Couldn't agree more.Love the demo on PSV - SS'd all the available missions.
I'm definitely in for the 30$ price today.
Excited ^_^
Couldn't agree more.Love the demo on PSV - SS'd all the available missions.
I'm definitely in for the 30$ price today.
Excited ^_^
Oh snap this isn't the arcade game? I played it (terribly) in Akihabara and thought it was pretty fun. :/ Hype deflated.
Transformations being separate characters is bullshit .
It has a lot in common, but it isn't the same game. Different developer, I think.
I was looking forward to a Zenkai Battle Royale console game, but you'd know more than me how it compares. Zenkai looked more fun, though.
Vita version doesn't have Japanese voices like the PS360 ones too
No in-game transformations is stupid. I love the MonHun feel of the game though.
More hunting action games for all!
I'm picking this up today at 10
do you guys want me to stream the game for ya'll, I put in some time into the demo so i know some of the basic combos with the characters that were availableand also the characters you could only get by modding the save file
also, anyone else getting this for 360?
This game is bad. There's some cool coop ideas, but the gameplay is so horrible... Is it so hard to make a good Dragon Ball game?
I'm picking this up today at 10
do you guys want me to stream the game for ya'll, I put in some time into the demo so i know some of the basic combos with the characters that were availableand also the characters you could only get by modding the save file
also, anyone else getting this for 360?
I'm on Buu saga right now
I sally wish the characters would unlock in a non weird way, I still haven't gotten Ultra Trunks or SS2 Teen Gohan.
How do the characters unlock? It's not mission based? I'm not the biggest fan of really difficult character unlocks for what I assume would be basic characters.
Local Multiplayer? no
Human Vs AI mode? Yes, mssion mode is human VS AI, you can also do co-op with other people on those same missions
Pls Inform.
hope that helps brah
Thanks, that is disappointing regarding the local multiplayer. I guess its the nature of the game.
Also, who else has gotten salty as hell when the AI refuses to pick you up and they're just standing there staring at you
The opponent AI is sometimes a chess wizard, while your AI is johny cod player
No they are separate games.Is this game cross buy for PS3/PSV? Pls!
How does this run/look on the vita?
How does this run/look on the vita?
He's playable. Whis is, too.
Most feedback enjoyed Vita over the PS3 version.
Why's that though? Both copies are identical right?
Why's that though? Both copies are identical right?
Why's that though? Both copies are identical right?
Just wait till you fight perfect cell along with like 6 cell juniorsreally enjoying this game so far! the earlier missions were easy and now im on the cell saga and its gotten much tougher. i havent put much effort into the team building or card aspects really. but i suppose those will help drastically. anyone can feel free to add my PSN ID as well: Rnr1224
Played the demo and was pleasantly surprised how good it looked and how good it played. Went from "not even on radar" to "might pick up". Coming from the PSP Macross games though, it really feels like an Artdink game. Really makes me want a vita Macross bad.
Do ya'll wanna buy some DLC
Just wait till you fight perfect cell along with like 6 cell juniors
The beans are 2 stronk
Just wait till you fight perfect cell along with like 6 cell juniors
The beans are 2 stronk
The Demo wasnt difficult in the leastSo is the full game better than the demo because the demo was pretty ass and the combat system was poor