progress to your next piece of armor so more people would be willing to do the raid every week and not have to worry about getting nothing.You...
Yeah I suggested the same thing yesterday. "Raid coins".. Pls.
At least you'd always be making progression.
so how's Iron Banner looking so far peeps? Has it been terribly unbalanced or about the same as before?
Is it all suros/ARs for mains and shotgun/fusion for secondary or are people experimenting more?
so how's Iron Banner looking so far peeps? Has it been terribly unbalanced or about the same as before?
Is it all suros/ARs for mains and shotgun/fusion for secondary or are people experimenting more?
help me with heroic tonight?
just got bad seed down pulse rifle for leveling up vanguard. my first legendary primary
do i stick with it or purchase shadow price AR?
Thanks for the invite! That was my first time doing a nightfall and I was freaking out when you dropped lol.
That shotty guy was me! XD
No problem for that invite. I tried inviting you a few times before but it wasn't working. PSN being a dick as usual.
Getting tired of dying stupid-like on the Nightfall. Anybody wanna help a brother out on Xbone?
Well there's a bounty for auto rifle headshots, so it's been mostly suros.so how's Iron Banner looking so far peeps? Has it been terribly unbalanced or about the same as before?
Is it all suros/ARs for mains and shotgun/fusion for secondary or are people experimenting more?
Give me a time and I'll get with my assistant to see if I can fit you in the old schedgz
From my experience the PvP part of the Bad Juju bounty is really faster (and more pleasant) compared to the required 25 strikes prior to it.
Nihil, i am down. Will be in 3 hrs tho
At 5 this morning I saw a level 22 come out on top, probably because he was using an alts high powered fully leveled weaponsI'm only 26 and I'm doing ok in iron banner. I'm really not seeing much difference honestly.
I dunno. 7pm PST with Hawkian?
Yeah I'm a 29 and always score at the top so I haven't noticed anything different with that, but I had an 8 on my team who did just fine. Everyone on the other team was 20+ so that dude should have been getting melted with no points or maybe I don't understand the level advantages.I'm only 26 and I'm doing ok in iron banner. I'm really not seeing much difference honestly.
I think I get what they were going for with the above average fire rate and decent reload, but the gun just doesn't pack any sort of punch for the pathetic clip size. The clip size wouldn't be an issue if the gun did any sort of respectable damage. If I knew I could kill with 9 rounds then this gun would be damn good.
And to top it off, this was the worst bounty for the worst gun.
Then gratz again mate, and yeah I freaked out too I was like "please connect please connect"
In your debt mate, thanks a lot again!!
Love this community.
FYI for any gaffers there doing the nightfall how we did it was:
-1 guy stayed mostly up to by the entrance
-2 guys on the ground level taking turns shooting the boss and killing the adds
-3 be careful with the captains, when they spawn they charge at you like they have no fear
Good luck everyone!!
How many ascendant shards do you get from dismantling legendaries?
I think that's my only option at this point, so I guess that's what I'll be spending my marks on.
3How many ascendant shards do you get from dismantling legendaries?
I think that's my only option at this point, so I guess that's what I'll be spending my marks on.
Need one person for Normal Raid on PS4. Starting in about 5 mins. Mic preferred
Primaries dont have elements? I could be wrong.
Weekly heroic anyone? Level 22 or 26. ps4:WHOAguitarninja