How accurate are the dota wikis gamepedia and liquipedia ?
I ask because there are so many discrepancies between DOTA 1 mechanics and DOTA 2. When it comes to DOTA 2 mechanics, should I trust these over guides on Playdota, which are written for DOTA 1?
An example is Venomancer's Poison sting. Both the gamepedia and liquipedia wiki's state at as doing magical damage, while the Playdota damage type guide lists it as Enhanced, meaning it would go through magic immunity.
There are many other examples, such as Echo Slam being listed as Universal on DOTA 2 wikis and enhanced on DOTA 1 guides. There are more discrepancies outside of damage types too. Which do you go off of?
I ask because there are so many discrepancies between DOTA 1 mechanics and DOTA 2. When it comes to DOTA 2 mechanics, should I trust these over guides on Playdota, which are written for DOTA 1?
An example is Venomancer's Poison sting. Both the gamepedia and liquipedia wiki's state at as doing magical damage, while the Playdota damage type guide lists it as Enhanced, meaning it would go through magic immunity.
There are many other examples, such as Echo Slam being listed as Universal on DOTA 2 wikis and enhanced on DOTA 1 guides. There are more discrepancies outside of damage types too. Which do you go off of?