How's the writing/story in this one? I heard the first one didn't have the best story/writing which is why I picked up Pillars of Eternity instead, but I found PoE to be quite a slog...
How's the writing/story in this one? I heard the first one didn't have the best story/writing which is why I picked up Pillars of Eternity instead, but I found PoE to be quite a slog...
How's the writing/story in this one? I heard the first one didn't have the best story/writing which is why I picked up Pillars of Eternity instead, but I found PoE to be quite a slog...
How's the writing/story in this one? I heard the first one didn't have the best story/writing which is why I picked up Pillars of Eternity instead, but I found PoE to be quite a slog...
A lot better but still one of the weakest parts of the gameHow's the writing/story in this one? I heard the first one didn't have the best story/writing which is why I picked up Pillars of Eternity instead, but I found PoE to be quite a slog...
How's the writing/story in this one? I heard the first one didn't have the best story/writing which is why I picked up Pillars of Eternity instead, but I found PoE to be quite a slog...
The first game was... slow to put it nicely. There was good writing, but you had to work for it. This one is so much better with its pacing, characterization, and overall flare that it feels like people with far more knowledge or talent were steering the development this time around and took all the stuff the first game did right and exclusively built on that.How's the writing/story in this one? I heard the first one didn't have the best story/writing which is why I picked up Pillars of Eternity instead, but I found PoE to be quite a slog...
It's undeniably linked to OS1.Quick someone post something negative about OS2!
As a console player who love OS1 it hurts reading this thread... Quick someone post something negative about OS2!
The inventory management is garbage.
Everything consumable you pick up is automatically added to and clutters your hotbars.
The quest journal bugs out and quests don't close properly.
They could add a lot of nice quality of life features like lucky charm being an aura so I don't have to constantly switch to that character just to loot things.
So just went through the gargoyle maze (almost didn't do it thinking I was done with the island then saw I hadn't went there), anyone tell me:
When you go through a portal just after the historian fight you go into this cave, over on the far side there's a corpse and a skillbook. I could not for the life of me figure out how to get there. I have polymorph wings and no matter where I stood there was no way for me to even try to fly over to the rocks and make my way there. Is there something I'm missing?
So just went through the gargoyle maze (almost didn't do it thinking I was done with the island then saw I hadn't went there), anyone tell me:
When you go through a portal just after the historian fight you go into this cave, over on the far side there's a corpse and a skillbook. I could not for the life of me figure out how to get there. I have polymorph wings and no matter where I stood there was no way for me to even try to fly over to the rocks and make my way there. Is there something I'm missing?
What are some useful combos that aren't so obvious?
Just today in PCGamer I was reading about using Chicken Claw combined with Rupture Tendons.
Getting Comeback Kid and a Idol Of Rebirth for each character has made Tactician alot more manageable, comeback kid in itself is nuts.
Getting Comeback Kid and a Idol Of Rebirth for each character has made Tactician alot more manageable, comeback kid in itself is nuts.
I've got one Idol Of Rebirth, where can I find more?![]()
Does comeback kid replenish your armors to full as well?
I mean, it's gonna be silly if you're resurrected but got stunlocked immediately before its turn.
OS2 rivals/surpasses BioWare's modern output in their RPGs
i heard that there is also a glitch: if you put idol in backpack, when you die you'll keep original version while getting new one in your main inventory. i didnt verify that though as i believe this item is broken as fuck as it is, and having one is more than enough.I've got one Idol Of Rebirth, where can I find more?![]()
Gamespot review mentions that you can create your own character or pick 1 of 6 provided characters who have their own backstory. Does this mean if i create a custom character I will be missing out on backstory similar to the 6 provided?
You won't get the custom sidequests that the pre-created characters have with your custom character, but you can let up to 3 pre-created characters join your team so you can experience their sidequests anyway.Gamespot review mentions that you can create your own character or pick 1 of 6 provided characters who have their own backstory. Does this mean if i create a custom character I will be missing out on backstory similar to the 6 provided?
Gamespot review mentions that you can create your own character or pick 1 of 6 provided characters who have their own backstory. Does this mean if i create a custom character I will be missing out on backstory similar to the 6 provided?
The inventory management is garbage.
Everything consumable you pick up is automatically added to and clutters your hotbars.
The quest journal bugs out and quests don't close properly.
They could add a lot of nice quality of life features like lucky charm being an aura so I don't have to constantly switch to that character just to loot things.
Is there another way to get the idol? I picked the wrong answer.
I enjoyed the combat in D:OS but the pacing felt dazzlingly bad. I hate back tracking to suss out where to go after an impossible fight, when your journal provides no hints. It also felt too linear despite the big maps. Is this alleviated at all in the sequel? I just don't want to deal with quite so much aggressive time wasting.
Im in act 3 now but just started it. Will definitely go back for the idols.Steal it?
I have 2. One from the quest, one from pickpocketing.
It's undeniably linked to OS1.
Does this mean everyone has changed their minds and OS1 is now required to play before 2?
