Yeah, it's got a cast of characters from various main series DQ games. You'll miss a lot by starting with this. I'd recommend starting with Dragon Quest III, IV, or V.
Ah that's a shame. I just don't have time to commit to many games these days, so I'm not sure going back and trying to play through those other titles is really feesable. I really want to get into DQ though and thought with this being in Switch it would be a good place to start.
Are there any mainline DQ games coming for Switch in the near future?
So does this game consist of characters from all the previous games like World of FF or something?
I've never played a DQ game and want to make sure I'm picking a good place to start.
Just hoping it won't bomb as hard as the first game, will pick it up later depending on when they'll announce the localization of the Switch game.
Just hoping it won't bomb as hard as the first game, will pick it up later depending on when they'll announce the localization of the Switch game.
I didn't play the first one. I'm a big DQ fan, but of the mainline games. The only side game from the DQ series I picked up and enjoyed was DQ Builders.
I'm curious about this one - is it basically just Dynasty Warriors reskinned with DQ (not meant to sound reductive)? I was never too big on Dynasty Warriors - would that rule this series out for me?
What game can you compare this to? Looks interesting but I just want to know what I'd be getting into. Is this like Diablo where you go out killing stuff for loot? Is the community going to be better on PC or PS4?
For the those playing on PC, the preset resolutions (including 1440p, and 2160p) only work if your desktop is set to the desired resolution and scaling is no higher than the default 100%. I had 4K at 200% but that limits the rendering resolution to 1080p. Once again, it appears Koei Tecmo is incapable of putting out a proper PC port that supports arbitrary resolutions. Frame rate is capped at 60fps as usual.
Online co-op is like Nioh's where the invited player needs to have completed the mission already.
Did you right-click the executable, go to compatibility and tell it to disable DPI scaling?
I have to do that for most games..
Ugh. Tecmo-Koei strikes again. They are very inconsistent with this. Some warriors games do this, others don't. Was hoping to eventually run through this with a couple of friends but I refuse to make my first run a solo one.
Ah that's a shame. I just don't have time to commit to many games these days, so I'm not sure going back and trying to play through those other titles is really feesable. I really want to get into DQ though and thought with this being in Switch it would be a good place to start.
Are there any mainline DQ games coming for Switch in the near future?
I hear you, but that doesn't seem to have any effect at all. Thanks!
How's performance for you? Volumetric fog, and point light shadows absolutely murder performance on my system at any resolution.
1080ti @ 2,038Mhz
5820K @ 4,300Mhz
Windows x64
What frame rates are you getting at 4K with all the bells and whistles? The game does not look demanding whatsoever. But it's a Koei Tecmo/Omega Force port.
I bought the game today and will probably refund it if it has the same performance issues as Berserk. Which it probably does because it's the same crappy engine they always use.
Everything maxed at 4K affords me between 40-60fps at ~60-70% GPU utilization and ~10-15% CPU utilization. For some reason the game can't take full advantage of my system. Both GPU and CPU are running at "max performance" power states, so this shouldn't be happening. In any case, some folks over on Steam claim to have "no problems at all", so there's a pretty good chance you won't have any issues either. =)
Yeah... those same people same the same thing about every Koei Tecmo port. This sounds like the same issue that some of their other games have with GPU utilization. I think Berserk was the same way for me.
Yeah... those same people same the same thing about every Koei Tecmo port. This sounds like the same issue that some of their other games have with GPU utilization. I think Berserk was the same way for me.
When I first launched the game and play it, GPU usage wasn't a problem and it'd use my GPU to its fullest hence giving me constant 60fps.
I relaunched it and now it doesn't use all of it, sticking to 55fps or so. Wtf is going on.
this game won't even start in 1440p for me.. not sure what's going on there..
it'll work in windowed 1440p.. but as soon as I change it to fullscreen, it freaks out. I have my desktop set to 2560x1440 and the DPI scaling @ 100%.. so it should be able to handle this..yet somehow..
I see. I'm still hoping you won't have any problems with your Titan Xp, but if you do please let us know.
Yup, it stays around 55fps most of the time. It's a stutter fest.
It sounds like porting amateur hour at Koei Tecmo as usual. :-/
Alright, I opened a youtube video and now... GPU usage is full lol.
lol what
Yeah, I did that again.
When I alt+tab and open a youtube video (leave it pause) I get 60fps constantly.
When I close the video, I get to 50fps.
Come on, stop lying!I'm literally laughing out loud here!
I'm not kidding. I'm 100% serious. Try it.
So a i5-6600K with a 1070 might have trouble with this game on max settings at 1440p?
If a 1080Ti is struggling with 4k..
I had a feeling you weren't kidding. One video didn't do much for me, but 3 videos open in the background did the trick. What the heck, eh? Wow.
You'll be fine once they patch whatever is causing the bottleneck.
I guess something may tell the game to not fully use the gpu or whatever. Opening a youtube video kicked that thing though.