One is likely to be more patient and have more fun with a regular group, but after having completed the raid multiple times, I am now for matchmaking -- at least for normal mode.I can't imagine that anyone who's actually done the raid wants matchmaking for it.
Same for the Nightfall and the Weekly.
I'm sure people would still get mad, rage, and quit -- whatever, but the main obstacle of the "difficulty" just isn't there. Here's the strategy for literally all of Destiny's content: "Don't die." That's about it. It's literally a numbers game: having six means you win, having less than six means you'll likely lose. If you can manage not to die progression simply becomes a matter of time. The independent players need to be skilled and aware and coordinated, but that's not the same as intricate teamwork. Some of the cheese methods require more strategy than the normal means. This is why the Heroic Raid is a bit dumb. Not only does the respawn restriction put disproportionate emphasis on the Warlock class (every super is a free mulligan), but the added difficulty is a bit artificial. The way you acquire level 30 gear is unreliable and limited thus the more under-leveled you are the harder the raid is. Atheon's final run, and even the gatekeeper part (sorta) is how the entirety of the raid should be designed. The difficulty is in the timing and teamwork with the final boss being relatively easy and by no means a bullet sponge. Success is tied to the execution of mechanics rather than being a certain level and managing not to die.