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[DF] The New PlayStation 5 CFI-1100 Review - Featuring Gamers Nexus!


Isn't that more important than the smaller heatsink?

well not really, the ram was ok on the original, but it was important for this specific heat sink as it is worse and the lack of contact + smaller heatsink would have been a really bad combo. the best solution of course would have been the old heat sink + the better contact points. but this way at least there is no risk at overheating the ram without affecting the apu too much either
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Identifies as young
they literally changed out the heatsinks of each console to test how they run with them switched for the other one... and the results were more or less identical, confirming the new heatsink is worse.

the reason the RAM modules run cooler is of course because the points of contact have been improved. that still doesn't mean the heatsink is better, it's still worse, and if they only improved contact points without changing the heatsink, every part of the system would run cooler using the old heatsink, because the old heatsink is objectively better

What? The results were "more or less identical"? Confirming the "new heatsink is worse"? What?

Edit: This is stupid. GN said the difference is not anything noteworthy. End of...
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well not really, the ram was ok on the original, but it was important for this specific heat sink as it is worse and the lack of contact + smaller heatsink would have been a really bad combo. the best solution of course would have been the old heat sink + the better contact points. but this way at least there is no risk at overheating the ram without affecting the apu too much either

Didn't Game Nexus say that one of the chips was really hot? That doesn't seem ok to me.

Honestly I don't see how this new heatsink (even if worse) is going to cause any issues.
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notice the part where the APU runs hotter... you know, the main source of heat inside this console...
Compared to what?

Same channel doing the same test on 2020 PS5 and getting even higher temperature than the new revision.

2020 PS5 consuming 200W produces temp reading of 73C at the bottom

Now lets take a look at the same channel again doing temp test for XSX

COD consuming 185W producing temp reading up to 76C at the bottom.

Does that mean that PS5 old and new have better cooling than XSX simply because the temp reading is higher? Seriously think before you draw conclusions. These consoles would produce varying temperature reading up and down based on the game, the scene, and the ambient temperature and probe placement, it does not mean one has worse cooling because you saw 71C.

I still maintain that the newer heatsink is better as it is dissipating same amount of heat using less material while also being cheaper because of less copper.
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Going to watch the video when I get back but it sounds like the new revision doesnt have any overheating issues or throttling.

Thank U GIF

For all the testing and hard work.

New and Old PS5 is basically the same for a few negligible temp differences but they operate at pretty much same performance.

which means Austin Evan's 'New PS5 is Worse Video' is horseshit like many have said before.

The only thing I can come out with at the end of the day is to hope that he's viewed as the Mickey Mouse tech tuber that he is. Dude should stick to reviewing Fisher Price toys and leave the tech stuff to DF or Gamer Nexus who actually take their time to conduct proper tests.
New and Old PS5 is basically the same for a few negligible temp differences but they operate at pretty much same performance.

which means Austin Evan's 'New PS5 is Worse Video' is horseshit like many have said before.

The only thing I can come out with at the end of the day is to hope that he's viewed as the Mickey Mouse tech tuber that he is. Dude should stick to reviewing Fisher Price toys and leave the tech stuff to DF or Gamer Nexus who actually take their time to conduct proper tests.

I watched the video and there's nothing to worry about with the New PS5. People who pick it up won't have to worry about overheating or throttling. And that's the only thing that matters to be honest.


notice the part where the APU runs hotter... you know, the main source of heat inside this console...
Not necessarily the APU is hotter.
Both PS5's produce the same heat because they have the same power draw, which heat is tied to.
So how can one be hotter than the other in the same environment?

I believe both SOC's have the same temperature if an internal die sensor is used, but because of where the thermocouple was place different reading were recorded due to the heatsink.

This isn't about Austin, but me trying to understand the PS5 cooling system.

It took me awhile to wonder how can the SOC be hotter and not the RAM modules.
That extra heat would surely travel through the PCB and make the RAM modules hotter. The RAM cooling is not that much better except for better contact with the base plate.

Points Steve said about the new model PS5 cooling in DF video:
-better contact with the base plate on some memory modules.
-heatsink probably has less flow resistance.
-better guided airflow so it gets efficiently out of the box.
-and could come down to fin pitch, density and orientation.

Steve also said it's difficult to measure the SOC temperature because of the Liquid Metal and it would be better to have access to the internal die sensor, which probably only Sony has access to.

