I'm relatively new and don't really get what I'm meant to be doing. I'm working through the story but got sidetracked and spammed that Bulma mission as it was brilliant rank XP (ended up doing that Bulma card to its full hidden potential - was that wise?) but what should I be focusing on?
I'll be feeding the AGI big-ass Hopekus to the STR big-ass Hopeku. At least he doesn't suck ass. Arguably the AGI one is even less useful after dokkaning because he becomes an SSJ Goku, and there's no shortage of those.
Knowing that I'm starting nearly from scratch for the LR Goku. Is it reasonnable to aim completing it ?
The only other things that I havr to do are upping Zamasu and Black'SA, so nothing too important.
I have absolutely never taken time for the Super Strike events ... except to get the DS relatedI think so, depending on your progress with Super Strike units maybe, but it should be enough time regardless if you play efficiently. And this is assuming they release stage 4, otherwise getting dupes to open his paths and getting him to SA20 is gonna be a hassle. I'm starting from scratch too.
This is dumb, LR Goku's event doesn't even go up for another week.
The Super Strike characters are only useful for LR events, right ?
8/12 (Sat) 07:00 ~ 9/4 (Mon) 06:59 PST
* The results of the above Campaign Missions will be processed after the campaign ends, and the rewards will be distributed afterwards.
All these SSRs I done know who to train and who to let go.
The rewards don't go out for another month either
Like what
Do you know I should train?I always keep at least 1 of each SSR even the absolute garbage ones that are still garbage after Dokkaning. You never know what they might do with them in the future
Do you know I should train?
Damn, my Ss4 Goku mono str team just doesn't have the easiest time with Omega that you guys seem to be having. It's gotta be my team comp. Feels bad man.
50 stones and a ton of TEQ orbs coming for reaching #1 grossing in a bunch of countries. (Today or tomorrow)
That's 2 extra multi-summons on the Omega Banner for me (want SSJ4 Goku) and enough orbs to max TEQ Angel Goku ready for when his SSJ3 Dokkan releases on Global - He's going to be a monster.
Have you gotten yours Dokkaned? If not, that would help considerably. When he links with GT link skill and Gogeta, he never hits for under 2 mil for me. If it was half priced, and I really cared about Dokkaning him out, I would have finished this omega thing already, no sweat.Damn, my Ss4 Goku mono str team just doesn't have the easiest time with Omega that you guys seem to be having. It's gotta be my team comp. Feels bad man.
Leveling up, and daWhat do you mean by training? Just leveling up and dokkaning to UR, etc?
Or do you mean raise the Super Attack by giving them Kais?
Either way, most of the time the priority is: Hardest hitting units that you always want to use on your team.
After that, just train the ones you like the most.
Also, you don't NEED to train every card. If you're not planning on using them, don't bother training them.
In the end, it's your game and you should just do what you enjoy.
Leveling up, and da
Because I have too many characters, and not enough resources
It looks like you have the perfect team to be honest. What phase gives you the most trouble?
Use the 1st phase of PHY Syn Shenron to fix your formations.
It should be SSJ4 Goku + SSJ3 GT Goku in formation 1
The 2nd one should be SSJ4 Goku and Ubb for formation 2
Use Gogeta to take out the AGL phase really fast. Also when you pick a friend. Read their stats and look at the things they unlocked. Always go for friends that have a crit level of over 10.
I would trade out SSJ3 Goku for Omega Shenron for the damage nerf and the GT link.
yay more teq orbs...it's not like I don't have 14k of them already.
where are my phy orbs bandai?
This is bad. Too many leads that will need SA to max and not enough Kais to around
Ok wow so I just did a run with the suggestions and the swap and I obliterated him. What a difference just order makes. I still suck at this game sometimes lol.
Knowing that I'm starting nearly from scratch for the LR Goku. Is it reasonnable to aim completing it ?
The only other things that I havr to do are upping Zamasu and Black'SA, so nothing too important.
Oh wow, did not know that. Time to grind harderAll dokkan events are normally 40/50 stamina.
The old ones are just at half stamina right now for the 200m celebration.
Man, SSJ4 Goku's Dokkan event is really costly stamina wise. 40 stamina for 3 medals? Yikes. Don't even dare try the 60 stamina Super 2 difficulty. Also need those medals for SSJ3 GT Goku...
This is my AGL team:Whats your team like? I took my Mono AGL and decimated him but it depends on the units you have to use.
So to get LR goku to 20SA i have to basically get the 777 medals twice and have 2 SA10 gokus made and merge them?
This is my AGL team:
It's not ideal and I'm severely lacking some of the great AGL units, unfortunately my selection is pretty limited. These are pretty much my only Super AGL units, other AGLs I have are Golden Frieza, SSJ Goku, Super Vegeta and Giant Ape Bardock.
So to get LR goku to 20SA i have to basically get the 777 medals twice and have 2 SA10 gokus made and merge them?