Just said fuck it all and spent 350 stones.
Got 1 SSR.
Ready to uninstall the game.
I'm sorry, that hurts.
It's always painful to see how much people throw down and then they get nothing.
Just said fuck it all and spent 350 stones.
Got 1 SSR.
Ready to uninstall the game.
"I'm gonna chance a pull on this bait banner, what could I lose"
Base form, 1 pod
50 stones is what I lost, that's what.
Just said fuck it all and spent 350 stones.
Got 1 SSR.
Ready to uninstall the game.
After grinding all weekend, I finally got my 4 dupes and maxed out potential. I only have about 200 medals left until I get my LR. I can't imagine what this grind would have been like without half stamina and open every day.
Just save your stones if you have all the banner units. 200m banner sucks since it has so many featured cards. Wait for Cooler, although I plan to skip that one too.
But what's distracting you from the fact that she has the most god damn terrible abomination of a name in Dragon Ball history?
But what's distracting you from the fact that she has the most god damn terrible abomination of a name in Dragon Ball history?
But what's distracting you from the fact that she has the most god damn terrible abomination of a name in Dragon Ball history?
Used 55 stones and pulled SS4 Gogeta, SSG Goku, SSGSS Vegeta and Majin Buu (Good).
Only just started playing recently (only rank 28) but I assume this is as good of a multi-summon you could get? Are the summons juiced up or something for an event?
SSJ4 Gogeta is really really good(and when they release his leader skill he'll be even better). There is a shit ton of SSG Goku, and SSB Vegeta's, which ones in particular? If that was a single multi-pull I am very envious, and nah you just got really lucky, people have spent 300+stones and got 1 SSR lol.
BTW if you're done with LR Goku don't forget that INT Ecstatic Combat SSJ Goku can be DAed using 7 of the 2nd stages medals. He becomes a pretty good INT lead if you don't have any others.
Just say the type, most ppl don't know the names, the type makes it easier to lookup/memorise.My bad, Absolute Realm of God SSG Goku and Uncontrollable Rage SSGSS Vegeta.
EDIT: Also it was 1 multi-pull and a single pull. I got the Gogeta/SSG Goku/SSB Vegeta in the multi-pull, and then decided to use 5 stones for a single summon and got the Buu.
300 medals left. My life has become a monotonous stream of alternating 5 and 7 drops.
My bad, Absolute Realm of God SSG Goku and Uncontrollable Rage SSGSS Vegeta.
EDIT: Also it was 1 multi-pull and a single pull. I got the Gogeta/SSG Goku/SSB Vegeta in the multi-pull, and then decided to use 5 stones for a single summon and got the Buu.
of course he did. Again.
My bad, Absolute Realm of God (AGL) SSG Goku and Uncontrollable Rage (INT) SSGSS Vegeta.
EDIT: Also it was 1 multi-pull and a single pull. I got the Gogeta/SSG Goku/SSB Vegeta in the multi-pull, and then decided to use 5 stones for a single summon and got the Buu.
I take issue with them not even trying with Kale.
Do Leka or something at least geez
In the Funimation version, her name is Breckin.
petition to rename all the DBZ character to normal dang names like Keith and Larry.
Just said fuck it all and spent 350 stones.
Got 1 SSR.
Ready to uninstall the game.
Today was a good day!
Got my first Goku to LR, and treated myself to finally finishing Boss Rush 3. So that's 30 stones, and 50 more coming my way. He's already at rainbow star, and I've got a second copy at SA 10 (thank you OPTC Crossover Gokus). Now I just need... 777 medals... again...
Still, happy with today's events, was very productive. Actually failed BossRush 3 once (using Double SSJ4 team, damn you Rose and your supering when I wasn't paying attention). Did much better the second time, only used one senzu in total. Feels good to finally get that done
Do you need TURs to do the Boss Rush or can you get by with regular maxed URs? I haven't touched it yet but more stones is always enticing.
TURs generally. The mission's aren't going anywhere, so wait for them. My whole team was Super STR TURs:
- SSJ4 Goku (leader/attacked)
- SSJ3 GT (ki battery)
- SSJ3 Vegeta (blocked)
- SSJ3 Goku (ki battery)
- Pikkon (Massive ki battery)
- Gogeta (Attacker)
- SSJ4 Goku Friend (Attacker)
In hindsight, could have swapped Goku for someone with more reliable links -- I hit a few times of SSJ4 Goku needing 4 orbs to super and not getting them. Otherwise, team was pretty solid. Keep Pikkon with one SSJ4 and GT Goku with the other.
Completing these story quests and getting all the dragon balls. Just did my 7th wish and got another team slot - awesome!
The good thing is that they're staggered so I can just keep doing quests, get dragon balls, make a wish and continue getting the dragon balls again from the next story quests. It's great.
I need to figure out which of these events are considered easiest. Completed Super Gogeta and next is SSJ3 Vegeta. After that I'm not sure if I should maybe try Super Vegito.
Ah gotcha. Wasn't sure if that was one of those limited things or not. Hmm I've got three of the cards out of this list. Missing the SSJ3 Gokus and Pikkon.
I've only done the one wish thus far. I should go back and try to get the others. I need to complete the higher difficulties for those earlier chapters anyway for stones. Been focusing on 10-15 because you get Elder and Supreme Kai medals as rewards.
Generally, the 20 Stam Dokkan events are easier than the 25 stam.
Can also go in the general order on https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/wiki/guides
Ah I'll have to keep that in mind. Thank you.
Oh wait is that order in terms of difficulty? I didn't realize that was the case. Well okay I may be able to manage those early events then.
It's order of release generally, and the difficulty is the same order for the most part, aside from a few outliers.