200 cc in MK8 is like EU IV played at speed 5. We should try that sometime in MP.
Jwitjes can't even keep up with speed 2 half the time
200 cc in MK8 is like EU IV played at speed 5. We should try that sometime in MP.
I am ready for that. I think both you, robo, crab (?), toma and me all have Wii U's, so it should be possible to organize something! With Skype too, we could finally take the mocking to a new level as well!
Awesome! Looking forward to getting my ass handed to me even harder than in EUMP.
Btw: whats the story behind your new tag KingSnake?
Yeah! Let'd do that! I can play tonight, Friday or Saturday night (wife's out of town this week-end).
Yeah! Let'd do that! I can play tonight, Friday or Saturday night (wife's out of town this week-end).
It's in this very thread.
Read from here and below:
Better to play after the new DLC and the 200 cc patch, no? Friday sounds good for me.
Better to play after the new DLC and the 200 cc patch, no? Friday sounds good for me.
Killing Floor 2? Cmon people.
Killing Floor 2? Cmon people.
You guys and your crazy non-GTA V ways.
I can tell from that generic name alone to stay far away.
Rockstar social club name?Been playing quite a bit of GTA V actually! Though I bought it from Nuuvem, so I've been incognito.
Friday and saturday is out of the question for me, I am without my son, so that mean I will have other (more devilish) plans. What about sunday an hour or two before our regular game-time?
Glad to see somebody around here knows what's up.
Killing Floor 2? Cmon people.
Glad to see somebody around here knows what's up.
We should play MK with the new expansion pack on Friday night, those who can, join! Have a few beers while playing, before you go out hunting, Morfeo.
There are games that aren't grand strategy games? What the hell?
There are games that aren't grand strategy games? What the hell?
I nominated France in the Smash Ballot.
France is clearly too big though.
Hey, dont look at me, in my pastime I am at least playing other top down management games, which is close enough
(I only have Mario Kart for... science purposes. And I of course only bought the WiiU for the inevitable EU4 port)
I nominated France in the Smash Ballot.
Holy shit Toma!
actually lol'dAlternatively, Prussia, featuring the Final Smash "Revoke the Priviligia", upon which every single HRE tag flies across the screen and assaults you.
#esportsThere are games that aren't grand strategy games? What the hell?
Gained just one province this session
The new forced march rules are causing me a lot of problems. There's very little time to react to it in multiplayer, and the AI likes to abuse it. I kept assuming that Russia couldn't catch my army, but I had 11k stack wiped because of that.
AAR: Venice is going towards it end, but while I actually managed to gain two provinces today (Parma and Brescia) and only loose one (Lika). Sounds like a good time to stop, with Kingsnake coming as well, there is not much more I can do to survive. 0/5 game for me.
It's very frustrating in MP, I wish it had an associated hotkey so the player could switch it on as easily as the AI.
I can't wait to see what happens between the Netherlands, France, and Brandenburg.