But Valvatorez is the best protagonist by far. It oozes charm and personality .
Also, while I'd agree that 3 had a much, much better villain than 4, I think most of 3 until pretty-much the endgame is inferior.
But Valvatorez is the best protagonist by far. It oozes charm and personality .
Also, while I'd agree that 3 had a much, much better villain than 4, I think most of 3 until pretty-much the endgame is inferior.
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!
4 is the best of the series so far. So you should, dood!
nis took my muney
now to wait
The OP should be updated with IGN's review. It got a 9.1. The only negative they had was that the games tend to reuse old character sprites. That's it. The review says "endless depth" !!! That sounds good to me. The post game stuff is a big reason why I like the Disgaea franchise so much.
Oh and NIS took my money too. I ordered the LE + guide. Next week can't come soon enough.
NISA shipped my copy today.
According to the email I got there's been a delay on NISA getting the guides for the Guides +LE packages. NISA is going to ship the LEs now and the Guides later, though if you're in this group you can email them / put in a support ticket to get them to hold the LE until the Guide arrives.
I still haven't been charged for my LE + Guide either. Which is bizzare.
Anyone else keep getting back to the castle to find laharl on 1 hp?
Anyone else keep getting back to the castle to find laharl on 1 hp?
Many things are simplified in D2, and it's not a bad thing.
Postgame is as hardcore as ever. The "Cheat Shop" is a nice addition.
The new item world and the innocent management is good as well.
As for the story, it's inferior to Disgaea 4. A bit too plain.
Less than 25% left! Hurry hurry~ARGH I totally forgot this was coming out. I wonder if I should bother to see if they still got LE versions of the US one avail.
Already have the JP one, but hasnt stopped me in the past from picking up the US vers of the others too. D:
Dear god why did I click on this thread...
Is a lot of the postgame stuff dubbed like in Disgaea 4?
EDIT: Haha, oops, double post.
One important question. Farming statitician is still annoting like in Disgaea 4?
Pretty much everything about the character/item perfecting process has been smoothed out a bit. Like, you can just keep running an Item so there's no "you must do this or else" to max it out. You actually keep getting bonuses for Reincarnating as well.
Is that true post-Rasetsu/Land of Annihilation patch, though? Hearing a lot of theorycrafters saying that there might be optimal methods you can take to fully max out an item at level 999.
Mine came in the mail today from NIS Store. The day before release, fuck yeah! Limited Edition too
Mine came in the mail today from NIS Store. The day before release, fuck yeah! Limited Edition too
When did it ship? Where are you located?
Mine shipped yesterday, but there still hasn't been a status update.
Mine came in the mail today from NIS Store. The day before release, fuck yeah! Limited Edition too
what's the dlc it talks about on the sticker for regular edition? says it has expiration date of 11/8/13 i think.