My conclusion is the new heatsink maybe efficiently drawing a higher amount of heat away from the SOC, thus making the RAM modules cooler by not allowing to much heat to travel through the PCB.
The thermocouple behind the SOC could just be recording heat gathering in that area due to less flow resistance of the heatsink thermal efficiently.

This is just my conclusion or more like a theory based on all the information I've seen and not to be taken as fact. It just doesn't click with me that it has cooler RAM modules and VRM MOSFET, but a hotter SOC, unless some kind of better overall cooling is going on.

Hopefully Gamers Nexus do the other videos on the PS5 cooling.


Steve: "Running at the maximum temperature confined in a media cabinet... now you're INCREASING the AMIBENT TEMPERATURE OF THE BOX, that will push you from inside the spec to technically OUTSIDE THE SPEC" 30:05 mark. Gamer Nexus Video
If you have a setup like the stress test setup then REMOVE YOUR PS5 FROM THERE! 18:49 mark. DF Video

I love his "I did leave the front door open on the cabinet, because I'm not a complete savage" there are so many gamer picture setups that actually have this setup, and some of them are posting "why am I getting artifacts in game X or Y on PS5?".

Will you nut cases that are making PS5 snuff pictures of "derp derp it fits so I puts it there" and then fight about it, would you just STFU and not smother your very expensive machine, realize that even EXCELLENT COOLING still needs reasonable provisions for ambient air to dissipate(sorry kids that doesn't happen magically). Sony itself TELLS YOU you need 1 INCH ALL AROUND the machine for clearance. Crazy people actually thought I was insulting Sony's PS5 design by telling them this, as I said umpteen times I wasn't. I was actually trying to help you.

I'm not sure what more you people jamming your PS5s into small media centre slots need to understand that it's an OBJECTIVELY BAD IDEA.

You can also see that a HOT PS5 runs games slightly slower in most cases.

Also, anyone WONDERING about the scientific method, and how to get excited about tables with actual GOOD results and REAL data, this is how you do it, by having STANDARIZED testing.

FFS I wasn't console warring, I was trying again to teach the unteachable that if you want to tout numbers they have to be GOOD DATA, not just random shit tossed together to win pissing contests.
By all means, if you need to have a pissing contest, this data is the best one to have it with.

This video shows you that Sony makes good hardware it can reach high temps, if you place it correctly aka NOT in a small enclosed box it will dissipate that heat and run for years to come, as Steve mentioned the audio differences of noise are that Sony doesn't use just one fan(they don't really care if it's quiet or not), to me this is their weakest part of Sony's design their ultimate attitude toward aural acoustics, I want a machine that is always quiet all the time, no lottery thanks. Different people care about different things.

Awkward Ryan Seacrest GIF


I still maintain that the newer heatsink is better as it is dissipating same amount of heat using less material while also being cheaper because of less copper.
This basically.

Newer one is better. And this is great news because we know they're on the right path, which hopefully means they can come out with a smaller PS5 in the near future. They're doing the right tests and not idiots.

In fact, when has Sony ever released a worse revision console?
I watched the video and there's nothing to worry about with the New PS5. People who pick it up won't have to worry about overheating or throttling. And that's the only thing that matters to be honest.
True but the 'uninformed' folk who follow him and his channel will think otherwise.

This is an issue. When you have media influence and spread misinformation, its dangerous. Just like most people had issues with Donald Trump using his position to spread misinformation.
My reaction to Austin Evan's video would have been the same if it had been for any other product. As an influencer you need to take care in how you bring across your content to your viewers.

The 'New PS5 is worse' title of the video wouldn't have raised an eyebrow if it had been titled differently. Lots of people nowadays don't fucking read or listen. I see this shit happening daily in my job every single time.
People just wont take the time to read or educate themselves before forming an opinion and will just follow the headlines.

So like most people the issues I had with his video is

1) The video title (which is misleading and not based in fact)
2) His methods of testing the thermals

Any rational human being would tell you these ^^^ fucking things is what's wrong. The irrational and crazy will harp on about doxxing and death threats to thy kingdom come and skirt around the real issues as pointed out above ^^^

Ah, I see that crazy individual has already made it into this thread. Jesus fucking Christ.
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John Wick

Found Austin Evans in the comments:

Austin Evans deserved what he got. Maybe next time put the effort and time in before the clicks.
It's 2021 and if you still haven't realised a console needs to be placed on a hard surface in an open and well ventilated area and kept clean then you you shouldn't really be allowed to purchase one.
Austin's methods were wrong, but he conclusions werent. The PS5 SOC runs 4 degrees hotter and thats due to the smaller heatsink. Austin Evans found that the PS5 exhaust was 4 degrees hotter. Is the console going to have issues running games? Clearly not as Richard's tests show, but we arent talking about game performance. Everyone here has been burned by bad PS4 Pro cooling solutions and a 4 degree difference might not be an issue today but in 2-3 or 5 years from now?

