I answered "no" because the measure of a person is a sum of their personality traits, kindnesses, unkindnesses, memories, values, networks, education, and a vast array of other elements, actions, and choices. I assume the rest of the question is "Does a woman's body count matter to men . . . in the context of forming a romantic relationship with them". From that perspective, I'd say that a person's personality, humor, moral framework, network of friends/family, hobbies, interests, intelligence, and a dozens of other characteristics are much more important to me when deciding whether or not I'm interested in someone. Does a person's body count and only their body count necessarily inform me in great detail about any of those character traits? Very little. To that end, having a disproportionately strong concern about body counts feels like barking up the wrong tree. Ultimately, it's none of my damn business what their body count is, and it's none of anyone else's business what mine is.
What makes the question a contentious one is that you also asked it in an ambiguous way that could lead to multiple interpretations and people talking past each other because they are working on different definitions or assumptions.
Is my initial assumption correct? Are you inquiring if body counts matter (in a romantic context)? What is it specifically, or which question is the one that is most important to you? "Do body counts matter when looking for a girlfriend"? "Do body counts matter when looking for a wife"? "Do body counts matter when looking for a casual hookup"? "Do body counts matter when looking for a friend"? "Do body counts matter when looking for a certified public accountant"?
Additionally, why is "high body count" equal to "whore" in your view? What range does that number have to be in to qualify as "high body count" or "whore"? Why exactly does associating romantically with a person like that not give you a sense of pride? Does it not matter if this person with a high body count is otherwise very compatible with you, personality wise? A high body count would override this?