(No Photoshop Edition)
Box Art

Tokyo Game Show 2013
A Fierce Battle of Gods!
Jump Fiesta 2014
In the US pre-orders at Gamestop net you Super Saiyan Bardock, Pre-orders at Best Buy net you Super Vegito, and all first printings have Goku in a Sage Naruto getup.

So Battle of Z isn't so much a fighting game as it is an arcade-y tactical fighter that uses DBZ characters. Each character, even different forms of the same characters, were designed to fit specific roles. Each character lends themselves to a different style of play that may be radically different from the others. Those familiar with the demo will remember that Goku was a Fighting Type, lending himself to long and damaging combos, Piccolo was a Ki Type, lending himself to ranged attacks, Gohan was a Support Type that healed others, and Krillin was an Interrupt Type, who essentially trolls. If you need clarification I'd recommend listening to Episode 351 of the Kanzenshuu Podcast where they talk about the demo. It's a very in-depth look at the design of the game.
The game's campaign missions were designed for the most part so that four players could get together and play through them cooperatively. Playing through these missions gives you points that you can spend on items that make your characters stronger. Those of you who played the demo will be happy to know that the levelling you did there will carry over to the full game.
Some of the missions have pretty neat easter eggs in them. Some of them have enemies off in the distance not participating in the fight, shit talking from afar, just like in the show. One such mission has Android 16 normally not participate unless one player manages to pick Goku, in which case 16 will hunt Goku down.
Also, for the first time ever, players will be able to play as Super Saiyan Bardock from the Episode of Bardock and Super Saiyan God Goku, Beerus and Whis from the new Battle of Gods movie.
Should be out today, so go ahead and let the talk of the full game commence.