I'm about 6 hours into OS2 now after skipping the first :/
Does this mean everyone has changed their minds and OS1 is now required to play before 2?
I'm about 6 hours into OS2 now after skipping the first :/
If you got it from *The Kiss* just talk to her for each member
Blood Rain + Poison Nova + Ignite = Bleed/Poison/Burning on everything around you. (edit: Add Medusa Head for even more damage and the chance to potentially petrify everything around you while they take damage from 3 dots). Unsure if petrified characters take DoT damage though, gonna test it out today.)
Ah crap, I did that quest in the beginning of act 2 on all my members but chose the stat options. I then stole it on my main. It triggered twice since death, but last fight I died and the idol didn't trigger, so I guess it's gone :/
(My inventory is so cluttered, if anyone know's what category the idol shows up under I'd be very happy to know. As people pointed out above, inventory management is my only big gripe with this otherwise amazing game)
Does this mean everyone has changed their minds and OS1 is now required to play before 2?
I'm about 6 hours into OS2 now after skipping the first :/
Cheers! I suspected it would but wasn't sure. Edited my post above.Petrifying should remove burning IIRC, so that would be counterproductive.
Ah, thank you so much! That's probably it! Beer and/or pizza on me if you're ever in my part of the woods!The easiest way I found to find it is to go to crtafting recipe, under objects. You probably only have to recharge it.
How's the writing/story in this one? I heard the first one didn't have the best story/writing which is why I picked up Pillars of Eternity instead, but I found PoE to be quite a slog...
We discussed some of these the other day.
Bloated Corpse + Flaming Crescendo. Fiery undead bomb!
Blood Rain + Poison Nova + Ignite = Bleed/Poison/Burning on everything around you. (edit: Removed Medusa Head - thanks to Jisgsaw!)
*Spell to apply burning/necrofire* + Spontanous Combustion (obvious one but posting it anyway since it's so good) (add Torturer talent for more damage on these two last ones)
Fortify + heart of steel/bone cage + shackles of pain (since reactive armor hurts the caster) + reactive armor. Reactive armor was nerfed but I think this one still can do good damage, just stack armor any way you can then haste the caster for enough AP to set off the combo. (You could also sub in Whirlpool and/or Guardian Angel)
Lanrutcon posted about Enrage + Arrow spray for insane damage, but that one might also be "obvious".
Would love to hear more!
One question from me: So my 2h-warrior can't use the majority of scoundrel skills. But the warfare skills work with daggers, right? Like Battering Ram/Battle Stomp? I'm tempted to respecc my 2h-warrior into a rogue, although that means re-gearing her completely.
Cheers! I suspected it would but wasn't sure. Edited my post above.
Ah, thank you so much! That's probably it! Beer and/or pizza on me if you're ever in my part of the woods!
edit: Sorry, could you clarify? I have so much shit in my inventory. I go to crafting, then under objects the only things that show up are "Tainted Stew". I had the Idol on Sebille and it worked before, wondering where the heck it is though.
Wonder if I can get a new one if I kill the spider chick? If anyone know's under what category the Ashen/Glowing Idol shows up under I'd be very thankful!
Anyone worked out a reliable way to stop items you pick up going into your skill bar? If you unlock your bar you can drag the items to between the squares and it'll put it back in your inventory, but it's a nightmare. I don't want or need items on my skill bar other than my bedroll for quick access.
Also, how do you organise your skill bars. Ie, is there a way to move a skill to bar 2 without filling up bar 1?
Ok, so I found another thing that makes ranger OP compared to rogues: I keep finding crazy good crossbows (but like, really good: ).
Meanwhile, I struggle to find even half decent daggers.
Ok, so I found another thing that makes ranger OP compared to rogues: I keep finding crazy good crossbows (but like, really good: ).
Meanwhile, I struggle to find even half decent daggers.
Go in the crafting menu (G is the standard shortcut).
Then on the top, go into the recipe, instead of crafting.
There go in the "Object" section, you should have the recipe for the glowing idol of rebirth.
Or, I just checked, the idol of rebirth is one of the last objects in your inventory if you autosort it.
You can drag and drop skills and objects in and out of the skill bars (though it is sometime buggy, and will result in you unmemorizing some skills, always check if you do that).
Wow! Nice one! I've found 2x20%crit crossbows, but nothing nearly as powerful like that(still five levels behind you though) I was considering respeccing my 2h-"tank"/warfare into Rogue. Maybe I should just go with a second ranger? I think I might try that actually, even if rangers aren't a blast to play (never tried rogue and heard they're very fun to play, although not nearly as strong)
Aye, I clearly see it in your screenshot, but I don't have the recipe in my game (yet). Also thank you for the info about where the item should show up with Autosort. Sadly it doesn't, so I must have lost it somehow. Ah, I'll manage, can't be arsed to reload 20 hours of Act 2 for redoing "Kiss of Death". Again, thanks for your time and clarification though!
edit: What does "+x% Cleave damage" on 2h-weapons do? Maybe I'm stupid or missing something but I've never found a skill called Cleave.