I'm thinking it might be time to cave in and gear my barbarian.
Hey Demon Hunter GAF, is this any good to put on on the AH? maybe for DH on a budget or is it vendor trash? I am Monk an fairly clueless about other classes, I looked for similar stats on the AH but it only showed up Manticores, and I know this ain't no Manticore.
so anyone think Exquisite Essences I have a bunch of shit to get rid think they will got up for the patch...they went down to 600 one time...?
I'm thinking it might be time to cave in and gear my barbarian.
Only speculation. Notes usually come out a few hours before the servers go down
Update: Patch files just hit the download server. This, along with the long mait window for Tuesday, unless something goes wrong, it looks like high chance of patch.
Saw this on the official D3 Facebook page.
Thought it was really cool to not share with you guys.
Quoting for size
I had to ask in the general chat when I tried it out. It's in the gameplay settings in the same place where "Elective Mode" is and is off by default. You'd think they would have learned their lesson or maybe they just like to make things difficult.I didnt try Monster level yet. Ill wait till its live. I didnt even know where to go to toggle it TBH.
so anyone think Exquisite Essences I have a bunch of shit to get rid think they will got up for the patch...they went down to 600 one time...?
Thanks I actually have 600ish AR though, and close to 700 when I swap my pants out. I might swap some vit gems in though that's not a bad idea.If I'm correct you have about 460 allres now. You might want to try and pick a piece of your gear without allres and put some 70+ allres piece in that slot. Also, consider replacing 2-4 topazes with radiant star amethysts since you're so rich, a little res and some hp should make a world of difference. Especially since with your +Life% items a point of vit gives you probably something like 46-47hp instead of 35.
I think they would have already announced the patch if it would hit tomorrow, chances of a patch tomorrow are decreasing rapidly as the time goes by.
Also OK so Ive been thinking theres all these people who report logging in and instantly finding a Legendary, its happened to me a few times and it just happened, my first elite pack I killed dropped one. Theres gotta be something to that. My thinking is that the 'forced' rare messes up whatever the natural drop would be so you end up getting less legendaries after you hit 5 stacks.
Is there an alternative to WW build in effectiveness? Not necessarily speed
I'm coming to realize that the play style doesn't really work with across the Pacific ping. Into the fray doesn't proc when enemies are chilling out on 3 stacks of tornadoes at times. Don't get any life back either
The forced rare is just an extra item that drops. It can also roll as legendary anyway. But the chance of it rolling legendary is still the same as any other drop, so it doesn't really help out a lot there.
So no, you don't get less legendaries at 5 stacks, but you also don't have that much increased chance of legendaries either. Just whatever you get from NV MF and an extra chance per elite.
In the first 3-4 hours of us teaming up I got 2 set items, which is exactly how many set items I had drop in the previous 200-300 hours of play.
This sounds fantastic. I'd rather play the game and get fun goodies to try out than just playing in the AH all the time.
This sounds fantastic. I'd rather play the game and get fun goodies to try out than just playing in the AH all the time.
I've been playing a WD for almost 200 hours and I'm switching to a DH in the near future and I'd like to know some things...
What are the most important stats for a DH? DEX is an obvious one, but just how important is attack speed? also, how much resistances should I aim for? I figure VIT/all resist are not as important given how fast you move and you should never stay in the same spot for too long
Is DH gear expensive? I will have 10M (or more if I get better bids on my shoulders) in a couple of hours, and probably more by the time I get my DH to 60
I could also sell at least 3 of my items for at least a couple of millions each
Any one else notice some legendaries still missing affixes? For my Shenlong fist of legend it is missing a +1 Random Magic Property (
Also my Endless wave is missing the +12 movement speed (
I've been playing a WD for almost 200 hours and I'm switching to a DH in the near future and I'd like to know some things...
What are the most important stats for a DH? DEX is an obvious one, but just how important is attack speed? also, how much resistances should I aim for? I figure VIT/all resist are not as important given how fast you move and you should never stay in the same spot for too long
Is DH gear expensive? I will have 10M (or more if I get better bids on my shoulders) in a couple of hours, and probably more by the time I get my DH to 60
I could also sell at least 3 of my items for at least a couple of millions each
One was a bul-kathos weapon without a socketThe cheapest one I saw on the ah with a socket was 130m, the cheapest without was 1.5 m lol.
The other was a litany of something or other which I promptly sold for 40m. I could've gotten more but was worried about the patch making it lose value quickly as future rolls on it have the potential to be better.
Sitting at 110m now. Hoping for a spike in gold prices![]()
Er, didn't you find those on the PTR? Isn't everything that happened in the PTR erased when it's over and the patch comes out?
Why did you hide your gold?
It´s a super secret
No, I was just playing around with paint(haven´t used it much before) and just wanted to see how it looked if I blacked it out.
I dropped blinding flash and replaced it with deadly reach. I was up to 30% movement speed so I dropped fleet footed for combo strike. I'm not sure if I'm more efficient this way yet or not. It's kinda hard to tell when the deadly reach/foresight buff wears off.
Any other monks running running deadly reach foresight just for the buff?
Wish I had a lot of gold... well, it´s okey I guess, but nothing like some that has hundreds of millions in gear/gold.
Since we are talking about my profile, anyone want to give me tips on what to improve next?
Seems like what ever I want to upgrade is gonna cost me a lot of money, like everything I got:
I have around 25m right now.
Swap your left ring for a bi factor.
Yea I noticed you gave me some the other day, they do go for 1000, but you can also save em up and eventually try your luck crafting if you ever up your blacksmith.
I think I just had tons of crafting material so I tried like ten belts.
Also OK so Ive been thinking theres all these people who report logging in and instantly finding a Legendary, its happened to me a few times and it just happened, my first elite pack I killed dropped one. Theres gotta be something to that. My thinking is that the 'forced' rare messes up whatever the natural drop would be so you end up getting less legendaries after you hit 5 stacks.
I finally spent some... did like 20 runs in act 1 and go fuckall... even did that ip thing everytime... :/ this game hates me...