Alchemist Alloy set by Mr. President for [A]
Loda got a new dress.
Cool they added lovebear! Their goodluck charm they bring to LAN's
Mmh i see 2 people with that name, come into the neogaf channel it's easier for me to add you that way (NeoGAF channel on dota2).
EDIT: 3 noob mates of mine will also come soon so we can do the 5-man noobstack
Haha, please educate me.
If you find yourself laning against Ellen Pudge, just abandon the lane.
No no no, this is what laning against me is like.
No no no, this is what laning against me is like.
If you find yourself laning against Ellen Pudge, just abandon the lane.
Cool they added lovebear! Their goodluck charm they bring to LAN's
It's been 14+ days since I last changed my password and my backpack still doesn't show up on Dota2Lounge. Any way around this, or is the waiting/blocked period longer than 2 weeks?
Haha, please educate me.
Alchemist Alloy set by Mr. President for [A]
Loda got a new dress.
Cool they added lovebear! Their goodluck charm they bring to LAN's
Is g.zzz a 1.09 alt account where he lets all his salt and toxicity out so he can be nicer on 109?
Are any of the GAF guild mods about? If so could I have an invite? I asked in the chat channel.
say something in the channel
I'm back and doing some streaming.
I got a new microphone, so let me know how it sounds.
thanks to G.zzz for some great games tonight, shame we had to lose the last one but that pudge was a beast. Playing with GAFfers is so much better than solo queue, my god.
The Weaver set with wings no longer drops, the Nature's Prophet set from last week now drops. Also the Pyrion Flax announcer no longer drops. The Weaver set was also pulled from the store.
The Weaver set with wings no longer drops, the Nature's Prophet set from last week now drops. Also the Pyrion Flax announcer no longer drops. The Weaver set was also pulled from the store.
They need more Mythicals in the system now. This update removed two of them without replacing them. There are no current mythicals from new sets either that don't already drop (the ghosts being the only one, and it drops already).
I'm actually a bit surprised, since Valve needs to add in the D2L league ticket, it starts in 90 minutes.
Edit: There we go, D2L should be added now.
Just give us a picture of your set Bounch, you said you were going to like 2 days ago. vs. VG Gaming
DK vs. !!!!!! vs. VG Gaming
All BO3, starting now at