Human Trashcan
Can I reverse dokkan somebody twice?
Got LR Androids, want to reverse back two forms for potential paths.
Yes you can
Can I reverse dokkan somebody twice?
Got LR Androids, want to reverse back two forms for potential paths.
Thank you for the advice. Took out Vegeta and put in the Goku. I should have a couple of dokkaned units by tomorrow. Already have enough for INT SSJ Future Trunks and I'm working on having enough to dokkan Vegito Blue and TEQ Teen Future Trunks so hopefully I can finally do the SV event.Dude thats a great team. All you need to do is wait for Monday aka tomorrow and get the 77 medals for Super Vegito. Take a friend SSJ4 Vegeta and you can dominate the fight vs SV. Just link up Fierce battle units if you have any but its not needed. Also switch out the SSJ2 Vegeta for SSJ Goku who is better unit until the dokkan hits.
Then take on SSJ4 Goku with your awakened SV and have him partner with the Xeno Trunks for the best links. Take out Mai for that fight since Goku can't be stunned. Use Golden Frieza for defense. Your friend SSJ4 Vegeta should be with the Gohan for the added burst of attack.
By the way, is there a way to find out the time tables for the different Dokkan events? I thought they would be on the wiki but can't for the life of me find anything.
Yes and I recommend doing that over feeding him 10 kais since its not worth imo. Also make sure to unlock all his paths at UR before going to LR form.
Getting him to SA20 gets you 10 elder kai, it's pretty much a painless investment.
Getting him to SA20 gets you 10 elder kai, it's pretty much a painless investment.
But you can up his SA by farming. Why would you spend your hard earned Elder Kais that are rare on a unit that can get SA levels by farming?
Sure its shorter but your net gain is 0. 10 elder kais - LR Goku= 0 Elder kais
1 month later you get 10 as a gift. So you are back exactly where you started.
Thank you for the advice. Took out Vegeta and put in the Goku. I should have a couple of dokkaned units by tomorrow. Already have enough for INT SSJ Future Trunks and I'm working on having enough to dokkan Vegito Blue and TEQ Teen Future Trunks so hopefully I can finally do the SV event.
By the way, is there a way to find out the time tables for the different Dokkan events? I thought they would be on the wiki but can't for the life of me find anything.
So I just single summoned Janemba for the first time. Any good villain team roster tips he would currently benefit being in?
Is it possible to build a team for SSJ4 vegeta or do i have a decent team already? I want to dokkan Awaken GT trunks for my Super STR team.
My current teams are
If you awaken your STR Super Gogeta, you should be able to do it fairly easily with a SSj4 Goku friend, using a def up/ damage reduction item or two for the final phase. Even without awakening him, it's fairly possible, you would just need to put a bit more effort into item use since you won't do as much damage. Keep SSj4 Goku and SSj3 Goku on the same turn (they link up fantastically), and your friend SSj4 Goku on the other turn with SSj Trunks.
Is it possible to build a team for SSJ4 vegeta or do i have a decent team already? I want to dokkan Awaken GT trunks for my Super STR team.
My current teams are
And 50 free stones too!Fuck they extended the multipull discount. I JUST yolo singled thinking I wouldn't be able to do another two multi in time !
Fuck they extended the multipull discount. I JUST yolo singled thinking I wouldn't be able to do another two multi in time !
And 50 free stones too!![]()
Where did you guys hear about the 50 free stones.50 stones is nice but I'm done with this event I think so into the pot they go.
Need a nice banner with SS3 GT Goku and/or Vegito Blue would be best.
I hear nice things about INT Gogeta but my INT game is pretty shit so /shrug
Where did you guys hear about the 50 free stones.
Does that mean the buy 3 get one free is gone?News
Does that mean the buy 3 get one free is gone?
Nope, the extension of the multipull by 100hrs comes hand-in-hand with 50 free stones. It's due to the 8 countries getting Dokkan Battle to #1 in the app store.Does that mean the buy 3 get one free is gone?
Coming here to say Fuckin maintenance!ugh fuckin maintenance! Can't they wait till the event rotation to start it? I needed 1 more round of SSB Goku to DA my TEQ SSB...
So far it's only two hours. Rage only when it extends...Coming here to say Fuckin maintenance!
Coming here to say Fuckin maintenance!
So far it's only two hours. Rage only when it extends...
Nope, the extension of the multipull by 100hrs comes hand-in-hand with 50 free stones. It's due to the 8 countries getting Dokkan Battle to #1 in the app store.
Lol even if it is two hours, event reset happens at 2:30 EST so when it's over SSBKK event is gone for the time being. Unless it's on for two days back-to-back which I think the Goku Black event was like.
Trunks event is back up. Time to grab hundreds of Gravity Chambers
Man i kinda hate the dupe system....unless you are a whale that can non-stop pull to get 5 copies of every unit you always have have the desire to go back to a banner for dupes of Top Tier units.
I pulled SSJ4 Goku and SSJ4 Gogeta on this banner...i should be done. But something in my heads tells me...wel they are good now....but they would be so much better with even one dupe lol.
But nah im done. Saving for PHYCooler/INT Gogeta. It also helps that i dont have Kais for all these Top Tier units, so it will be a while until i SA max Gogu and Gogeta.
Already got INT Trunks to MAX and that grind was so much. I guess I can get my PHY Trunks to SA 10...
Ah shit, I can dokkan the TEQ SSB Vegeta I got recently, too!