Did a single pull. Multiple pods, insta SSJ, SSJ1, SSJ2, SsJ3!!!!! Great ape Raditz, FUCK!!! He's the worst of the GAs, right?
I'd probably say Shugesh or Tora are the worst. But they're all pretty meh.
Did a single pull. Multiple pods, insta SSJ, SSJ1, SSJ2, SsJ3!!!!! Great ape Raditz, FUCK!!! He's the worst of the GAs, right?
This time the flaw isn't within the category system since the selection is quite large this time. The problem is they decided to make Ultimate Gohan the leader.
If I'm looking at this right the best team may not even have Gohan on rotation, just toss both of him into the floater position. The team to me just looks like PHY with LR Gohan and 20% more attack.
I'd probably say Shugesh or Tora are the worst. But they're all pretty meh.
Raditz is at least getting a Dokkan
Thank you, now my long grind can begin I guess. I'm blowing through my stamina like mad already. Is SSJ3 Gotenks really that good? I can't even find room for him in my current rotation, or is he just that much better at UR+?
ah. Well I already have him, and he's 100% the time I would not spend orbs on soo BABA POINTS!
Also just looked at that DA for Raditz...it's so horrible wtf were they thinking?
Took my most optimalest Extreme team to boss rush to see how it did and
pretty... pretty good. Didn't have to use any items until the back-to-back slugfests of Gotenks and Buuhan, who are real annoying. Everything else I can pretty much 1-turn or 2-turn at most.
He's amazing yeah. He's the only good Mono-TEQ lead and his super hits HARD. Just remember:
12 KI (Full bar) - Extreme damage + Greatly Lower DEF - This one is OK but not optimal
9-10 KI - Immense Damage - Good
11 KI - Immense Damage + Greatly Raise User's Attack - This is insanely strong. Insanely. Try to always get 11 KI
You did it wrong bro. Lead should be Zamasu and a friend Rose Black.
70% buff is too good over the 50%. Everyone else links enough to get ki and then you have Black and the 2 Roses adding their +3ki passive so minimum of 7ki almost all the time before links are in effect.
I don't have Rose but I put Zamasu with friend Rose and Black with whoever is required for the boss. Usually just stick Buuhan for the heals with Black but I usually change it up if I don't really need Black and stick Buuhan with someone like Omega Shenron STR.
Yeah Masked Saiyan not being a dokkanfest exclusive is weird since he does have his own dokkan event. I think he's the only one like that. Also Angel Goku will be on the Gogeta banner so it's not worth going hard on it.
Man, I've just accepted I'm not going to get LR Goku in time. The farming to get SA 10 was taking too long and my team for the hardest difficulty couldn't always secure the final kill. Oh well, guess I'll miss out on the 50 stones.
The thug that really annoyed me is that I tried to buy the packs to boost the process but I never got the items. Had to call Apple to get a refund.
Guess I'll farm Goku Black and Turles for now. I only got my Goku to SA 6 before my medals and items got too low.
how you gonna tell me i did it wrong when i cleared boss rush that fast lol. Please don't assume I know less about the game than you do because I don't.
The reason I did it that way is because Frieza and Buuhan are on one rotation and without rose or Black floating they need 4 ki to super. If they need 6 ki to super, that's a problem. 20% more stats is not worth not supering every single time. Also the more ki Broly has the easier it is to get his 18+ki. So yeah. I know what I'm doing my dude.
Man, I've just accepted I'm not going to get LR Goku in time. The farming to get SA 10 was taking too long and my team for the hardest difficulty couldn't always secure the final kill. Oh well, guess I'll miss out on the 50 stones.
The thug that really annoyed me is that I tried to buy the packs to boost the process but I never got the items. Had to call Apple to get a refund.
Guess I'll farm Goku Black and Turles for now. I only got my Goku to SA 6 before my medals and items got too low.
I just said it in jest since you said it was optimal
Am I crazy or is the drop rate for STR Buuhan lower than others? I had a way easier time getting Black's SA up compared to this.
I think fused zamasu is still worst. Went through 3 bars to get one.
Zamasu is definitely the worst for me.
I haven't had a single drop yet (although I have been doing other stuff in between).
I think Buuhan's drop rate is the highest out of Black/Zamasu/Buuhan. Black and Zamasu were awful grinds, Buuhan wasn't so bad. The wiki puts him at a 25% droprate and the others are only 10% I think
I think Buuhan's drop rate is the highest out of Black/Zamasu/Buuhan. Black and Zamasu were awful grinds, Buuhan wasn't so bad. The wiki puts him at a 25% droprate and the others are only 10% I think
yes, "my most optimalest" was definitely meant literally and not at all facetiously.
Anyway I explained why I did what I did and the results speak for themselves. If you can do better with a Rose/MZ team on Super3 boss rush, show me receipts.
you still have pretty much 2 days though.
Challenge accepted!![]()
But really I meant no offense and I guess my post came as arrogant lol.
I will say that too many factors are at work so I dunno if I'll get a better time than you.
You have a Rainbow Buuhan and a Golden Frieza with lots of dupes. My Zamasu and Black are probably the only 2 units in my villain team that are more powerful than yours with 3 dupes open. You also have Rose x2 where I'll only have a friends but lets see how I can manage.
I'll probably switch out Golden Frieza for Omega Shenron for my run.
What are some good resources for a new player picking this up? Where should I start? Really interested in the game but I'm not even sure what units I should be on the lookout for if I am rerolling, etc...
Awesome, really appreciate the response!You can check this out for a brief guide for new players:
As for rerolling - the meta currently revolves around teams with leaders that give bonuses to specific color (blue/red/etc.) paired with either villains or heroes (Extreme/Super). Newer cards will be introducing more specific themes (i.e. Shadow Dragon arc / fusion dance characters). For which characters to look out for, it's best to use this tier list:
It's broken up by possible team combos then ranks them. Basically you want to nab as many Z Tier characters that work together as you can.
Oof, spent 4 stones just to get through the Golden Freiza stage.
Oof, spent 4 stones just to get through the Golden Freiza stage. Only 10 more runs needed but if they're all like that, this may not be a good time.
UhhhhhhhhhWtf....just took me 2600 stones in the simulator to pull one PHY Cooler. His rates seem fucked up in the banner.
I really really want him, and I've pretty much resigned that my 50 stones from LR Goku are going to go to trying to get him, but damn that's scary. Expecially considering I've spent probably close to 200 stones on the banner already without him showing.
You should wait for the STR Janemba banner. He'll be on it along with the STR extreme leader so you could potentially get 2 good units. I think it should be here in a month.Wtf....just took me 2600 stones in the simulator to pull one PHY Cooler. His rates seem fucked up in the banner.
I really really want him, and I've pretty much resigned that my 50 stones from LR Goku are going to go to trying to get him, but damn that's scary. Expecially considering I've spent probably close to 200 stones on the banner already without him showing.