Of course it's deliberate. Southworth isn't an idiot. He knows how riled the fanbase gets anytime there is the slightest hint.
The question is does he know anything? I don't think he does..Of course it's deliberate. Southworth isn't an idiot. He knows how riled the fanbase gets anytime there is the slightest hint.
The question is does he know anything? I don't think he does..
Well that and the "throwback" mocap image. The timing of it seems pretty deliberate IMO.
Probably because he has had enough people bother him about it. Vash TSB contacted him about it and he replied back pretty quickly.Well, Hognestad has removed his "devil may cry 5" work from his CV:
Dan Southworth
Lots of cool stuff comin up SOON! Stay tuned!#ohmyzord #FF #dustingquantumdefender #sharpeningyamato
Posted in the voice actor rumor thread, but why not here too
Believe (or don't) but believe
Might be for convention appearances or something BUT STILL
That's actually god damn excellent news.It looks like that Omega Force game will be Berserk after all, so no DMC news there, either.
Although, I'm okay with this one. Would like to see a real DMC before they try spin-offs with series.
On a serious note, how would people feel is the next DMC title ended up being solely on Vergil?
You make these sound like negatives. Also I'm sure Trish would be in the game just for the Vergil Trish interaction (we see a glimpse of it in UMvC3).vergil doesn't use guns so no
also vergil focus means no trish
He's referring to Vergil's dialogue with Trish in UMVC3 when he's clearly not under the influence of Mundus. I think he calls her repulsive or something when he realizes who she is... lol.
In any case the positives of having a Vergil only game:
*More focus on mechanics that are based around agility and teleportation.
*Darker tone with most of the setting in hell which means more creative freedom to make some crazy stuff.
*More insight into the character. In the DMC3 manga it seems like when that famous event happened, Vergil was visiting his father's grave while Dante and Eva were alone. It would be interesting to see who Vergil might place the blame on for the events that transpired.
*To make up for the lack of multiple styles and no guns, they are sure to give Vergil new mechanics and tools so that the depth is retained.
*They can push the rating more and have gore/dismemberment with some demon designs that are truly nasty to behold. I am talking Bloodborne type aesthetic here.
It's honestly not that hard to make a full game out of Vergil's trek through hell. The story would be very light and straightforward but they can enhance it by having more characters trapped in hell that interact with Vergil and sort of expand the mythos/lore of the DMC universe.
I would much rather have a DMC5 of course but I can definitely take a Vergil only game in the mean time to tide me over.
Reuben now joins:
E3 2015?!
And yeah, the source is talking about that resume *leak* from NerdLeaks, so there is nothing new to see here.
Nawww, I doubt it. They have been teasing g and hoping for months. Prove me wrong capcom.Dude, Reuben and Dan are teasing people in tweeter about DMC5. Somenthing its happening
Dude, Reuben and Dan are teasing people in tweeter about DMC5. Somenthing its happening
There will be no DMC5 at E3.
Dude, Reuben and Dan are teasing people in tweeter about DMC5. Somenthing its happening
Dude, Reuben and Dan are teasing people in tweeter about DMC5. Somenthing its happening
Well they are about to unleash RE7 and DR4 so that silence is about to break soon anyway... with or without DMC.Capcom has been exceptionally silent dou. Even more silent considering they were absent the last few years bar SFV.
Capcom has been exceptionally silent dou. Even more silent considering they were absent the last few years bar SFV.
Itsuno needs to pop in the conference and then light up the stage with a DMC5 confirmation:
*Sits on rocking chair*
With Shall Never Surrender playing.
The only song that should play for a DMC game is "Devils Never Cry".