Same here although if I try RIF I would probably not player after the Guardian at all.Clear the whole thing top to bottom. I get more legendaries from the rifts themselves than Kadala. I've gotten quite a few great drops post guardian.
Same here although if I try RIF I would probably not player after the Guardian at all.Clear the whole thing top to bottom. I get more legendaries from the rifts themselves than Kadala. I've gotten quite a few great drops post guardian.
Little stuck on some options to take.. I could farm for Aug head/shoulders (have RROG already), or I could rift for marauder pieces (helm especially), or farm A3 caches for pride's fall.
I'm thinking of farming aug head as it would be the most straightforward.. and I'd still be in T1 with the opportunity for marauder/etc to drop..
Cool, i got mine a day or so back - right after i had setup my reapers with +fire and got my cindercoat and magefistsyay! Getting some arcane gear. Now I'm only missing 4 set pieces for perma Archon.
Its such a shame your we're not allowed to roll the +arcane into something else (like more FIRE!!!).
I had a friend that was playing but his brother can't log-on at all. And they live in the same house.
Then why can't some of us connect, and why are we getting "there is a temporary outage of the service" error when trying to log on to the game, and we also cannot log on to the forums?
Was working just fine before I went to sleep, and now there's a new desktop client.
It's nothing new really, and the old Crypt runs would probably net you similar results. I was just farming a purple landshark (or whatever they are) for some crafting materials on T3 in the Caldeum sewers. Once I started noticing the absurd amount of legendaries that was dropping, I started keeping track just to make sure it wasn't just an RNG fluke. It wasn't. It takes around five minutes (or less) to clear it, is 2-5 elite packs, 1-2 purples and a bunch of random chests and sometimes a goblin. I was consistenly getting 3-4 legendaries per hour. One of which was actually an upgrade a little over a week ago.
Like I said though, the experience sucks. Like, really bad.
City of Caldeum and enter the Sewers. Not much to it. Aughild's, Asheara's, and Captain Crimson rares spawn there and it's a fairly compact zone.
If you're planning to stick with a CA:LFB build I'd recommend farming for a Pride's Fall. I'd go so far as to say that it's more important for your resource efficiency than Cindercoat, even, since it affects the cost of Preparation - Punishment as well as CA:LFB. You will notice a very big difference when you upgrade to it. Recommend running Awareness to help keep the buff up (and in general, really... Awareness is really good).
Unless you use the unity + immortal follower combo, you will still lose the Pride's Fall buff to certain sources of unavoidable damage--thunderstorm, reflect damage etc. So you can never keep it up all the time, but you can certainly keep it up 80% or more of the time if you play carefully and/or have some tanks (party mates, garwolves, Maurauder 4pc).
Ok people, I had played Diablo 3 when it came out. Played as barbarian till I hit lvl 56.
Stopped for a long time.
Yesterday picked it up again (after hearing so much about Loot 2.0) and had a blast.
Got to lvl 60 (and 2 paragon levels).
So, today I just bought Reaper of Souls.
Now, Im a noob when it comes to Diablo. A few questions:
1) I will play the Act V with my barb to get it to lvl 70. What are the good builds for barb? IF anyone has links Id really appreciate it.
2) How is the crusader? If I choose him do I have to start all over again from Act I?
3) After lvl 70 and beating Act V what is there to do? I read about Adventure mode and bounties. Is there stuff to do or is there a lot of mindless repetition (like running the same area for better loot multiple times)?
Thanks in advace for all the help![]()
Wow that area has all those 3 mats there?City of Caldeum and enter the Sewers. Not much to it. Aughild's, Asheara's, and Captain Crimson rares spawn there and it's a fairly compact zone.
City of Caldeum and enter the Sewers. Not much to it. Aughild's, Asheara's, and Captain Crimson rares spawn there and it's a fairly compact zone.
Wow that area has all those 3 mats there?
I guess I know where I am farming today.
Honestly though it's not even that hard to get Aughild's and Asheara's. The Captain Crimson takes a bit more effort though because that shark is rarer.
1. I don't know barb well enough, sorry.
2. A lot of people are enjoying the crusader. It seems like they may not be the most efficient for farming. If you finish Act 5 (just once with any character), you can start a Crusader in adventure mode and go anywhere.
3. Bounties are randomized quests from the story, so you aren't doing the same area. You can also open rifts which are completely randomized dungeons mixing enemies from all of the acts. Going back and forth between rifts and bounties provides a lot of variety.
Never thought to combine Awareness with PF, that's pretty cool. What passives would you run to get Awareness in? Archery, BV, NS, Ambush are my typical passives in rifts.
Also I guess I should try to incorporate SS, maybe over Vault. But I'm that DH that prefers to vault around instead of SSing..
