Soooo did the servers just completely die?
Looks like it.
Soooo did the servers just completely die?
Can someone please help me upgrade my Wizards gear?
I'm at a point where I don't know what I should buy at Kadala.
The Rifts haven't upgraded my gear either the past few days![]()
What should I buy at Kadala's?
This is my profile:
I think that's just the difference in element. Fire is usually highest damage for all classes but has no utility. Lightning usually stuns, Cold slows etc.Well, for Barbs I think almost every of the highest dmg rune options are Fire, for example. Other runes/elements have uses, but tend to be more gimmicky than the straight dmg buffs. I do agree that itemization is the bigger cause of pushing people to fire though.
Hey I have a question if you don't mind. My stats on my DH are pretty close to yours save for +elite damage and damage from skills but the biggest thing is your attacks per second are so low. Just wondering how you're down to 1.36 and I'm at 2.06 while using 2 hand xbows with a ton of added attack speed?
I think that's just the difference in element. Fire is usually highest damage for all classes but has no utility. Lightning usually stuns, Cold slows etc.
If there was just ONE more Lightning type armor piece like Thundergods Vigor (and reduced cost of Lightning spells) I would be using a Lightning Monk. Mostly because it has stun on LTK and the stun comboes with Ancient Parthan Defenders and Haunt of Vaxo. You don't get that synergy with a Fire build and that is enough to push Lightning ahead for me especially in high Torments.
The login issues for #D3 are impacting both EU & NA, folks. Sorry for the confusion. We're investigating. Updates to follow.
I finally got a ring of royal grandeur to drop while farming with my DH, wouldn't you know it rolled int though instead of dex. So after countless hours running the DH and finding only 1 marauders and 1 nats piece I said screw it and I switched over to my WD.
I crafted some aughild and asheara pieces to get me started with the rrog and within a couple of hours I already had a starmetal knife drop and kadala gave me a thing of the deep mojo and some nice gladiator gaunts.
In game I'm at about 750k damage and 9.6m toughness and looking for advice on build and what gear I should look for next. I have very little play time with a WD. Here's my WD profile:
You gloves could easily be upgraded. Try and find a pair that has crit dmg or crit chance by default so you can have both after a reroll.
Your amulet could also easily be upgraded, but maybe not at Kadala (amulets cost a lot of shards).
A really strong defensive stat on your shoulders in place of life regen would probably be much better. It might be better to try and craft some gloves\shoulders that go in the same set for the bonuses.
Also, why Thundergod's vigor? Lighting dmg seems wasted. I got a great string of ears from kadala. Was going for a witching hour, but that's pretty much impossible.
In general, in every slot where you can have both crit dmg and crit chance, you don't. That would add a ton to your dmg.
My wizard has since been stripped down, but it's cached on DiabloProgress. You can take a look at how I built that guy. Torment 3 was easy.
I would change grave injustice for either circle of life (this spawns your dogs now) or midnight feast (better garg dmg)
All my gear is because I can't get anything else![]()
I will try to aim for crit dmg and crit chance and thanks for the advice on where to start =)
Grave Injustice is one of the best passives in the game. Why would any WD run without it unless they don't have a single ability with a cooldown?
Switch your main attack to firebats / vampire bats (free channeling). They spawn fetishes the fastest. Roll vit on your knife into a socket and socket in the largest emerald you can. Stack +phys if you can.
Try to get to 2.01 attacks per second. This might be hard because your knife is 1.4 but dump into paragon points. You might have to craft born's set maybe. This is the breakpoint for vampire bats to spawn a shitload of fetishes.
Instead of firebomb run fetish army w/ +3 fetishes. This is a good skill until you break 2.01 so you always have on-demand fetishes. Pop BBV+fetishes should clear everything then set you up for the next pack with your knife. This should instaclear your CD on bbv and FA too so...
Change zombie dogs for garg. You might want one of the ones that stays up all the time.
I would change grave injustice for either circle of life (this spawns your dogs now) or midnight feast (better garg dmg)
Thanks for the advice, burned up all of my souls crafting the initial gear but will work on the socket as I get more. I've had bad luck trying to roll sockets on weapons though.
I've also tried running with firebats as my left click skill but have mana issues, especially when running in areas where you have to clear breakable objects in your path to proceed, or with monsters that disrupt your channeling with knockback other affixes. Do I need more mana regen gear or is it just something you get used to having downtime where you can't attack?
I'm currently at 1.93 aps with AS maxed in paragon. I tried a dex ammy I have with 6AS and it took me to 2.03 so it looks like I just need to get an ammy with AS on it to get there with my current gear.
Andariels and Thundergods alone are more powerful than the entire set.I love how one of the 4 set bonus monk bonus is 15% lightning damage. I can get more on a non set belt, helm, bracers and ring.