My PS4 Pro was silent compared to my PS4 when I first got it. In less than 2 years it was louder than a jet engine. The heatsink here is clearly doing a worse job at cooling the SOC and thats more or less in line with what Austin was trying to say.

Ah I see another post by slimy snake. As always his conclusions are completly wrong and irrelevant.
True but the 'uninformed' folk who follow him and his channel will think otherwise.

This is an issue. When you have media influence and spread misinformation, its dangerous. Just like most people had issues with Donald Trump using his position to spread misinformation.
My reaction to Austin Evan's video would have been the same if it had been for any other product. As an influencer you need to take care in how you bring across your content to your viewers.

The 'New PS5 is worse' title of the video wouldn't have raised an eyebrow if it had been titled differently. Lots of people nowadays don't fucking read or listen. I see this shit happening daily in my job every single time.
People just wont take the time to read or educate themselves before forming an opinion and will just follow the headlines.

So like most people the issues I had with his video is

1) The video title (which is misleading and not based in fact)
2) His methods of testing the thermals

Any rational human being would tell you these ^^^ fucking things is what's wrong. The irrational and crazy will harp on about doxxing and death threats to thy kingdom come and skirt around the real issues as pointed out above ^^^

Ah, I see that crazy individual has already made it into this thread. Jesus fucking Christ.

Pretty much. If he had the title " New PS5 teardown" he could have avoided so many issues. But instead he made an extremely click bait title. That was just wrong for him to do and he should apologize for it.


One thing that stood out from GN's analysis to me is that Sony has set the console's fan speed to operate around just ~18% of its max RPM and aren't allowing it to go beyond that at the moment. Logic would suggest that they'd allow the fan to freely ramp up to 100% speed, or at least close to it, in case some savage completely blocked the airflow to the console making the SoC and memory modules reach their Tj max. I get that from an acoustics perspective, it makes sense to not allow it to run at its max speed because it'd probably make the PS5 another jet engine. It seems they've determined that running the fan at ~20% max speed under the heaviest of current gaming workloads is good enough for now, and they'd rather let the console shut down than increase the fan speed if it got very hot. (y)

This makes sense why we're seeing reports of it being quiet (or having the same noise level whether the system is under 100W or 200W+ load), even when running graphically challenging games.
Sony really knocked it out of the park with the PS5 design. So much thought went into it. Unlike the PS4, which was loud as hell.


While I agree with the basic gist of what he's saying, using terms like "over-engineered" and Xbox team "realising" they had cooling overhead just reeks of stubborn ignorance.

Including additional cooling over-capacity as a design margin is NOT "over-engineering". It's prudent and very much standard engineering practice.

The thermodynamic principles and correlations used in the design are only ever going to be accurate to within +/- 10% at best and will increase their deviation from real-world performance as the system ages; due to surface fouling effects increasing resistances to heat transfer.

Not including design margin is actually poor design.

And so MS never "realised" anything about the overheads of their cooling system design. The cooling system was never the limitation for the XB1 clock bump. The limitation was the minimum clock-speed versus voltage threshold of the chips coming off the production line, which ended up exceeding their expectations. So they could bump the clocks for a minimal increase in power consumption and still remain within the cooling system design limits their own designers defined.

Assuming the fan and motor assembly come as an integrated unit, I highly doubt it. The rotational limit will be defined by the motor, which will HAVE to be supplied with 100% of its power rating at the minimum.
I think he meant even more than it needed. Even if the Xbox has 30% less cooling, it would still be "Over cooled" so to speak. But it's never a bad thing. So I don't understand the patronizing criticism.


It's almost as if a 110 billion dollars company with a 50+years experience in designing top quality consumer electronics and a 25 years experience in making yearly console hardware revisions actually had engineers who know what they're doing! :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Thanks for the clicks for the fake drama and following happy ending :messenger_tears_of_joy: A clickbait story in two parts.
I think he meant even more than it needed. Even if the Xbox has 30% less cooling, it would still be "Over cooled" so to speak. But it's never a bad thing. So I don't understand the patronizing criticism.

No that's not what he said.

Of course, you don't understand the criticism when you choose to interpret something completely different from what Richard said.

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