Ashearas is easy as shit. If anyone needs some lmk I'll just get the waterway checkpoint in A2 and my WD can nuke the snake on T6 for you. Got wicket like 10 of them in 6-7mins
If you're planning to stick with a CA:LFB build I'd recommend farming for a Pride's Fall. I'd go so far as to say that it's more important for your resource efficiency than Cindercoat, even, since it affects the cost of Preparation - Punishment as well as CA:LFB. You will notice a very big difference when you upgrade to it. Recommend running Awareness to help keep the buff up (and in general, really... Awareness is really good).
Unless you use the unity + immortal follower combo, you will still lose the Pride's Fall buff to certain sources of unavoidable damage--thunderstorm, reflect damage etc. So you can never keep it up all the time, but you can certainly keep it up 80% or more of the time if you play carefully and/or have some tanks (party mates, garwolves, Maurauder 4pc).
Yeah this is the best. It beats reloading for bounties.
I usually check:
A1 cemetary: dataminer (born), digger (born), matriarchs (auglid)
A1 Festering: Feklar (aughlid)
A2: ZK thrum/rockgut (shattered core), tomekeeper/archivist (aughlid)
A2: Howling razormouth (essence of twin seas)
If I don't see any of those spawn I drop into city of caldeum and clear sewers.
I went on a Strafe build, it's great for keeping the Pride's Fall buff up. Some olympic style slaloming going on hah. It's less efffective than Cluster Arrow but I loathe that skill so much.
If you guys are bored of rifts, and want some real fun...
Go to Festering Woods, clear it, retry. Do it over and over again, until you bleed. T2/T3, but T1 works as well.
- There is a near 100 percent chance of a goblin spawning
- 3-4 Elites+2 elites in the two dungeons
- Uniques spawning that are needed for the Aughilde set (The unique ghosts).
- High chance (Somewhere between 60-70%) of the zone having cursed chests. Chests always spawn at the edge of the zone, not in the inner circle
- Plus events that are quick to complete and give you bonus XP/GOLD/legendary crafting material for some other stuff.
- Usually, there is an INSANELY HIGH normal monster density. The one you wish you had in every rift, really.
One run takes 6-7 mins. You are welcome.
On campaign or adventure mode?
On campaign or adventure mode?
Makes me wonder, do mats even drop in campaign mode?
Makes me wonder, do mats even drop in campaign mode?
Fire in the skills themselves is not an issue at all (except for small cases like Conflagration with Mirrorball or the DH Cluster Arrow).I'd like to see fire toned down, seems to be almost everyone's go to across many classes. Give poison & cold some love. And holy for non crusaders.
What element changes would you guys like to see in the next patch? The blue posts have been saying that skills will be getting their elemental runes switched around some so I wonder what people would want to have.
What element changes would you guys like to see in the next patch? The blue posts have been saying that skills will be getting their elemental runes switched around some so I wonder what people would want to have.
I'd like to see fire toned down, seems to be almost everyone's go to across many classes. Give poison & cold some love. And holy for non crusaders.
I'd like to see fire toned down, seems to be almost everyone's go to across many classes. Give poison & cold some love. And holy for non crusaders.
YES! Got my second Unity.
T5 is my new home.
+ 2 Missile Mirrorball, Unity, Shrine gloves, 29% Cold damage, 43% Magic Missile and 14% Arcane Orb.
frostburn. I got one...with dexGood point. I agree. I think a lot has to do with the fact that Magefists are the only gloves that have elemental damage on them, and it's fire.
^Fairly certain all that info above is accurate, it came from the Devs IIRC. you link to this blue post?
Monks are the same to be honest.As far as Crusaders are concerned, many skills need to be shifted away from "All of them are just this one type" that we have. Like, Punish is 4x Physical and 1x Fire, Justice is 4x Holy and 1x Lightning, and Smite is pure Holy. Shield Bash is all Holy (and awful).
Fire in the skills themselves is not an issue at all (except for small cases like Conflagration with Mirrorball or the DH Cluster Arrow).
Fire is the best because of itemization. Stuff like Magefist and Cindercoat push it ahead of everything else. If there were items like those two in the game but for other elements then you would see other elements used for sure.
Like say if there was a Shoulder that reduced the cost of Holy damage while also adding Holy damage... instant best in slot for every Holy build (Monks and Crusader) and that would greatly buff Holy builds in general.
Can someone please help me upgrade my Wizards gear?
I'm at a point where I don't know what I should buy at Kadala.
The Rifts haven't upgraded my gear either the past few days![]()
What should I buy at Kadala's?
This is my profile:
Hey I have a question if you don't mind. My stats on my DH are pretty close to yours save for +elite damage and damage from skills but the biggest thing is your attacks per second are so low. Just wondering how you're down to 1.36 and I'm at 2.06 while using 2 hand xbows with a ton of added attack speed?