When is the next opportunity I'll get to summon ss4 vegeta? He's the missing piece for my agility team.
If you have spare items and zeni, go for it. It helps a bit yeah, but not really worth it if you'd run out, or be close to running out of the items and zeni.Is it worth it awakening your strikes after you've dokkaned them? Seems expensive.
Was that whole refund thing with LR Goku just for this whole event going for him or is that always the case with him?
Wasn't as bad of a grind as i feared. Only took a day. Unfortunately, the rest don't look like they'll be that easy since i don't seem to have any of the matching links so i can't just brute force them.
Guess this month will be just for farming strike events.
Only for this event.
Wasn't as bad of a grind as i feared. Only took a day. Unfortunately, the rest don't look like they'll be that easy since i don't seem to have any of the matching links so i can't just brute force them.
Guess this month will be just for farming strike events.
Finally got SSJ4 Gogeta's Medals. Now to wait for my free 10 elder kai to max his SA. My heroes team is almost completely maxed SA's after that.
So for the LR goku event, should I do stage 3 or 4?
I have 525 medals, and I have enough elder kai's to raise his SA to lvl 20.
I'm doing stage 3, and I keep getting 5 or 7 medals. Never any 15's or 20.
What sort of teams did you guys use if I might ask? Thinking about starting one of those but not sure on the sort of approach and I'm missing recommended units from the guides for both.
I used a LR Gohan led Mono int team for SSJ4 gogeta. The hardest part was sssj4 goku and ssj4 goku + ssj4 vegeta.
I'm presuming the LR Gohan is the heaviest hitter?
Really need to get that LR Gohan. I've got the last three on your team. Vegito isn't awakened but I've almost got the medals for it. My general INT team right now has those three plus the orb changer SSJ Goku, Buuhan and SSB Vegeta. Of those three I've only gotten Buuhan dokkaned.
I'm presuming the LR Gohan is the heaviest hitter?
Where did we get that All-Out Charge Goku before? I already have him DAed but don't remember how I got him. Likely from a celebration but which one?
In the game? Yes.
If you dokkan your units, youd probably be able to get through it. I had a buuhan friend for most of it, he didnt do too bad. Ssj bardock was my real mvp for sealing all those supers tho.
What sort of teams did you guys use if I might ask? Thinking about starting one of those but not sure on the sort of approach and I'm missing recommended units from the guides for both.
The links are usually optional. You CAN brute force it with strong enough teams. Using the link skills that weaken the bosses is the opposite of brute forcing it. Yes, I'm a pedant.
Where did we get that All-Out Charge Goku before? I already have him DAed but don't remember how I got him. Likely from a celebration but which one?
Just threw my strongest greens together. Super difficulty is handled primary by Bulma tanking, Gotenks damaging, and everyone else chipping away. Friend would ideally be another Gotenks, but was realistically and more often a Phys SSB Vegeto for his leader skill and to help out primarily during the first phase..
I keep forgetting to include Bulma as an option for mono-TEQ teams! I've got everything there except for the SSB Vegeta, but can fill it in with some others like the orb changer Bardock. I could probably make it through that one too then.
I think for me it moved up to an hour later. I used to get them 8:00 est, now I get them at 9:00 estAnyone else had issues with log in rewards recently?
Anyone else had issues with log in rewards recently?
Yeah SSB Vegeta should be easy replace, though he was a good secondary tank. Also Holy crap, just took the same team and beat SS Vegetto first try. Took twice as long, but he didn't do nearly the damage SSB Goku did so i tanked through it. Going to grind that out tonight. Bulma makes such a huge difference in these. So so tanking and Healy.
Surprised how little damage second form did.
I think for me it moved up to an hour later. I used to get them 8:00 est, now I get them at 9:00 est
440 medals in one day.
glad I'm done with this.
Ridiculously good rebirth, best rainbow support in the game I think? Definitely optimal unit for an half-blood team. Decent art too.
Update 3.3.1 on the way, I wonder if it's the end of the Reset glitch![]()
SS2 PHY Gohan finally getting a rebirth:
LS: KI +3 HP/ATK 40% all
Passive: +35% ATK/DEF all
Now I'm not terribly mad that I pulled 6 of this guy 3 wt's back to back.
Ridiculously good rebirth, best rainbow support in the game I think? Definitely optimal unit for an half-blood team. Decent art too.
SS2 PHY Gohan finally getting a rebirth:
LS: KI +3 HP/ATK 40% all
Passive: +35% ATK/DEF all
Now I'm not terribly mad that I pulled 6 of this guy 3 wt's back to back.
Man RNG can be a real bitch, I trained up 8 Goku's from R to SSR thinking I could get a decent chance of the Limit-Breaking Goku from 5 to 10. I get only 2!