Got a chance to start this up last night and... sooooo good.
Running a Gladiator, Ninja, Zodiac, Prince, and Monk, and it seems to be working out fine so far. Really liking Ninja and Prince, and the Prince's autoheal seems to work well with the Ninja's Bunshin skill.
Already reached B4 (though just barely. Still, got the shortcuts set up for 3

) Pretty easy thus far, at least compared to II. Still putting up a bit of a fight, but I don't think I've seen the game-over screen yet. Surprised they didn't force you to fight a boss/FOE before advancing past the 1st floor like in II.
Also, just did the sailing minigame for the first time. Seems neat, but I'm definitely gonna need to get access to more space than the peas allow. Oh, and does the increased fishing power of the net you get override the massive cost of using it at all?