I know this won't sound good but if there's something I learned from EO is that you have to let it guide you into class usage. If there aren't any new weapons for one of your characters and it's starting to be too much less powerful than the others because of this reason I'm sure there are other stronger weapons for classes you don't use in your main party. You should switch to those until you find better for your ninja.Mank said:Anyone know where to get a cannon/something to improve durability or w/e to get over new tiles in the ship section? I've got the lighthouse and the first two ports, but I can't seem to advance any further without something new, and... well, it's kinda hard to search the map for things when you have to use the move+1 and go flying all over the place.
Also, beat the first stratum and damn, do I ever wish a new knife would show up in the store. Bleh, my Ninja's getting kinda weak because of thisGuess I could actually start harvesting/hunting down a few of my missed drops...
Crazetex said:I just saw an image of a ninja girl with an awesome fox mask.
I think that just sold me on this instead of Four Warriors.
[spoiler]blah blah[/spoiler]sundrenched said:Btw as a Gaf/forum noob can some tell me how spoiler tags work?
Pureauthor said:[.spoiler][./spoiler]
Remove the periods.
(If you ever come across any post that you can't figure out the HTML of, just quote it and see what they use next time.)
Also,no you don't have to fight them. Apparently every other Guild that found that place was comprised of morons who do not know how to dodge.
jon bones said:I think I remember being able to write in backgrounds for our characters within the game - is that still there?
Pureauthor said:I don't think that's been in any EO game. But you might as well know that I'm at least as big a nerd as you are.
Totakeke said:Does the first stratum have a good rapier for my pitiful buccaneer who can't do damage for shit or should I train another class for the boss? My hoplite has two unique/gold lancers already and yet he's still stuck with the first rapier in the shop.
There's one that you can make using poisonous tail drops but that doesn't seem that good either.
Pureauthor said:Pallasch - +40 atk and 1 Forging Slot.
That's the best available from 1st Stratum drops.
Totakeke said:Okay, I guess rapier buccaneers just suck at doing damage early on. Lights Out and Hanging never seems to be worth it. Plus there's no synergy at all with my other classes. ;/
Totakeke said:Okay, I guess rapier buccaneers just suck at doing damage early on. Lights Out and Hanging never seems to be worth it. Plus there's no synergy at all with my other classes. ;/
Pureauthor said:Lights Out has a pretty good chance of blinding at a minimal skill point investment. But earlygame your focus should be on the Chasing. Later game it's all about Swashbuckling, baby.
SatelliteOfLove said:Chase physical stuff seems like something you build around, really. Haven't done the math or tried dumping all the points into Chase Blow and letting a Maciator and fightin' monk go at it. It stays at one point for now.
Totakeke said:Aren't chasing only meant to be used when your party employ a lot of the same type of attacks? One or two attacks doesn't seem to be worth chasing.
Pureauthor said:Well, yeah. Buccaneers are an offensive support class. That's pretty much what they do.
Most classes have access to more than one kind of damage, so maybe work it around a bit?
SatelliteOfLove said:Mah GAWD. 3rd stratum.Tons of hot floor tiles (glad my Monk had Fire Walking maxxed in prep since 7th floor), fucking worm FOEs (aoe Bind Foot + damage, then aoe Bind Head + damage), and great music
Althane said:So I've unlocked subclasses, and I'm wondering what exactly I should subclass.
Mostly I want to subclass my Prince, since everybody else seems to be doing well, but the prince... isn't doing a whole ton of damage in the back row, and his passive heals are nice, but... he gets hit sometimes. So I was thinking Monk so he could keep himself functioning, but then someone mentioned Ninja and their passive evasion.
Pureauthor said:Althane said:So I've unlocked subclasses, and I'm wondering what exactly I should subclass.
Mostly I want to subclass my Prince, since everybody else seems to be doing well, but the prince... isn't doing a whole ton of damage in the back row, and his passive heals are nice, but... he gets hit sometimes. So I was thinking Monk so he could keep himself functioning, but then someone mentioned Ninja and their passive evasion.
Why is your Prince in the back row? He can equip the best armours, and most of his weapons are short range ones.
Pureauthor said:Why is your Prince in the back row? He can equip the best armours, and most of his weapons are short range ones.
Neo C. said:European GAF, rejoice!
I finally got my copy, and you'll get yours too (probably).![]()
Neo C. said:European GAF, rejoice!
I finally got my copy, and you'll get yours too (probably).![]()
Neo C. said:European GAF, rejoice!
I finally got my copy, and you'll get yours too (probably).![]()
forgrim said:Heyooooooooooo, exactly where I got stuck. Those two are no joke. I was thinking burning down the left one was the smartest idea before i got blasted out of the sky.
shahkur said:And, is there any class that has the ability to use CURE/HEAL in battle?
sphinx said:Is it me.. or does the prince break the game?
Those healing skills are extreme..
whole party healing every turn? Heal some more for staying alive after battle? Insane.
First floors have been a cakewalk and I haven't been anywhere near dying since I got these skills..
I got the impression from internet comments that this was going to be tha hardest EO from the three but so far, it is by far the easiest.
Not really. I guess it's nice to get HP after the battle, but during the battle it's a different story.sphinx said:Is it me.. or does the prince break the game?
It isn't hard when you know how to play, I guess. The game is more complicated, but if you get the battle system and build your team with monk and princess, you won't get much trouble in the first floor except against the lynx.sphinx said:First floors have been a cakewalk and I haven't been anywhere near dying since I got these skills..
I got the impression from internet comments that this was going to be tha hardest EO from the three but so far, it is by far the easiest.
Neo C. said:Not really. I guess it's nice to get HP after the battle, but during the battle it's a different story.
I think monks and farmers are too dominant though. I can't make a team without those two.
It isn't hard when you know how to play, I guess. The game is more complicated, but if you get the battle system and build your team with monk and princess, you won't get much trouble in the first floor except against the lynx.
Does anybody know how does "combat study" work?