The main benefit of taht weapon is the permanent big bad voodoo. The fetish army skill itself is lackluster, since it's kills all your passive summoned fetishes every time you use it.
Yeah, I am ditching fetish army and try another rift with just BBV and fetish psyhopants.
Is Magefist the only gloves that has an elemental boost (Fire that cannot be rolled) ?
If this is the case what is the idea behind this ?
I don't think the sycophants work for it. It specifies Fetish Army in the weapon's affix. Worth re-checking anyway.
I hear ya. I stopped playing Wiz because I hit a 9-day straight gear wall. Very few "build-defining\game-changing" items and no class set pieces either. That got old. So I switched to Demon Hunter. I've had a lot more luck. But we'll see how long that lasts...
How viable are Fire builds compared to Lightning builds for Crusaders?
I guess what I'm really asking is should I give my Maximus to my Crusader or my Barb?
I don't think the sycophants work for it. It specifies Fetish Army in the weapon's affix. Worth re-checking anyway.
Moments like this are why I don't like soloing:
Welp, back to groups so this doesn't happen again.
I don't really understand the question. The purpose of (good) legendary items is to provide boosts that are not normally available on non-legendary items of that type.
I put together this build last night, T2 Rifts are a cinch. Will try T3 tonight.How viable are Fire builds compared to Lightning builds for Crusaders?
I guess what I'm really asking is should I give my Maximus to my Crusader or my Barb?
Oh, man, I would have taken that in a split second for my cru alt :\
My bad, my question was not very clear , i meant why there is no other legendary gloves with other elemental boost?
And maybe i have a beginning of answer as i see that there is a belt with only lightning boost etc.
I was just curious as how the balance is done with elemental boost in the itemization.
I saw someone on the general forums use the "how does it affect you, it's a single player game" argument as a way to justify adding trade. I thought that was pretty funny.
another day, another 8 etrayus to make me think i got a kridershot.
Moments like this are why I don't like soloing:
Welp, back to groups so this doesn't happen again.
Sweeeet, this just dropped. About to try it out.
ehh, not working too well on T3, mobs dying too fast.
83 millions is nothingHow the fuck did you make 83 mil.
Can someone please help me with upgrades to my Demon Hunter?
Not sure what I should buy at Kadala's?
This is my profile:
How the fuck did you make 83 mil.
I remember paying 90 mil on EU/HC for the first really good Inna's Chest. That was one of the most expensive items for quite some time(yes, hidden brag). How are 83m much nowdays?
I remember paying 90 mil on EU/HC for the first really good Inna's Chest. That was one of the most expensive items for quite some time(yes, hidden brag). How are 83m much nowdays?
How the fuck did you make 83 mil.
For players like myself that didn't come back until 2.0 or later, we will never see anything close to that in terms of gold.
I sold everything on the AH right before it went down and hit maybe 8 mil, all of which was gone immediately in RoS with all the crazy costs for gems and rolling gear.
I have about 90M and I can answer this for you
start with 165M and waste 75M trying to get a goddamn socket
Yeah I too have huge gold problems since I'm playing SC this time around. Always sitting around 1-2m. Still, my point being people who kept playing should have hundreds if not thousands million of gold in their stash. Not a real "WTF?" moment for me there.
Just had this Andy drop. The stats aren't perfect but I can finally replace the socket.
5 legendary cloaks later, I'm going to start doing this...
- Gamble for Cindercoat on a lvl 70 monk (so you don't get cloaks).
5 legendary cloaks later, I'm going to start doing this...
Though I have no illusions that it will help me. I've heard the horror stories of people spending upwards of 20k shards looking for one. I've only put in 5K so far....
well, RNG ya know. I did get a very nice cindercoat on my wizard after only about 300 shards so, yeah
Weighted RNG. It's one of the more rare items you get from Kadala. Like Ice Climbers and Witching Hours.
I think your experience is a rather huge outlier.
I killed that snake 7-8 times last night on T5 and got nothing. I just assumed it had been nerfed but I guess RNG just hates me
Cindercoat is rarest chest that is neutral class.
I think rarest glove might be Frostburn Gauntlets. I have only seen one pair of it.
I think i found the performance problems..this game doesn't like 120hz monitors. So putting it to 60hz and in-game v-sync it runs pretty stable right now? Pretty bad on blizzard part for not supporting 120/144 hertz monitors. Still ridiculous the game is not optimized for high end machines and can cripple with v-sync off and not working with nvidia inspector.
I think i found the performance problems..this game doesn't like 120hz monitors. So putting it to 60hz and in-game v-sync it runs pretty stable right now? Pretty bad on blizzard part for not supporting 120/144 hertz monitors. Still ridiculous the game is not optimized for high end machines and can cripple with v-sync off and not working with nvidia inspector.
no i don't want vitality on this mace, i want a socket
no, that doesn't mean two options for less vitality
stop that
third time stop it
I hate that feeling when you're starting to feel that it would be faster and cost less to just farm for another legendary or material (if it has a plan) than to keep rerolling on an item that seems to refuse to give you anything.
Hi Guys,
I just wanted to pop in here and let you know that we have a potential fix in place for this internally and it is currently looking like this fix will retroactively apply to existing weapons. While we will not be able to deploy this as a hotfix, we currently expect this fix to make it to live servers with our next game patch. I obviously can't make promises as to when that patch will arrive, but it is something we are actively working on, and we hope to be able to get that deployed as soon as possible.
Thanks again for all of your reports. I know it took me a bit of time to get back to you, but your patience is greatly appreciated!
Elemental damage fix :
Retroactive, as I've said a few times in clan chat