yeah, that went horribly for them.. unfortunately, it wasn't the case for us. we were completely taken aback by what we saw, and by the time we were able to counter, we lost 2 towers in a couple of minutes.The Earthshaker gets no levels and it can backfire in a big way. Tongfu tried it and it was an absolute disaster... Of course, they were laning against a Dark Seer, so it was pretty silly to even attempt it.
If the other team has any sort of wave clearing ability, it's just free gold.
standing mic or attached to a headset?
Watching those scrims makes me wish we had Inhouses more often.
Watching those scrims makes me wish we had Inhouses more often.
Tuned in and is actually winning a game? And against a decent team, too. What in the sam hill is going on here.
Question: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
I enjoy playing Doom because hauling ass in a teamfight and being a giant unkillable jackass is very enjoyable. Also I like making someone completely useless for at least 15 seconds.
Question: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
I enjoy playing Doom because hauling ass in a teamfight and being a giant unkillable jackass is very enjoyable. Also I like making someone completely useless for at least 15 seconds.
Question: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
I enjoy playing Doom because hauling ass in a teamfight and being a giant unkillable jackass is very enjoyable. Also I like making someone completely useless for at least 15 seconds.
I enjoy PA cos I like big crits but now she looks like animuQuestion: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
I enjoy playing Doom because hauling ass in a teamfight and being a giant unkillable jackass is very enjoyable. Also I like making someone completely useless for at least 15 seconds.
No, Boken, Charizard is not a hero. You've been playing too much XY.And I like charizard cos you can burn fools
Question: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
Question: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
Eternal Envy-sama who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy mouse,
thy mercy come,
thy draft be done,
in matchmaking, as it is in captains.
Give us this day our daily DotA,
and forgive us our inferior tactics,
as we have also forgiven those less skilled.
And lead us not into fanboyism,
but deliver us #TI4.
hes getting oneSF needs a new model. Who agrees???!!! Something menacing please, right now he looks like catdog
hes getting one
be patient
More like bullshit. icefrog pls patch.wait you can teleport to Elder Titans spirit with boots of travel? well that seems useful
Poor detection killed AAA in that game. If Magnus had a gem, they might have avoided most of those ganks.My god the track kills in this Alliance game.
Question: why do you enjoy playing your favourite hero?
More like bullshit. icefrog pls patch.
Why has no one informed me HoN added Plinko? MOBA of the Year materal there.