I was a huge fan of this series... I played 1-3 for a ton of hours, I really should get my hands on 4 and D2 at some point.
4 is the best of the series so far. So you should, dood!
I was a huge fan of this series... I played 1-3 for a ton of hours, I really should get my hands on 4 and D2 at some point.
4 is the best of the series so far. So you should, dood!
Isn't the soundtrack and graphics print a pre-order bonus? Looks like Gamestop is offering it, but no mentions of it on Amazon.
Got my review copy, and they said no embargo, so... I'm streaming! Come watch! http://twitch.tv/theBancast
I just watched your stream and its in B/W...
4 is the best of the series so far. So you should, dood!
I still haven't completed a Disgaea game since 2 and I never did get all those pirate maps.
Should I get the vita disgaea game as my first entry into the series?
What's Ratetsu Mode?
I went for the Limited Edition vis NIS Store. Can't wait to get it.
Same idea as Land of Carnage but more so. Enemies have higher stats, the stat cap is lifted further, you can fight Baal and you get various perks (items can be levelled to 999 instead of 300, you absorb part of the stats of defeated enemies, etc)
My fav moment xD
I went for the Limited Edition vis NIS Store. Can't wait to get it.
Stepping back into the item world again and getting sucked in for level after level felt like putting on a favorite pair of shoes that never wore out. After some entertaining but hollow-feeling detours for the franchise, D2 puts Disgaea back where it belongs: the top of the strategy-RPG heap. Its ongoing tendency to reuse old, familiar visuals keeps it from being a revelation, but mechanically, this is the most finely tuned, feverishly addictive entry in the five-game series. I came with time to give, and a healthy appetite for old-school grinding, and just as its predecessor before it, Disgaea D2 took me for every free hour I had.
i went for the strat guide edition. i am weak
There's a lot of info in those strategy guides (exp formulas, detail on hidden values in the systems, etc) that you can't really get any other way. That little side industry is alive and well. You can think of them as "the rest of the manual" in a lot of ways.
The true Disgaea Souls starts here.
Can't wait to break into this sucker. Quit D4 when I was fishing for unique innocents from mystery innocents on R40 weapons; wonder what's going to get me to throw in the towel this time?
The true Disgaea Souls starts here.
Can't wait to break into this sucker. Quit D4 when I was fishing for unique innocents from mystery innocents on R40 weapons; wonder what's going to get me to throw in the towel this time?
how did you stumble on this ?
Oh Shit! Maxed out EVERYTHING! Just hope this has a puppy paw stick, or some sort of character kidnapping that we can exploit or the grinding will take an eternity.
4 is the best of the series so far. So you should, dood!
3 was a lot better than 4. The villain in 4 is awful.
2 is a lot better than 3. And 1 is a lot better than 2, imo. I'm really glad fans have continued to enjoy the Disgaea games, but while I enjoyed two I think that was mainly because I desperately wanted more Disgaea right after beating one. I got 20 hours into 4 before dropping it, and only 5 or 6 into 3 (played three after four, for some reason).
I hope this one has Phantom Brave characters as DLC. Didn't D3 and D4 have some? I think D4 even had Laharl's dad, IIRC. Any love for PB is good.
Isn't the soundtrack and graphics print a pre-order bonus? Looks like Gamestop is offering it, but no mentions of it on Amazon.
Might be Gamestop Pre-order bonus ? I'll update the first post if anyone can confirm that Gamestop orders (or EB UK) get this and Amazon (or UK generally) don't.
http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00BJH11F6/Amazon.ca said:Pre-order Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness and receive bonus offer: Original Soundtrack 2-CDs and Art Print. Offer valid when shipped and sold by Amazon.ca. Limit one per household. Amazon reserves the right to change or terminate this promotion at any time. Offer will be extended to all existing pre-orders.
The first 3 guides were by Doublejump (now Onionbat and pretty much dead). The Disgaea 4 guide was by Brady Games (and not as good in quality). This one is by Prima so we have no idea what it's quality will be like yet. I've heard vague rumours that some of the former Doublejump team are involved though, so that gives me some hope.
This pic? Gfaqs. To the point, the Asian version with English was released about a week ago. Think the EU guys got it around then.
3 was a lot better than 4. The villain in 4 is awful.