I love how one of the 4 set bonus monk bonus is 15% lightning damage. I can get more on a non set belt, helm, bracers and ring.
I love how one of the 4 set bonus monk bonus is 15% lightning damage. I can get more on a non set belt, helm, bracers and ring.
Cain's 2 piece would get you there too. I would aim for a 10/100/20% phys amulet over an attack speed one.
You don't really have to run firebats w/ that knife but it's probably the strongest skill you can have if you use PtV. Switch one of your skills to spirit walk w/ mana rune. This should be your defensive skill + mobility + if you run out of mana pop it and you can keep channeling.
You don't need mana regen with this build. Usually for shit that knocks back I switch to a reapers wrap bracer so I can regen mana or I just time my spirit walks to get mana back / avoid getting knocked back.
Yeah, reapers wrap would be a great choice with the pick up radius on the mojo, will work on getting the mats for that. I haven't found the cains plan yet but I do have a legacy tal chest with 9AS on it or I can work on kadala to drop me a mempo. I do have a dex mempo that I could reroll the dex to int but it doesn't have crit.
What element changes would you guys like to see in the next patch? The blue posts have been saying that skills will be getting their elemental runes switched around some so I wonder what people would want to have.
As I have most experience with a Monk I will give my thoughts on this:
Wall of Light: Wall of Light needs Fire, Lightning and Cold runes badly. Although more than anything it needs a flat damage increase as well because it's pretty damn low compared to LTK in terms of cost efficiency.
Explosive Light: Fire (standard high damage nuke as is standard for Fire skills)
Empowered Wave: Cold (reduced cost)
Blinding Light Lightning (it causes stun just like most other Lightning skills that stun)
Lashing Tail Kick: Just needs a Holy variant in there. It would probably end up being Vulture Claw Kick.
Seven Sided Strike: Needs Fire, Lightning and Cold variants.
Sudden Assault: Fire
Sustained Attack: Cold
Pandemonium: Lightning (as it stuns)
Tempest Rush: Just needs a Lightning variant. It would probably be either Tailwind or Slipstream.
Mystic Ally: Needs Lightning and Holy damage variant. Air and Enduring Ally can be those two.
Sweeping Wind: Inner Storm rune needs to do Holy damage.
Epiphany: Needs a Holy damage variant.
Way of Hundred Fists: Need Lightning and Fire damage variants.
Hands of Lightning: Lightning damage (such a no brainer it's IN THE GOD DAMN NAME!!!)
Blazing Fists: Fire damage (such a no brainer)
Deadly Reach: Need Fire, Holy and Cold damage variants.
Piercing Trident: Cold damage
Strike from Beyond: Holy damage
Foresight: Fire damage
Crippling Wave: Needs a Holy damage variant (doesn't need Lightning because Monk has many options for that). Either Rising Tide or Concussion.
Fist of Thunder need to just be buffed because they are pretty underpowered right now.
I've yet to see BT pantsI'd rather wear blackthornes than a monk set hah. Better set bonuses, better chances of getting the right res since you'll get multiple drops in each slot for the entire set before you get 2 monk set drops. LOL
I just got the same fucking ring 3 times in a row now and people wanna tell me the loot system is fine.
Hate to break it to you, but the effect is currently bugged. Some runes's effect were not activated despite the tooltip saying all of them.
I wish there was a way to even slightly increase your chances for some items. I'm really jonesing to try a blessed shield spam build on my Crusader, but I feel like I'll never find the right flail or shield to do so. Especially with how bad Kadala is with 1H.
Unfortunately, their solution to that IS Kadala. But they know how bad weapons are and were taking feedback on the best way to fix it. No idea how far out that is though.
I think the happiest Diablo 3 players are the ones that arent looking for specific items. Sadly, I'm not one of them. I have a long list of stuff I want and have yet to see drop so far. One of my friends that I play with, however, is completely happy just playing and getting random legendary drops. If he finds an upgrade, he's happy. But he's not looking for anything in particular. Madness, I say.
Unfortunately, their solution to that IS Kadala. But they know how bad weapons are and were taking feedback on the best way to fix it. No idea how far out that is though.
I think the happiest Diablo 3 players are the ones that arent looking for specific items. Sadly, I'm not one of them. I have a long list of stuff I want and have yet to see drop so far. One of my friends that I play with, however, is completely happy just playing and getting random legendary drops. If he finds an upgrade, he's happy. But he's not looking for anything in particular. Madness, I say.
How viable are Fire builds compared to Lightning builds for Crusaders?
I guess what I'm really asking is should I give my Maximus to my Crusader or my Barb?
Here here. I need some sort of goal, personal or explicit. I just hit paragon 200 and not 1 Wiz class set piece has dropped for me. Kadala cannot help me here either.
Sweeeet, this just dropped. About to try it out.
ehh, not working too well on T3, mobs dying too fast.