Haha! Dammit Bungie.
Haha! Dammit Bungie.
Invective bounty get!
Holy hell I should try that. :lol
But then I'd need a Hard raid Atheon checkpoint, meh.
Bungie should fix symptoms, rather than patching out end problems.
Loot cave? This only existed because a level 1 Dreg will have the same drop chances as a level 30 Minotaur. That's incredibly stupid and lazy, put a tiny amount of effort into who drops what and loot caves will stop being a thing.
Skipping to Atheon for the best loot? Make it so you don't get loot if you have an earlier checkpoint 'missing'. Easy fix. (In theory this makes raiding more awkward since people will be picky about which checkpoint they want. In practice it would make it easier to find a group that isn't "LF WARLOCK FOR HARD ATHEON CHEESE".)
You could also slightly improve the loot of the Templar and/or Gatekeepers to better incentivise a full completion.
I just completed my Nemesis. The 25 K/D spread. After 5 matches I was still at like 6 or 8 out of 25. Then I got lucky and put on a really good team and polished it off on the next two matches. Didn't think I would be able to complete that task. Phew, glad that's over. There is hope for mediocre players to get these Exotic Bounties if I can do it.
Ok, this is retarded.
Two of my perks in the second column on my Hawkmoon increase my Range and accuracy.
First world problems.
Got my second char to 30 last nightHoping to get my third 29 in time for tomorrow's hard raid.
Also lol at the butchered thread title.
Yeah, this is my hawkmoon as well. I just assume they are the same, though perhaps the underying stats are slightly different. I bwould prefer numbers to bars. In the end I would take the range and accuracy over anything else, so a unique third option (though nice) would likely be irrelevent to my play style.
Love the hawkmoon...
Cryptic Dragon or Aries Nemesis?
What's everyone's average lifetime k/d?
My overall is 1.94.
My control games drag it down as (for some reason) I play a little too recklesssly in control and the average there is 1.47.
Clash is 2.29
Skirmish 2.68
Rumble 1.94
Not into bragging, I generally ignore lifetime stats but I'm curious how good our regular members are.
Also please mention how often you go in with a full fireteam. I tend to play Skmirmish with full, but I play about 50% of my clash and control solo and Rumble almost always solo.
So what's everyone hoping Xur brings tomorrow?
On a selfish note, a heavy weapon and an arm piece would be nice. Don't think he's sold any Hunter gauntlets yet?
One free spot for the Atheon cheese on hard
Overall: 2.62What's everyone's average lifetime k/d?
My overall is 1.94.
My control games drag it down as (for some reason) I play a little too recklesssly in control and the average there is 1.47.
Clash is 2.29
Skirmish 2.68
Rumble 1.94
Not into bragging, I generally ignore lifetime stats but I'm curious how good our regular members are.
Also please mention how often you go in with a full fireteam. I tend to play Skmirmish with full, but I play about 50% of my clash and control solo and Rumble almost always solo.
One free spot for the Atheon cheese on hard
So what's everyone hoping Xur brings tomorrow?
On a selfish note, a heavy weapon and an arm piece would be nice. Don't think he's sold any Hunter gauntlets yet?
One free spot for the Atheon cheese on hard
So what's everyone hoping Xur brings tomorrow?
On a selfish note, a heavy weapon and an arm piece would be nice. Don't think he's sold any Hunter gauntlets yet?
So what's everyone hoping Xur brings tomorrow?
On a selfish note, a heavy weapon and an arm piece would be nice. Don't think he's sold any Hunter gauntlets yet?
I disagree on... most pointsThat's not the issue. The issue is that in game activities such as strikes didn't reward you as well as shooting into a cave. That's actually been fixed now, and the strike playlist is a good source of blue engrams with the chance of a Legendary (and crytarch levelling).
It's good that low level enemies have the chance to drop Legendary Engrams imo, means all content can be rewarding for a levelled character.
I think they should deifnitely fix the cheese. End game gear from HM raid should have prestige attached, not availalbe to people who don't want to put the effort in.
The problem, however, is the rewards are rng. Running the HM raid time and time again for a specific drop you want (especially if it's raid armour) can get frsutrating, so I'm not suprised even the capable players are cheesing it after beating it legit.
Implement a token system. Tokens buy raid gear. Make the gear expensive, make it a grind, keep rng rewards but let players also work toward specific items and give them a steady sense of progression. Award tokens for each section completed so people no longer skip.
Time for that buff Bungie! ...
Finished Thorn... Goddamn. Underpowered much?
So what's everyone hoping Xur brings tomorrow?
On a selfish note, a heavy weapon and an arm piece would be nice. Don't think he's sold any Hunter gauntlets yet?
Agreed, this is what I was trying to say. I think Bad Juju is actually a good example of exotic, perfect for its intended use (patrol/trash) and otherwise fairly uselessimo exotics should be crap out of the box but amazing once you upgrade them. the skills will make it feel overpowered and unique compared to legendary weapons, but they wont actually be overpowered.
Play solo 90% of the time. Don't really PvP anymore, though as it's pretty terrible.
So what's everyone hoping Xur brings tomorrow?
On a selfish note, a heavy weapon and an arm piece would be nice. Don't think he's sold any Hunter gauntlets yet?
I'd let out a whimper of joy if he brought SUROS again. The only exotic I really wanted and the only time I was short on coins for Xur.
Even an exotic scout rifle wouldn't be too bad but I reckon we're in line for a heavy weapon this week... Thunderlord is my guess.
Bubble shields, instakill supers, shotguns, ADS, bullet spread when jumping, etc. It's an alright multiplayer shooter, but it definitely didn't hook me like other games's really messy mainly due to the supers and shotguns. had a guy completely lock down one hallway on a map with his bubble shield and shotty and i had flashbacks to boardwalk assault in halo reach.
I'm hoping for a Warlock helm. What are the chances of that? Probably nill seeing as how it was an Exotic helm engram last week.
Found a great group to do the raid with on DestinyLFG. We breezed through the normal raid within an hour and I didn't die a single time unless it was a wipe. Some small snags at the end like a player disconnecting and the game becoming really laggy with Atheon at a sliver of health, but aside from that it was great.
Just ran into my first Last Word in the Crucible.
And I thought the Suros was overpowered...god damn.
Yep, just like me yesterday. ^^I just completed my Nemesis. The 25 K/D spread. After 5 matches I was still at like 6 or 8 out of 25. Then I got lucky and put on a really good team and polished it off on the next two matches. Didn't think I would be able to complete that task. Phew, glad that's over. There is hope for mediocre players to get these Exotic Bounties if I can do it.
Struggled to get Atheon in the right spot a few times, was taking maybe a dozen or more attempts to get him in the sweet spot and then if the portal guys messed up it became frustrating. This morning when getting the hard save point I figured out a way to get him in the sweet spot 100% of the time, but it requires at least 3 other players to run the portal. Just making a video, will post it when it's done. It should help anyone who has been struggling to get him in a good spot by the edge before he freezes.
My game is in hard and public atm while I make the video if anyone wants to take the save point add me or jump in if that's possible
ps4: legoman-D
Get in, like that one.
Got TDYK from the nightfall yesterday. Is it any good? I do like hand cannons.
Dax, how could you have not done "Destiny |OT8| Ice Ice Breaker"
You're like the tenth person I've seen say this. How?Damnit! I was on the last part of invective shotgun exotic bounty where you have to buy 50 special ammo packs (250glim), bought heavy ammo (950glim) packs instead and wasted all my glimmer :/