So I pulled a thing...
Also I have TEQ Whis, PHY Goku, so this is awesome.
Also is Vegeta the only LR to not have a farmable Super, until LR Vegito Blue comes in.
I've got 72 stones and tempted to pull for Majin Vegeta, is there a new banner on Friday? I can see there are new cards coming...
Honestly no. You have an incredibly low chance to pull him, and Cooler and SSJ3 Goku are coming. Save your stones for them.
Dang so many options today. Could farm the strike events since the ones today seem the most recommended, so other events to get medals to Dokkan or continue focusing on increasing rank. Also have enough medals to awaken some people and no idea where to start. It's nice how much content is available now. I can only imagine what it was like when the game started.
Double drops, half stamina and no team restriction ends when the LR goku event ends.
Did you start recently as well, I've been looking at a lot of wikis and it's hard to believe awakening medals only dropped once. Most I run are always double drops, which saves time. No cost limits either is nice, making all the strikes a real breeze to farm.
Double drops, half stamina and no team restriction ends when the LR goku event ends.
Why did I postpone trying the SSJ4 Gogeta event, I can do this somewhat reliably with my SSJ4 Goku team! Hopefully I can gather all the medals i need before it goes away, need to get the medals for Omega too 😦
Got ten Hercule medals and I'm already broke. Maaaaaybe I shouldn't focus on this for now.
Yeah pretty recently. I might try to go for the strike events since they seem pretty easy to farm the cards to get them ready. I doubt I'll be able to get into the LR Goku event before it ends, but I should at least be able to start getting the team ready.
Got ten Hercule medals and I'm already broke. Maaaaaybe I shouldn't focus on this for now.
What event is that?
So I have 3 extra White hot face off super saiyan goku's
Should I just feed them into this goku?
Or upgrade them and unlock the hiddden paths for this goku
That one or the other Godkus (AGL and STR). I've been holding off because I wanna see their rebirths out of JP but... they haven't happened yet. So just put em in whichever one you have/are likely to use at this point.
I hope the LR Goku event returns at some point.
Dual SSJ4 Goku leads.What's your team out of curiosity. I've got an SSJ4 Goku so I'm curious if I'll be able to try for that one as well.
I was wondering about this exact thing though I've only got one extra right now. Wouldn't you only be able to open Hidden Paths if they were the exact same card? The former being a PHY would exclude that I thought.
Lol you just reminded me I have AGL godku too.That one or the other Godkus (AGL and STR). I've been holding off because I wanna see their rebirths out of JP but... they haven't happened yet. So just put em in whichever one you have/are likely to use at this point.
Dual SSJ4 Goku leads.
SSJ3 GT Goku
SSJ2 GT Trunks
Super Gogeta
SSJ God Goku
Paikuhan (not dokkaned unfortunately)
By no means ideal but they're the only STR characters I have
we're talking about raising SA. White-hot Faceoff Goku dokkans into Godku, if you UR him he has a 100% chance to raise the SA of any other Godku. Hidden potential is strictly for identical card dupes.
How often do old banners reappear? Like will these Gogeta and Shenron ones ever make a comeback? Was looking through the older ones and it'd be nice to see some of those come back.
dokkanfest banners don't come back, but the units do, just on different banners.
So I pulled a thing...
Also I have TEQ Whis, PHY Goku, so this is awesome.
Gah, i cant believe i just did that. I just did 3 more multi gogeta pulls and got 0 SSR's. Im such a fool. Thats 15 multi pulls now with no ssj4 gogeta... feelsbadman
Wooo, SSJ4 Gogeta Dokkan Awakened! Won't have time to do that for Omega but hopefully his event comes back soon.
Holy fuck.
Been blowing stones on singles every single day looking to get Gogeta.
The banners end tonight and the free stones also likely end tonight. With my last stones for a pull this happened.
Time to expand the box and start saving for INT Gogeta.
Should I be buying those 1 million zeni Hercule's Champion Belts in the shop?
Should of saved all your stones for the next few banners since the 200 mill stone event is almost done and its gonna be tough to get more DS without buying them.
Is buying it the only way to get the medal?If you want to make LR Hercule, yes. Mind you, it will take 10 belts for the first DA, 20 for the second DA, and 70 for the final DA that makes him a LR. So if you have 100mill zeni to spear, do it.
Is buying it the only way to get the medal?
Am I missing something about the LR Hercule? Like it doesn't appeal to me.
Am I missing something about the LR Hercule? Like it doesn't appeal to me.